HPMRS Raildate 25 Oct 04


RAILDATE: the weekly newsletter of the Hursley Park Model Railway Society: http://www.ibmhursleyclub.org.uk/ss/hpmrs/


The Leek and Manifold Valley Light Railway pages have been updated:


Oakwood Press have a new email address:


and website address:


The October issue of Trains On-line can be found at:


In addition to the latest club and model railway news, the 20-page October issue contains seven pages of reviews, plus a full three-page colour 'Layout of the Month' feature.

The Guernsey bus timetable is innovative - holding the mouse over the bus stops on the route maps brings up the times of the next four buses to leave!


And finally, (courtesy Nick Wheat) an actual London Underground announcement (allegedly):

At Camden town station (on a crowded Saturday afternoon): "Please let the passengers off the train first. Please let the passengers off the train first. Please let the passengers off the train first. Let the passengers off the train FIRST! Oh go on then, stuff yourselves in like sardines, see if I care, I'm going home."


FirstGroup franchise steams ahead: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/3752202.stm

Train firm fails to sign franchise: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/3750602.stm ...and then does: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/3756618.stm

Central Trains services split up: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/3757302.stm

Franchises cut in shake-up: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3757772.stm

Decision due on high-speed trains: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/3761212.stm

Train cleared after carriage fire: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bristol/3754902.stm

Delays after unit falls off train: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/3754552.stm

MP's fury as railway "cattle truck": http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/3756554.stm

Rededication of david Shepherd's 9F: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/gloucestershire/3751040.stm ...but may have to be sold: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/gloucestershire/3755524.stm

Three hoping to run cliff railway: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/3749668.stm

Barge loaded with sleepers is a Solent hazard: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/3752086.stm

TV and Radio

Discovery's programmes are no longer included, but their daily schedules are here: http://tinyurl.com/3fczf
Sat Oct 23 0700-0800 UKTV History 'What the Tudors Did for Us' Two editions
Sat Oct 23 0800-1000 UKTV History 'What the Stuarts Did for Us' Four editions
Sat Oct 23 1000-1200 UKTV History 'What the Tudors Did for Us' Four editions
Sat Oct 23 1030-1100 Radio 4 'The Eureka Years' Beginnings of the factory system
Sat Oct 23 1200-1500 UKTV History 'What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us' Six editions
Sat Oct 23 1500-1700 UKTV History 'What the Stuarts Did for Us' Four editions
Sat Oct 23 1700-1900 UKTV History 'What the Tudors Did for Us' Four editions
Sat Oct 23 1900-2300 UKTV History 'What the Victorians Did for Us' Eight editions
Sat Oct 23 2300-0100 (D+1) UKTV History 'What the Stuarts Did for Us' Four editions
Sun Oct 24 0700-0800 UKTV History 'What the Victorians Did for Us' Two editions
Sun Oct 24 0800-1100 UKTV History 'What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us' Six editions
Sun Oct 24 1100-1400 UKTV History 'What the Romans Did for Us' Six editions
Sun Oct 24 1400-1800 UKTV History 'What the Victorians Did for Us' Eight editions
Sun Oct 24 1730-1830 Channel 4 'Battle Stations' B-17 Flying Fortress
Sun Oct 24 1800-2100 UKTV History 'What the Romans Did for Us' Six editions
Sun Oct 24 2100-2200 BBC1 'Himalaya with Michael Palin' 4/6
Sun Oct 24 2100-2400 UKTV History 'What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us' Six editions
Sun Oct 24 2230-2300 BBC4 'The Great Train Robbery' Documentary
Mon Oct 25 0000-0100 UKTV History 'What the Romans Did for Us' Two editions
Mon Oct 25 1900-2000 BBC2 'Britain's Best Buildings - The Palace of Westminster'
Mon Oct 25 1930-2030 Five 'Ultimate Armoured Cars'
Tue Oct 26 1900-1930 BBC4 'The Great Train Robbery' Documentary
Tue Oct 26 2100-2200 BBC2 'Who Do You Think You Are?' A train driver grandfather
Wed Oct 27 0305-0335 BBC4 'The Great Train Robbery' Documentary
Wed Oct 27 1100-1130 Radio 4 'The Secret Life of Phone Numbers' History of telephony
Wed Oct 27 1315-1515 Channel 4 'The Way to the Stars' 1945 RAF drama
Wed Oct 27 1900-2000 BBC4 'Himalaya with Michael Palin' 4/6
Thu Oct 28 1000-1100 UKTV History 'Time Trail' Routes, roads and railways
Thu Oct 28 1600-1700 UKTV History 'Time Trail' Routes, roads and railways
Thu Oct 28 2100-2130 Radio 4 'Leading Edge' Detecting cracks in trackwork
Thu Oct 28 2200-2300 UKTV History 'Time Trail' Routes, roads and railways
Fri Oct 29 0215-0245 BBC4 'The Great Train Robbery' Documentary


See Mainline Steam Tours page for up-to-date info on many of these tours, and others, often with timings.

For up-to-date information on many of the tours mentioned in RAILDATE (and others) often with timings, see the Steam Tours pages at: http://www.uksteam.info/index.shtml
All details are correct to the best of my knowledge. No responsibility is taken for inaccuracies or changes.
Fri Oct 22 - Mon Oct 25 ? Great Central Railway: Day Out with Thomas http://www.gcrailway.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 ? Main Line Steam - Cathedrals Express
Ely and Norwich & return
mailto:info@steamdreams.co.uk http://www.steamdreams.co.uk
Fri Oct 22 1400 Paddington Films present a programme of transport films
Little Theatre Cinema, St Michael’s Place, Bath Street, Bath
Starts 1400
Films: Single Line Working (1957), Reshaping of British
Railways (1963), Under the River (1959), Elizabethan Express (1954)
Further Details: 07733 127211 (paddingtonfilms@aol.com) http://www.britishtransportfilms.co.uk/bath
Sat Oct 23 1000-1700 Risborough & District MRC Railex 2004
Civic Centre, Aylesbury 1000-1700
Sat Oct 23 1000-1700 Chelmsford Model Railway Exhibition
King Edward VI Grammar School, Broomfield Road, Chelmsford 1000-1700 http://www.chelmsfordmodelrailwayclub.org.uk
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 24 ? Bluebell Railway: Giants of Steam http://www.bluebell-railway.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 24 ? West Somerset Railway: Grand Trains Extravaganza
Steam & Diesel Weekend http://www.west-somerset-railway.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 24 1000-1730(Sat) 1000-1700(Sun) Ecclesbourne Valley Railway: Wirksworth Railway Exhibition
Wirksworth Town Hall, Memorial Hall and Station 1000-1730 (Sat), 1000-1700 (Sun) http://www.wyvernrail.co.uk/
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 31 ? Swanage Railway: A Day Out with Thomas http://www.swanagerailway.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 31 ? Mid-Hants Railway: Wizard Week http://www.watercressline.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 31 ? Midland Railway, Butterley: Spooky Half-term http://www.midlandrailwaycentre.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 - Sun Oct 31 ? Fairbourne & Barmouth Steam Rly: Half-term Opening http://www.fairbournerailway.com
Tue Oct 26 1930 West Somerset Railway Association, Bristol Branch
BAWA, Southmead Road, Filton
The Aust Ferry - Tim Ryan 1930 for 1945 start; admission £2.00 http://www.wsra.org.uk/
Wed Oct 27 ? Main Line Steam - Cathedrals Express
Warwick and Stratford & return
mailto:info@steamdreams.co.uk http://www.steamdreams.co.uk
Thu Oct 28 - Sat Oct 30 ? Gwili Railway: Day Out with Thomas http://www.gwili-railway.co.uk
Fri Oct 29 ? Ffestiniog Railway: Halloween Trains http://www.festrail.co.uk
Fri Oct 29 ? Welsh Highland Railway: Halloween Trains http://www.festrail.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 ? South Devon Garden Railway Group: Garden Railways Show
St Peter's School, Quarry Lane, Heavitree, Exeter
Sat Oct 30 ? The Battlefield Line: Halloween Bonfire Express http://www.Battlefield-Line-Railway.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 ? Midland Railway, Butterley: Fireworks Night http://www.midlandrailwaycentre.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 ? Peak Rail: Hallowe'en Ghost Train, Bonfire & Fireworks http://www.peakrail.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 - Sun Oct 31 1100-1700 Pendon Museum Dolls House and Miniatures Modelling 1100-1700 http://www.pendonmuseum.com
Sat Oct 30 - Sun Oct 31 ? Bluebell Railway: A Wizard Time at the Bluebell Railway http://www.bluebell-railway.co.uk
Sat Oct 30 - Sun Oct 31 1000-1700(Sat) 1000-1630(Sun) Colchester & District MRC Exhibition
Colchester Institute, Sheepen Road, Colchester 1000-1700 (Sat), 1000-1630 (Sun) http://www.colchestermrc.org
Sat Oct 30 - Sun Oct 31 ? The Steeple Grange Light Railway: Enthusiasts' Weekend http://www.steeplegrange.org.uk
Sun Oct 31 ? Didcot Railway Centre: Didcot Steamday http://www.didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk
Sun Oct 31 ? South Devon Railway: Half Price Day http://www.southdevonrailway.org
Sun Oct 31 ? Leighton Buzzard Railway: Halowe'en Haunting http://www.buzzrail.co.uk
Sun Oct 31 ? Dean Forest Railway: Hallowe'en Ghost Trains
Witches' coven, sleeping vampires in their coffins, grisly graveyard, and much more!
Sun Oct 31 ? Rudyard Lake Steam Railway: Hallowe'en Specials http://www.rlsr.co.uk
Wed Nov 03 ? Andover-Redbridge 'The Sprat and Winkle Line'
An illustrated talk by Kevin Robertson at 7.30pm
Winchester Library, Jewry Street, Winchester
Tickets £3.00 including refreshments - available from Library
Fri Nov 05 ? Great Central Railway: Bonfire Night at Quorn http://www.gcrailway.co.uk
Sat Nov 06 ? Eastleigh Lakeside Railway: Lakeside Firework Spectacular http://www.steamtrain.co.uk
Sat Nov 06 ? Midland Railway, Butterley: Fireworks Night http://www.midlandrailwaycentre.co.uk
Sat Nov 06 1000-1030 1030-1300 1400-1800 1530-1600 Locomotive & Carriage Institution, Imperial College, London
Lecture Theatre 208, Civil Engineering Department
Evolution of Modern Traction
P Connor - Development of Electric Traction on Underground
MC Duffy - Hiram Maxim’s Test Railway for Flying Machines
AJ Sprought - Liverpool Street to Shenfield 1500V DC
JW Thurston - Condition Assessment & Maintenance
W Turner - Update on West Coast Main Line Modernization
RL Vickers - Capt Durtnell Internal Combustion Pioneer
K Wingate - The 'Deltic' Locomotives
D Woodland & F Schmid - APT Speed Supervision
Registration: 1000-1030 with Coffee and Biscuits
Morning Lectures: 1030-1300 followed by buffet lunch
Afternoon Lectures: 1400-1800 with Coffee Break 1530-1600
Cost: £25.00 (cheque payable to Modern Traction) includes all refreshments - cheques and enquiries to:
MC Duffy mailto:michael.duffy9@btopenworld.com 5 Bank Hall Terrace, Burnley, Lancashire BB10 1lB
Sun Nov 07 1000-1600 Romsey Signal Box Open Day 1000-1600; Admission free (donations welcome!)
Romsey Infants School, Plaza Parade, Winchester Rd, Romsey
Car park in school grounds
http://www.romseysignalbox.org.uk http://www.topica.com/lists/romseybox
Sun Nov 07 1400 Paddington Films present a programme of transport films
Harbour Lights, Ocean Village, Southampton
Starts 1400
Mail on Rail - Films: What a Day (1960), Letter for Wales (1960), Night Mail (1936 - GPO), Newspaper Train (1942 - GPO),
Thirty Million Letters (1963)
Further Details: 07733 127211 (paddingtonfilms@aol.com) http://www.britishtransportfilms.co.uk/southampton
Sun Nov 07 ? Main Line Steam - Cathedrals Express
Salisbury and Exeter & return
mailto:info@steamdreams.co.uk http://www.steamdreams.co.uk
Cheers, Howard. editor@raildate.co.uk
Previous issues of RAILDATE are at: http://steam.to/raildate
This page includes a master catalogue of items that have appeared in previous RAILDATEs. * * * New additions temporarily suspended * * *

© HPMRS 1996,2004. All Rights Reserved