HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

Contents : Contents Bottom of page : [Bottom_of_page] Raildate : Raildate


More things culled from RAILDATE up to 23/10/98, plus anything else that's come my way.

HPMRS Discounts

- Jeff Purslove deals in die-cast models (EFE, Corgi, etc) and is prepared to sell these to HPMRS members at 15% discount. Lists will be furnished in due course - look out in RAILDATE.

- Howard Sprenger can supply members with Oakwood press books at a 25% discount.

- Graham Mackenzie can arrange a group discount for parties of 10 or more for scheduled excursions on "SS Shieldhall". He has also offered the Society an opportunity to tour the ship by prior arrangement.

Wandle Valley Railway


NOTE: This is a LB&SCR model!

Great model railroad site


They are doing things at a level of professionalism that calls for ISO 9000 certification and SEI level 5!

5-inch Gauge Live Steam


Follow the link at the bottom of the page.

Taking the Michael...?

 Subject: Brittish Rail
 Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 17:10:51
 I am seeking photos of Brittish locomotives on the route between
 London-Bristol-Bath circa 1830 - 1850.  These locomotives may have been on
 the Great Western Railway.
 I have the word "Isambard" but do not know what it means.  It may be an
 Thank you for your attention and prompt response.
 Charles Thompson

There's nowt so queer as folk...

08 and 09 Shunter Fleet


Class 40

The Roaring Forties Website is growing steadily, with D200, 40194 and 40082 now available alongside 40141.

More will follow! Listen to the Roaring Forties at:


The Class Forty Appeal has gone live at:


Class 47

For a complete numbering history of Brush Type 4 (Class 47) diesel locos:


Class 50


Class 66

Photographs at Newport Docks:



Some gen gleaned from the recent mags (RM and TRACTION) is that D9000 is:

1. Doing 38 days work for Virgin Trains during the next year.

2. 18 of these will be the Brum - Ramsgate Diagrams (we know this).

3. The remaining 20 days running will take place between April 1998 and March 1999 (i.e. over a period greater than this year's summer timetable).

According to Mike Timms in RM the remaining 20 days will be split between:

a). Planned Deltic Extravaganzas, planned and advertised in advance.

b). Some short notice workings to assist Virgin operations. (All prey for the VXC Duffs to all expire this summer, as usual;)

c). Some positioning moves for charter bookings.

Note well that the period for the 20 remaining workings is stated to start in April (i.e. now) and last right through to March next year. So expect many of the planned runs to be in the Autumn/Winter/Spring when loadings are lower on the VXC trains.

Days Out (In?) have *provisional* plans for a charter Brimingham - Edinburgh and return on Sunday July 12th 1998. This makes sense as No 22 should be at Saltley for most of the summer. Note to D9000 Locomotives Ltd - you'll have to refuel your Deltic at Edinburgh if this charter runs;-) If Days Out have any sense, then they'll run the tour out one way (e.g WCML) and back the other (e.g. ECML).

Remember that statement that Hoppy posted on behalf of David Maxey in January 1998? Well I'd like to point out that the D9000 hotline works well for the planned Virgin Trains outings, but cannot be expected to cope with the 'short notice workings to assist Virgin operations'. We've already had proof of this when Deltic 22 worked the 1M79 on Wednesday 18th February. Only Rail-Gen had the 'correct' gen at the time that it mattered!

There will always be times when things go awry, and plans change at the last moment. This can happen to the trips planned long in advance, just as much as the short notice trips. Biggest bug-bear is always finding crews trained on Deltics, who know the road there and back and have the 'hours' available. This was usually what stopped enterprising Deltic diagramming in the 'glory years' too.

At Sheffield today, one of Nimbus's namaplates (ex Deltic 20) sold for 11,000 GBP. This is a new record for a 'diesel' nameplate. Record was previously held by another Deltic nameplate at around 6k.

The Deltic Tribute Page:


D9000 (and others) at Doncaster:


Class 309


Class 205/7 DEMU


Class EM2 - Woodhead Railway Line


Southern EMUs


EPB Homepage


GWR name and number plates

A suitable font for GWR nameplates and cabside number plates has been identified. It appears that the GWR used a typeface of their own which was wood patterns which they used for casting in the usual way. However, the 'Clarendon' font is, as far as I can make out, identical, especially when used bold. You can get an idea of how it looks if you take a look at my web index page:


where my hit counter is a GWR cabside number plate... anorak or what! BTW, Clarendon is also referred to as 'Egypto' ('Egyptian' slab-serif).

A4 Locomotive Society

Now selling 'Sir Nigel Gresley' mousemats:


Steam photos


Coaching Stock

Up-to-date details of coaching stock set formations of Great Western, Virgin XC and GNER HST rakes, and Virgin XC mark 2 rakes, including liveries.


Rolling Stock Lists


Network SouthEast


Thames Trains


The site contains live running time information. For each station there is a list of services with the platform they will call at and the current running information. However unlike the NWT website the updated information is posted by Thames Trains control during 'normal working hours'. It doesn't specific what these might be. Outside these time it would appear the information is still provided, but without the updates. The site also contains a form to order tickets. However it isn't possible to buy tickets on the web yet, instead they phone you back to confirm the details and take the credit card details.

English, Welsh & Scottish Railway


Foster Yeoman Open Day


Great Central Railway

D123 has arrived at the GCR at last! It travelled from Hull to Brush works at Loughborough by rail and thence to Quorn station yard on Alleley's low-loader. At this moment it is awaiting movement to Loughborough loco shed. It is expected to be in traffic very soon. Many will remember that it was to have arrived in time for last year's diesel gala but suffered mysterious vandalism just before it was due to move.

D123 will be based at GCR and is in the care of the 5305 Locomotive Association who also look after steam locos 45305 and 30777 also based at GCR.

The Standard class 2 No 78022 has arrived at GCR and will see service on a number of weekends in the coming weeks. It is part of an exchange deal with KWVR which sees N2 No 69523 going to them for their 30th Anniversary celebrations (It starred in "The Railway Children" all those years ago when the world was young.) 78022 returns to Keighley on October 19.

Churnet Valley Railway


WyvernRail (Derby-Wirksworth)


Selsey Tramway

A little known scheme (at present) is the revival of the Selsey Tramway in West Sussex. We have progressed rapidly since forming at the end of last year with monthly meetings, trips to visit other lines (particularly those using Parry People Movers) and the formation of a limited company to raise finance, build and operate the line. We urgently need more members and invite you to join or send for more information.

Stephen Sainsbury, Fairlawn, Westbrook Close, Bosham, CHICHESTER, PO18 8ND (01243) 572881

Mid-Hants Railway

Pictures of EWS President Ed Burkhardt's visit:


Mid-hants Loco Shed Pictures:


Bluebell Railway

BR Standard Class 4 tank 80151 has arrived at Sheffield Park. For details of this and other news from the Bluebell Railway see:


Swanage Railway


Fairbourne & Barmouth Railway


We have been unable obtain Welsh steam coal this year and for the first time are using Polish coal. We have found that Polish coal is easier to light and there is very little slack, clinker is virtually non-existant but there is a lot more smoke, making regular tube cleaning essential.

The Railway opened last Saturday with 0-6-4ST "Beddgelert" rostered. Unfortuantely one of the eccentrics became bent upsetting the timing. Initially the service was maintained by "Lilian Walter", our A1-1A diesel locomotive. 2-6-2T "Yeo" was used during the afternoon. Repairs to "Beddgelert" continue and we expect it to be in use this weekend.

Llangollen Railway

The recent disclosure that volunteers associated with the Llangollen Railway were exploring the possibility of constructing the 81st member of the 68XX "Grange" Class, to fill the void left by the scrapping of the entire Class in the 1960s, will be welcomed by many Great Western enthusiasts. With an intention to build the locomotive to the mainline MT276 Standard, the possibility of seeing a "Grange" once again on the national network is again in prospect.

The "Granges" were popular locomotives having been conceived by Churchward as part of his standardisation plans in 1901 for the Great Western locomotive fleet and intended for services over the steeply graded lines west of Newton Abbot. It was not until the mid 1930's under Collett's tenure as C.M.E., when the need to replace aging members of the 43XX Class Moguls with more powerful locomotives utilising the Standard No. 1 Boiler, that Churchward's vision was turned into reality. It is probable they might have been built earlier but the introduction of the Moguls in 1911, inspired by Holcroft's visit to North America, and subsequent successful rebuild of 2925 "Saint Martin" in 1924, with 6' diameter driving wheels and side window cab, as the prototype for the highly successful "Hall" Class meant there was not an immediate requirement for the design.

The "Granges" and their smaller cousins, the "Manors", followed the Churchward inspired practice of standardisation and, in replacing the Moguls, utilised the driving wheels and motion from withdrawn members of that Class thereby reducing the costs of construction.

Although no "Grange" reached the sanctuary of Barry Scrapyard parts common with the design still exist, often acquired as spares by loco owning Groups in the days when engineering technology had not developed to the extent it has today allowing repairs to be undertaken when previously only replacement would have been contemplated. It is the advantage of standardisation that now offers the opportunity to build the 81st "Grange" with many basic parts now potentially surplus and available from a variety of sources. These include major items such as driving and bogie wheels, motion, chimney, various fittings, etc. reducing the overall cost of construction. Patterns for many parts still exist.

The major new components will be the frames, bogie, associated castings and cylinders, the latter being unique to the Class and one reason for its fine performance with good steam passages. With many examples of the Standard No. 1 Boiler in preservation, some of which remain unused and awaiting restoration, the need to construct a new example is not considered a priority if one of those currently "spare" can be used. However, in the fullness of time existing examples will be reaching the point at which repair ceases to be an economic prospect and, as in the case of the two "Terrier" boilers recently built together, there could be justification for constructing a small batch of Great Western No. 1 Boilers thereby reducing the unit cost.

The drive to explore the possibility of building a "Grange" has been lead by Will Naylor, Steve Bainbridge and Quentin McGuiness of The 5199 "Project" based at the Llangollen Railway together with Steve Jones and Colin Keyse. Colin Keyse, in his capacity as Commercial Manager of the Railway has considerable expertise in seeking Grants which will be valuable to the Group.

The project has been discussed with Richard Croucher of the Great Western Society, who is supportive and has great expertise in such matters, notably those to build a Great Western "Saint" and reconstruct a Railmotor, together with the Society's Historical Research Officer, Bill Peto, whose Register of Great Western Locomotives is acknowledged as the definitive history. He was able, from his on-going research, to answer the one question everyone was asking. What name would 6880 have carried had it been built by the G.W.R.? The answer was "Betton Grange" and, if the project proceeds, the locomotive will carry its rightful name.

With the expectation that the locomotive will utilise wheels and possibly motion available from a 41XX 2-6-2T, which was the tank version of the Moguls, construction would follow the pattern of the original batch of "Granges". It must be stressed the intention is not to build a replica, it will be the 81st member of the Class. If all currently available components were brought together the locomotive could be at an advanced stage of construction very quickly. This must help contribute an element of credibility to the aspirations of the Llangollen Team.

Dave Owen, the Llangollen Railway's Chief Mechanical Engineer is fully supportive for the construction of the "Grange". During recent years great strides have been made developing the facilities at the Llangollen locomotive depot. This has also been achieved at moderate cost with the various locomotive owning Groups contributing to the fund raising and some shareholders of the Railway specifically nominating their investments towards the facility.

With the acquisition of suitable machinery and the new Locomotive Shed virtually complete, the Railway has become increasingly self reliant. Hopefully, it will be the birthplace of "Betton Grange" if the perceived desire to see it built is fulfilled. The smokebox plate has already been cast by Procast and donated to the Project Team by a well-wisher All that is now required is the locomotive to which it can be attached providing a useful addition to the growing stud of Great Western locomotives on the popular North Wales line.

More info on the Railway on its unofficial website:


Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway


Scottish Railway Preservation Society

Photographs taken at the recent Diesel Gala Weekend:


South Tynedale Railway


Longleat Railway

Mark Dyche recently asked about the availability of grease-top hats. For him and anyone else who's interested, Dave Solly writes:

"A friend of mine recently obtained a genuine grease-top drivers cap from the Longleat Railway, Longleat, Warminster, Wilts, BA12 7NW (01985 844579). Price was œ15.50, badge extra. They seem to do quite a range of such stuff if Mark (and others) are interested."

For those (like me) who had not heard of this line, Mark provides the following information...

"It is part of the Longleat safari park/house complex. If my memory serves me right, it is 15 inch or 2ft gauge, diesel steam outline, about 1/2 mile trip, with quite a complex station layout including a turntable.

"If my experience is anything to go by, their mail order is service is very good: ordered the hat by phone on Friday afternnon and it arrived at my home Saturday morning, and it was in use on Sunday. They also do porters', guard and station master hats (all more expensive) and cap badges to go with them. I have a photocopied mini catalogue if anyone would like to see it."

Waterloo station's 150th anniversary


Chalk Halt (Milton Range Halt)

A long-time unused halt and one-time scene of a railway disaster.


Toton Open Day


Heritage Railways


Barry Doe's UK and Ireland Railrover Ticket Guide, 1998


The Guide provides up-to-date details of all rail tickets in the British Isles giving unlimited travel over any rail network for any period from one day upwards, covering UK National Railways and rapid transit systems, London Underground, Northern Ireland Railways and Iarnrod Eireann (Irish Rail). Leave the car behind, have a day out or explore your holiday destination - details of the ticket you need are here. Presented with the kind agreement and co-operation of Barry S. Doe, who did all the hard work of research and provided the original text.

Collector's Corner

The new Collector's Corner was opened June 30th by the Lord Mayor of York in its new site at 16 George Hudson Street, York -- some five minutes' walk from the station. The manager is Robert Warburton, who will be familiar to everyone who used the old shop in London.

The display space is much less than in London, and the wares are set out in a modern shop-fitted shop rather than in the wooden racks of the old London block. What is on display is also a little different, since one of the aims of the new shop is, we were told, to bring in children. There is the same large range of material, but with fewer examples of the various things and a much more customer-orientated display. The atmosphere is quite different from that in the past -- I don't like it as much, but I'm just old-fashioned. There is quite a substantial Robert Humm presence again.

National Railway Museum


Train map of Devon and Cornwall


Railways in the West Country (England)




Telford Area

I have written an account of the old lines which ran in the area now known as Telford, from the angle of a resident interested in what was there before the New Town. I am not a railway expert. If anyone is interested to read it, and maybe tell me if I've dropped any clangers, it's at:


Settle and Carlisle Railway

Derailment at Dent Head:


North-West England


Updated with 5 pictures taken on 15 May, including 59 202 at Longsight and a long-awaited shot of the blue 86.

A picture report on my trip to Chester and Crewe on 16 May, scooping the mags again on the blue 158, I think!


Odd events in Manchester, 22nd August:


North Wales Coast Line


Printable files of the Monday - Friday loco-hauled timetables:


North Wales to Stafford:


Events on 1st August 1998:


Day trip to Bangor


Overnight Stint at Newport


Wales and Isle of Man

I've posted some recent (18th April) pictures on my web site which some of you may find of interest. They include unusual standard gauge visitors to Blaenau Ffestiniog, Llanfair Caereinion fire damage and Manx scenes.


Northern Ireland

I have just enjoyed a marvellous day at a preserved railway in Northern Ireland. They are not in steam at present due to one loco requiring a boiler overhaul and the non arrival of its replacement, but even so it was one excellent and enjoyable day. I have put some pictures at:


Mark's Northern Ireland Railways Photopage:


Rail mileages in Britain

At various times when I've really had much better things to do, I've worked on the process of transferring the milepost miles and chains locations of all Britain's rail stations into some sort of machine-readable form.


Railways of London and South-East


Transport in London

(As opposed to London Transport.) Visit uk.transport.london.

John Rowland's Maps of Tube Stations


Mistake...? What Mistake?

I was looking at the current Great Britain Passenger Railway Timetable, and found that the 1510 Liverpool Lime Street to Poole service apparently calls at Berwick-upon-Tweed as it wends its way between Crewe and Birmingham New Street!!! This obvious typo (the Berwick stop should actually refer to a stop at Reading) is acknowledged in the amendments supplement, but rather than admit the error, the supplement compounds it by implying that the train really did call at Berwick, and that the correction is a deliberate change to the service:

"1510 - Liverpool Lime Street to Poole; ceases to stop at Berwick-upon Tweed, stops additionally at Reading 1902."

Industrial Locos


Skipton and District Railway Society


Midland Railway Society


Railway & Canal Historical Society






Signal Box Simulations

Mark Dyche wrote with the following request:

"Do you know of (or whom to talk to), a PC signal box simulator... I think there may have been some games like this produced. I'd like to learn some of the protocols involved (bell codes etc) and wondered if there is such an item."

The best I could come up with were the SIAM PC simulations that we have within the HPMRS . These do more or less what Mark was looking for, but don't quite fit in with the kind of thing he described (no use of bell codes, for example). Basically, the program throws trains at you, which you have to handle and despatch without creating a huge log jam. They're quite challenging, but a little unsophisticated, as you'd expect from software that was bought about 7 years ago! If anyone wants to have a go, they are kept in the chest down in the railway room - just help yourself, but leave a note in the chest to say what you've taken and when. (The combination for the padlock is always given at the end of RAILDATE, of course.)

You can get more information about the SIAM simulations from their web site:


which also has samples.

Following this, Mark replied...

"I did a bit of web crawling and found two sites in the UK:

"The Signalling Centre and PC RAIL. Both have modern power box simulations but the PC RAIL also has a heritage selection with Windows versions due 'in November', so I would be interested in anyone's comments on either supplier.

"Having been in the main box two weeks ago at Moors Valley when they had a gala weekend with five or six trains running at the same time on little over a mile of track (admittedly 7 1/4 inch gauge), things were quite hectic. It was probably the busiest box for movements in Dorset at the time!"

More from Neil Ferguson-Lee...

"I have a contribution to make regarding signal box simulations. I would wholeheartedly recommend PC Rail. I have two simulations, one for Crewe and the other for Kettering South Junction on the MML. Both are very realistic. Crewe, as a power box, works very well. Route-setting is on the entrance-exit principle and trains approach using Track Circuit Block, just like the real thing. Kettering South simulates a mechanical box with lever-pulling by keystroke and belling-on by function key. The mechanical box feels less real than the power box for fairly obvious reasons, but, perhaps in the same way that one can buy joysticks and pedals, somebody might start selling a full-size lever frame to link to one's PC! A definite five stars from me."

As a reminder to HPMRS members, the following S.I.A.M. Rail simulations are available in the chest in the layout room:

Crewe 1986 Bath Green Park 1961 Paddington 1959 Aller Junction 1955 Tehachapi 1927

CAD Packages and Simulations

From Larry Schwartz...

With ref to the latest raildate, here are some URLs of interest. Some of the CAD programs can run trains on the designs, but obviously there is a lot more overhead here because you have to layout the track first; this is as opposed to the simulators where track layout is far simpler since there are no alignments, easements, turnout numbers, etc., to worry about.

CAD Layout Design Programs:

http://www.eldoradosoft.com/release.htm 3rd PlanIt Customer Page http://www.abracadata.com/index.html Abracadata's Home Page http://www.sandiasoftware.com/sitemap.htm CadRail Sandia Site Map http://home.earthlink.net/~dpssys/mrsoftware.html DPS Systems


http://www.abracadata.com/te.html Train Engineer http://www.trainorders.com/ Trainorders Interactive RRing http://www.signalcc.com/train2/ Train Dispatcher http://www.rails.com/tmaster.html TrainMaster

3rd PlanIt is a genuine world class program! I'm prejudiced 'cause I am editing its User's Guide.

SRPS Railtours


Phoenix Railtours


The Unofficial GB Railway Enthusiast Website


Rail History Pages


Danger Ahead

Historic Railway Disasters - an investigation of railway accidents. Recent additons include articles on:

Preston, 1896 Modane France, 1917 Kingman USA, 1997 Southall, 1977 Parkside, 1830 Braybrook, Aus, 1908 Zagreb, 1974 Vaughan, Missippi - "Casey Jones", 1900 ICE disaster at Eschede

http://danger-ahead.railfan.net http://travel.to/danger

1915 Quintinshill Disaster


Southall Accident Inquiry


Railway Technical Web Pages


This is a "heads up" to let everyone know some new pages on signalling have been added, with diagrams showing how some of the systems work. It is based on UK practice but most of the principles are used around the world. Don't forget the brakes pages, with various descriptions and links to sites explaining the technology. Plus: The Modern Railway Glossary and the Steam Locomotive Glossary, High Speed Train pages and a Train Operation page. All with selected links to sites with technical stuff.

For a full list of the latest Railway Technology web site additions:


UK Railway News


Rail Gen Mk II

With proper droplight windows, first class travel for all customers and an at seat "Silver Service" three course meal at the normal Standard Class price.

To find out how to subscribe, visit:


While you're there take a few minutes to visit:


News page


Railway Newsgroups

alt.binaries.pictures.rail aus.rail japan.rail misc.transport.rail misc.transport.rail.americas misc.transport.rail.australia-nz misc.transport.rail.europe misc.transport.rail.misc rec.railroad uk.railway

Online Transport Magazine


Bodleian Library/Toyota City Imaging Project


It has several Midland Railway images in the collection:

No. 52 - MR luncheon basket ad. No. 53 - MR The Best route ad. No. 64 - MR Leicester Races ad. No. 95 - Pullman sleeping car engraving (may not be MR). No. 134 - St Pancras buffet tariff.

Phantasmagoria Rail Photo Gallery

Phantasmagoria 1 at http://www.phantas.demon.co.uk/index.htm Phantasmagoria 2 at http://www.byteseye.demon.co.uk/index.htm Phantasmagoria 3 at http://freespace.virgin.net/adrian.thomas1/index.htm

Hoppy's Gallery


Tom's Gallery


Iain Logan's Railway pages


Railway pictures


Photos of British Railways Steam and Diesel 1958/85


1980s Rail Photo Archive


A Photogallery


Links to Railway Websites


Links to Rail & Bus Pages




Railway Gazette international


Railroad Extra

1. Added a story on the Catawissa Railroad with Illustrations 2. Chapter 6 of the book is in 3. Added a new section called UnRelated Subjects and the first entries are what the woman going first-class was wearing in 1867 and 1879.


U.S. Rail, Inc.



If you've recently set up a railroading web site which is not yet listed in RailServe, we encourage you to come to:


and submit your site now using our Web Site Submissions Form at:


When accepted, your site will quickly be added to our directory which is viewed by hundreds of railfans daily. We also appreciate the submission of any other rail-related sites that you feel would be a valuable additions to RailServe. RailServe provides over 2,500 railroading links, a search engine, railfan message forum, live chat room, current rail news, free classified ads, and much more!

New York City Subway


The Super Loco Award

The Super Loco award is given to railfan, railroad and model railroad sites with good content and appearance. Winners get the award and a link at the award site. To enter, go to


We give these awards for two reasons. First, it's a service to fellow rail folks on the Web, and second, we find out about a lot of really fine railroad websites. The Super Loco award is a free service of The Trollwise Crew.

"Steam Train Adventures in the Americas"

The book is now on sale at major book stores in the U.S. (including railroad museums, etc.) and Japan. This is 60-page, all-color, 20 X 22cm-size, English & Japanese- written picture book printed in Japan (2,000 copies are printed), covering steam activities in 7 countries in North, Central, and South America. Please visit my home page to see some of the pictures and to know how to get your copy:


Australian HSTs


Firebox Recordings, Australia

Stereo steam train recordings:


FREE stereo steam train sound download - US-built NSWGR loco 5910 climbing the 2.5% (1 in 40) grade on Sydney's northern line - from our "Rhapsody in Steam" compact disc plus updated our web site. This will be the last download before the release of our second compact disc "Symphony of Steam". Check out Australia's latest steam recording web site:


Well, I went off to the Blue Mountains in Australia using the link in the latest RAILDATE. There's an icon on the right side of the screen that is a loco, most of the way down the page and it took me to Uncle Thorr. If you haven't been there, go look. He has great animation and a lot of freebee links.

http://members.aol.com/anelsonshe/index.htm http://members.aol.com/anelsonshe/page7.htm http://members.aol.com/Trollwise/page2.htm

...were enjoyable sites. Larry Schwartz.

French Railways

Paris subway:


"les stations fant'mes":


Dutch Railways

homepage: http://home.wxs.nl/~richard.krol/index.htm mirror: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/2735/index.htm

Dutch Railway Webring:

homepage: http://home.wxs.nl/~richard.krol/webring.htm mirror: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/2735/webring.htm

'Railbase' website in Holland:




Portuguese Railways

Former HPMRS member, Nick Robson, asks:

"Does anyone know anything about the railways in Portugal? I have just returned from a week in the Algarve where I found a single track line running from the Spanish border in the east to Sagres in the west, with a single-line branch diverging NW up to Lisbon. The only rolling stock I saw (from a distance) was some DMUs in an aluminium-looking finish."

Urgent Online Press, Spain


Want to be a train driver?

Details of the various tests that need to be taken before you can be a driver can be found in the Questions & Answers section of the uk.railway FAQ. This can be found at:


RossRail web site

Read the amazing routeing question! Take the Customer Service Test for Conductors!! See Guard Ancromarty hard at work!!! All at:


RossRail: the *alternative* TOC.

Railway literature


UK Railway Books, Atlases, Maps, Videos


Railway stamps

Contact me today for your copy of my latest list of stamp sets showing trains and railways - British Commonwealth unmounted mint. Or I can send on approval.

Stephen Sainsbury, Fairlawn, Westbrook Close, Bosham, CHICHESTER, PO18 8ND (01243) 572881

Managing Director NETSTAMPS and WESSEX CROSS

Budget Railway Videos

No more than 10UKP, exc. P&P. To keep up to date, be added to a mailing list etc, please visit:


Chesterfield 123 Bus Preservation Society


The London Bus Page


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