HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 19/02/99, plus anything else that's come my way.

Midland Railway Locomotives

Graham Mackenzie writes:

 "I would suspect that it is limited to the 4F 0-6-0 and a likely home
 is the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.  There are a few around,
 but that would be a good starting point.  I think that the recently
 opened Barrow Hill roundhouse had an example, but it may have been a
 There will be numerous Jinty 0-6-0 tanks around, the Severn Valley was
 home to at least one, but they do move around.
 The only "true" MR loco is the 1F 0-6-0 tank which was operating on
 the Swanage Railway last summer, but could be elsewhere now.
 Other examples such as the Midland Compound are in the NRM, at York."

Nick Wheat writes:

 "The ex-Staveley Works MR 'half cab', 41708, was operating brake van rides
 at Barrow Hill open day last July (17-19th). The loco was on-loan from the
 Swanage Railway. Also in attendance and on-loan just for the occasion were
 4F 44422 (Churnet Valley Rly), Jinty 47298 (Llangollen - which was
 collision damaged on its low-loader on the M1, en-route home) and
 interloping 'pug', 51218 (K&WVR)
 Re the Fowler 4F's: There are four preserved and I think the ex-Butterley
 one - 44027, is/has recently been fully overhauled.  I cannot recall whether
 the 1920 Midland built example, 3924, is still at Keighley.
 Ex- Midland *Built* Locomotves still in existence:
 2361/1000 4-4-0   4P NRM                (Johnson Compound)
 1708      0-6-0T  1F Swanage Rly        (Johnson "Half-cab")
 80/2177   4-4-2T  3P Bressingham        "THUNDERSLEY"(Whitelegg - LT&S)
 3924      0-6-0   4F K&WVR              (Fowler)
 88/13808  2-8-0   7F West Somerset Rly  (Fowler - S&D)
 89/13809  2-8-0   7F Butterley          (Fowler - S&D)
 158/158A  2-4-0      Butterley          (Kirtley 156 Class)
 118/673   4-2-2      NRM                (Johnson 115 Class "Spinner")
 1         0-4-0ST    Private Location   (3ft gauge built for Beeston Sleeper
 Ex-Midland *Design* locomotives still in existence:
 LMS No.
 4027         0-6-0   4F  Butterley (first LMS built 4F, 1924)
 4123         0-6-0   4F  Avon Valley Rly
 4422         0-6-0   4F  North Staffs Rly
 7119/7279    0-6-0T  3F  K&WVR
 7138/7298    0-6-0T  3F  Llangollen Rly
 16407/7324   0-6-0T  3F  East Lancs Rly
 16410/7327   0-6-0T  3F  Butterley
 16440/7357   0-6-0T  3F  Butterley
 16466/7383   0-6-0T  3F  Severn Valley Rly
 16489/7406   0-6-0T  3F  Great Central Rly
 16528/7445   0-6-0T  3F  Butterley
 16576/7493   0-6-0T  3F  East Somerset Rly
 16647/7564   0-6-0T  3F  Butterley
 The above locations were taken from Platform 5's Preserved Locomotives book,
 *1993* and so certain whereabouts will undoubtedly have changed over the
 past 6 years. Current information on the whereabouts and operational status
 of these locos would be welcomed.

LNER Class A1

The web site for the exciting "TORNADO" project is:


Last Saturday morning's BBC Radio Five Live's transport programme (Move it 11am) had a piece about the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust.

Plug aside...they're now at a pretty critical stage in the building of the replica Peppercorn A1 and they're making an appeal for volunteers to come forward to help in the works at Darlington. The project has now got to the stage where they need people with engineering experience, particularly in the preservation movement to help with the final assembly of all the bits.

I went and had a look last Saturday and I have to say I was impressed. the Frames are in place, the wheels are made and await fitting, the cylinders have been cast and machined, and the shell of the smokebox is sitting there waiting to have the relevant holes cut in it.

The works is open to visitors...especially prospective volunteers on Saturday... details at the web address:


They also say they could do with a bit more money to make sure the engine is ready to steam in the late summer of the year 2000... I forgot to ask, but I presume it is millennium bug proof!

BR Standard Class 4

The Class Four Preservation Trust's Standard Tank 4MT 80136 is on the move in the New Year - spending three months at the East Lancs. Railway. Hopefully the loco will be leaving the Churnet Valley Railway during the first week of 1999, and returning from Bury, Lancashire, in late March. This will hopefully be the first of many 'guest' visits 80136 will make over the next ten years - after being fully restored and first steamed in Preservation om March 19th, 1998.

Other railways interested in hiring the loco should contact the Trust via emailing myself - leigh@media.keele.ac.uk and I will pass you onto the relevant trust member. Full details on the Trust and the rebuild and renovation of 80136 can be found at:


Beyer-Garratt Articulated Locomotives


Class 37

The Class 37 group Web Site has moved. You can now find us at:


Class 40

D345 (40145) ran on saturday at the East Lancs Railway last Saturday (9th January), but is also rostered on 6th March. A further chance to sample some steam heat and thrash!

The Class Forty Preservation Society ELR diesel website page has been updated with the latest roster, so please drop by for other loco running information, diagram/timetable info. etc.:


Class 47

Virgin Class 47 diagrams can be found at:


Class 50

http://www.rodge.force9.co.uk/ -The NSE Site http://www.rodge.force9.co.uk/gallery -The NSE Gallery http://www.rodge.force9.co.uk/models -The NSE models site

Class 55

After 8 years undergoing overhaul, D9009 Alycidon is due to return to passenger service with the 10.50 Grosmont to Pickering on November 14th as part of the NYMR's Diesel Gala. More details on the loco's other booked workings on that day, and the latest news on the DPS and our other locos, can be found on the DPS website at


D9000's visit to Stockport, Manchester and Preston:

Read the picture report on http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~pacer/d9000/

Class 60

The Class 60 website has now moved to:


Class 66

A second batch of 11 Class 66s is likely to sail by the end of the week, making it 22 to arrive here within the space of a fortnight. If you can't wait that long, the GM site:


gives the full specifications of the locos (90-day maintenance cycle, 6-yearly engine overhaul, 1m miles for the bogies etc). 66002 features in the pic. Plus you can buy the T-shirt from the EMDepot online shop, with a shot of our beastie plus the 6000hp SD90MAC and others...

The Class 66 Website, with all the latest locations and news:


Class 66 Sighting - From Rod Blakeman...

On December 24th 1998, at 0902 I saw Class 66, 66018 with a couple of dozen empty LPG tank wagons crossing Redbridge causeway heading for Fawley. The loco looked and sounded immaculate. Don't know if this is a first but it is my first sighting of class in this area.

Predictably, I suppose, the new Class 66 locos have already been nicknamed "Clickety-Clicks"!

UK Railway Preservation


Database of Preserved Railway Carriages

To enter the database, simply point your browser to:


and choose the "Carriage Register" link near the bottom of the page. The instructions are not on the site yet, but for convenience I've included them below.

Instructions... This is a free-form search - so you may enter whatever you like! For example: enter the "as built" number of any "preserved" carriage (or DMU, or EMU, or other passenger-rated vehicle). Or try any number it carried in later life. Or what it is - try "TSO" (if you want to see a LONG list!), or "BGZ" or any of the other standard description codes. Or the railway it was designed for - try "LSWR", or "GNR", or "Cambrian", or anything else you fancy: "Bulleid", or "Fish" or "Picnic" or whatever. Or enter "built 1927" (or any other year). Or any key word from a location - try "Severn" or "Keighley" or "Rochdale", for example.

(OK - I think we get the picture... Ed.)

What you get is a listing of all the carriages (etc.) satisfying what you've just entered. For more details of any one of these, click on it - depending on how far the Survey has got, you will get a basic description, or description plus a 'condition assessment', or description plus assessment plus a photo.

Happy searching!

If you find errors or inaccuracies, or if you would like to take part in this Survey, please let us know. If you find your favourite coach hasn't a reasonably up-to-date photo, we'd welcome one for use on this web site (preferably as an emailed .jpeg file, otherwise as a print: sorry, no payment; and it must be free of Copyright).

The Carriage Survey Project is as of now rather less than half way completed; hence the gaps in the assessment information. In particular, narrow gauge vehicles (with a very few exceptions), Northern Ireland and much of Wales are yet to cover. However, the master database has enough information on it to be of real use if you have any queries. Please email if you feel that this can be of help to you. No charge, but a donation towards the ongoing running cost of the Project would be welcomed. Yes, we accept plastic!

Our thanks go to the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust for their financial support to this Project. Thanks also to all those who have helped 'on the ground' thus far, also to the Transport Trust, the National Railway Museum and to the Heritage Railway Association and their Members who have helped with getting this Project up and running and with ongoing administration and assistance.

Bluebell Railway

The Bluebell's 1999 timetable is now available on the web site, at:


Headlines are: Trains operate on 246 days in 1999 More Vintage Branch Line Trains "Stepney Specials" in August Fares held at 1998 levels

In addition to the special events already notified, there are a few more: - June 16th: Victorian Evening - September 25/26: Somerset and Dorset Weekend - October 31st: Military Vehicles Day. See http://www.rhbnc.ac.uk/~zhaa009/bb/bluett99.html#events for full details of 1999 special events.

The Foxfield Railway


Great Central Railway

The Way Forward (GCR) - If anyone is interested, I have posted a copy of my notes for inclusion in the next edition of "Main Line" at:


Keighley & Worth Valley Railway

Following the successful operation of a test train using a 2-car DMU on Thursday 29th October at Ingrow Tunnel, the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway immediately reopened the entire 5-mile branch line from Keighley To Oxenhope to full passenger train operation. "We are delighted to be able to provide our advertised timetabled services for all our regular passengers and visitors" said K&WVR Chairman Graham Mitchell. "The last two weeks have been an extremely worrying period for us following serious structural damage to the brick arch inside Ingrow Tunnel. A new temporary steel arch has been constructed and the tunnel is now totally safe for train operation."

Midland Railway Trust

From "The Railway Magazine":

Welsh driver Maureen Jones, whose antics in her blue Lada in the television series "Driving School" became sensational viewing for millions, has crashed into the wall of Butterley station during the filming of a situation comedy for Carlton Television. Although Mrs Jones was uninjured, the car came off a lot worse than the station wall.

North Yorkshire Moors Railway

NYMR have negotiated with Northern Spirit to run steam trains to Whitby. The first of these is a Pullman train in November (from what I remember). It's a one off inaugural run. I was sent the bumph in the post (as a NYMR member) as members have been offered the opportunity to go on it. It was frightfully expensive.

The special is from Pickering to Whitby and the only section of the Esk Valley line to be used will be from Grosmont to Whitby. Also one or more of the NYMR's Type 2 diesels will be brought up to main line standard so they can act as back up engines. If a Kettle fails on the Esk Valley line they can send out a diesel to rescue it for example.

My web site now contains pictures of the recent NYRM diesel gala.


Fairbourne & Barmouth Steam Railway

Located on the mid-Wales coastline this narrow gauge steam railway was slightly down on passengers numbers compared to 1997, largely due to the poor weather this season and the high value of sterling.

The railway has been fortunate to win a contract with a local training company to hire of it's Penrhyn Pavilion Cafe and to provide a chartered diesel train service to it throughout the winter until the end of April 1999.

The railway's only diesel locomotive "Lillian Walter", not normally used for passenger trains, has had its braking system modernised to cope with this contract. The 1960s Dunlop brake system has been replaced by Austin Maestro disc brakes which operate on all 4 axles. The locomotive will be mostly operating during the hours of darkness, so the single headlamp at each end has now been augmented by a spotlight, mounted just above the buffer beams for improved visibility. A silencer has also been fitted to the exhaust system so as to disturb local residents as little as possible during the early morning runs. This locomotive has a 4 cylinder Mercedes diesel engine operating through a 3 speed automatic gearbox.

Three of the railway's four steam engines have been 'winterised'. "Russell", "Sherpa" and "Beddgelert" have all had their tubes cleaned and boilers washed out. The boilers are then drained after which plugs and boiler fittings are removed. Rods and valve gear are then sprayed with a water inhibitor to prevent corrosion.

"Yeo" the remaining steam engine will be kept operational for the Santa Special services (December 12 & 13). There will be only one train departure on the Saturday and Sunday leaving Fairbourne at 1.30 PM. Photographers should be aware that "Yeo" will wearing reindeer and Santa's sleigh on it's sides before making a special journey to Fairbourne.

"Yeo" has a small cab, but those people of slim build or small stature (or, better still, both!) can still book a one-day driver experience course (œ93 Inc VAT) until December 11th.

Fairbourne & Barmouth Steam Railway's official site is at:


An unofficial site mostly about ex-members of staff but with a good few historic pictures as well is at:

http://members.xoom.com/sweller/bear/frbw.html .

To see a scan the Fairbourne & Barmouth Steam Railway's new leaflet:


We've only just received it from the printers - so be amongst the first to see! Leaflet has timetable, special events and driver experience course details. If you can't wait for the images to load see links at bottom of page for the railway's 'official' and 'not so official' pages.

Talyllyn Railway

The 1999 Talyllyn Railway timetable, along with Special Events and other information, is now available on the railway's web site:


Welsh Highland Railway

A new WHR web site on the Web:


Complaints About Service

Unreliable service, dirty trains, staff with attitude problems, cancelled and late-running trains... If you've experienced any of these and want to complain; do so on the new site dedicated to campaigning for better service then take part in delayed.net so that we can build up a weighty united force to make a louder shout to the train operating companies at:


Thanks to everyone who has helped so far - we'll be adding all your comments and will be in touch with regards making them live on the site.

Channel Tunnel Rail Link

The Channel Tunnel Rail Link Photographic Project is a unique independent project creating a complete photographic record of the construction of the entire rail link from London to Cheriton. It is recording the events of today to create an photographic historical record for the generations of tomorrow. Now in its 10th year, it will be featured on BBC Radio Kent this coming Sunday afternoon (10.1.99) sometime between 2pm and 5pm.

For more information visit the Project Web Site at:


EWS Railway

The Unofficial GB Railway Enthusiast website includes EWS pool codes.


Fragonset Railways

I've been archiving a few pictures and reports recently, so I decided to create a web site about a little company called Fragonset Railways:


Glasgow Central Railway

Railway Stn at Botanic Gardens, Glasgow - Maps, photos and hair-raising descriptions at the Subterranean Glasgow website:


What is now the Argyle Line was built as the Glasgow Central Railway. It left the WCML at Dalmarnock, ran up to Bridgeton and along London Road/Trongate/Argyle Street/Glasgow Central, as far as Stobcross (near the present SECC), where it branched.

The GCR itself turned north underneath Kelvingrove Park to Kelvin Bridge (the small park alongside the river and the modern Kelvinbridge subway station are built on the site of the goods yard). There it ran back into tunnel (the first few yards of which are now a rather snazzy bistro) below Great Western Road, where it re-emerged at Botanic Gardens and Kirklee stations and eventually turned north again to Maryhill.

Back at Stobcross, the other branch was the Lanarkshire & Dumbarton Railway. This continued west along the Clyde, through Partick Central (the buildings are still there, on Ferry Road). This was the Caley's a rival line to the present-day north side electrics, and ran all the way to Dumbarton. Most of it has been Sustransed, and now forms much of the Glasgow-Loch Lomond cycle route.

There was also a line joining the two branches, which ran north from Scotstoun, parallel to the Crow Road, joining the GCR at Maryhill. It then continued right round the north side of Glasgow and met up with the Caley's main line out of Buchanan Street near the old St Rollox works.

The Subterranean Glasgow website has been updated with new pictures and detail on the Lanarkshire & Dumbartonshire Railway page. See inside Balgary tunnel, plus the "lost line" beneath Hyndland and Crow Road Station. Also updates to the links page.


A whole stack of new pictures has been added to the Subterranean Glasgow, London Road page, with lots of detail of the abandoned half of Bridgeton Cross Station, plus the portal at Parkhead.




NetWork SouthEast

I have updated the Network SouthEast Sites and re-arranged the gallery to make it easier to browse. Noticable changes are the thumbnails (now only 2kb each- they were as big as 50kb!!!), I've moved the class 47 index into the Locomotives index, the class 442 index has also moved, into the EMU index. There is also two new sections, shunters and DEMU's. If I get any pictures sent, I will also be creating a departmental stock section.

I've also put some more reviews (The Bachmann 159) on the models page, and the History of NSE section of the main site is back up (bet you didn't know it was gone!)


Northern Spirit

Northern Spirit have announced that timetabled evening steam services will begin to Whitby this year. Full details on LocoWatch News:

Web Site: http://www.railways.freeserve.co.uk

Forth Bridge

Also includes great links for transport by rail in UK & Europe as well as bus and ferry.



A month ago I had to close the InfoLondon web site due to major hosting problems. The good news is now it is back up and running with all the latest Transport News, Information and Features.


Midlands of England

I have just set up a website for the Midlands Rail Users Consultative Committee (using my home pc, as we don't have internet facilities in the RUCC office). The address is:


Midlands Rail Users Consultative Committee website has been updated - it now includes a summary of our 1997/98 annual report, and recent press releases. I am thinking about including a section showing individual (Midlands) TOC performance against the Passengers' Charter punctuality and reliability targets.

Norfolk by Rail

If anyone is planning a holiday in East Anglia next year, this site could help you plan your visits:


North-West of England

OK, the picture report on the uk.railway members' trip from Stockport to Stalybridge is now on line at:



Australian Motive Power Review has restarted under a new editorship. Issue #4 is now available, so please come and have a look at it.


For any on this list who are interested in signalling generally, or overseas signalling in particular, I've started (in a small way) my own web page on Western Australian Signalling. I hope to expand on as time permits. I have a "Featured Cabin" section which, this month, showcases the 'new' Cottesloe cabin. This cabin, which was the Western Australian Government Railways most modern lever cabin was built in 1961, but was demolished circa 1990 during the electrification of the Perth to Fremantle suburban line. As the year progresses, I hope to change the "Featured Cabin" on a regular basis and add additional content (and sections).



The Steam Society Netherlands is there to preserve and restore historic, by steam driven tools and means of transport and keep them in a good condition and by that way preserve them for our future generations. The SSN exists 22 years and has some very well preserved Locomotives in her collection wich are regularly used for events and for tours trough Holland and once a year for a 3-day tour abroad.

The SSN will be housed in the new Museum Steam Depot in Rotterdam, world's number one in transport. It is located along moterway A20 Exit "Rotterdam Centrum".


The Museum Steam Depot is opend for visitors on: Every saturday from 10.00 to 17.00 and every wednesday from 10.00 to 15.00. On the days that there are special events or tours the museum will be closed.

You can become donateur for 40,- guilders or a member for 80,- guilders a year. Then you recieve 4 times a year our official newsbrief of the SSN, STOOMTRACTIE

Japanese Passenger Railways


New Zealand

NZR English Electric DE Class Locomotives - A brief history with 12 full colour photographs.



The Portuguese Railways group in Britain has recently launched its website. The PRG has interests in all aspects of railways in Portugual and the website will grow to reflect that. There's a short feature on the copper mines at Aljustrel. It can be found at:


South Africa

A special all steam run took place in 1969 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the South African Blue Train. Now another 30 years later I have added a few photos of that run to my site. Other photos etc added as well.


The Ukraine

In April the Industrial Railway Society will be running a one week tour of narrow gauge railways in the Ukraine, with *steam haulage* on five of the lines. For more details visit the web site:



If you are interested in pictures, etc of Steam in Zimbabwe, visit:




Big NYC Subway Photo Site. Over 100 images of NYC, Subway, Graffiti, Milwaukee, WI, & more!!!


The Railfan & Model Railroader's ICQ List has had more recent updates and now has nearly 200 members. You can now add or modify your record by filling out a simple form rather than e-mailing your requests. Several new railfans are being added to the list every week and even if you are not interested in being listed, the list is free for browsing at anytime so that you may find others with similar railroad-related interests. The list can be found by selecting the ICQ List menu option from RailServe:


Come and enter the railroad picture of the month contest. Notice all the historical facts on our website. This site also talks about train de-railments. If you love trains you will come and visit this site. The url is:


Internet - First With the News


This contains as yet unpublished phots of the NRM naming/66022 and 37905 at Lancaster. This is in addition to the Aire Valley Freight Website which I already run


Kingfisher Publishing


Platform 13

Now updated without frames:


Phantasmagoria Photo Galleries

Phantasmagoria 2 has a new section on Croatian Railways, whilst a brand new Phantasmagoria 3 features shots from the Czech Republic taken by Andy Ducker. Check out:

http://www.byteseye.demon.co.uk/index.htm and http://freespace.virgin.net/adrian.thomas1/index.htm



The Railway photographic Gallery CD

Is for sale at œ10.00 UK Sterling also there are some current photo's of Mainline Steam from December 1998 and 2nd Jan 1999.


Preserved Steam Photographs

I have just updated my website to include some 40 odd colour photos of preserved UK steam, quite a number of NYMR and some narrow gauge RHDR and Festiniog included:


Follow the link to Railway page or go direct from the What's new box. There are some B & W photos on the site from 50s and 60s.

Railway Pictures

For your viewing pleasure, schoolboy b&w pix of A1s, B1s, 8Fs, WDs and Britannias. For diseasel fans DP2, Deltics, Peaks and Cromptons. Plus the long-awaited report of my summer 1998 adventures on a North and Mid Wales Rover:


This is my first stab at publishing some of photos on the web using my new toy, an Olympus 1400l digital camera. Included are various locos seen over lunch in Birmingham, and include a new West Midland tram under test, 47304 + 47194 on the rover cubes and various things to be found at Tyseley.


UK Railway Website


UK Modern Image Picture Gallery


Rail Elite


I have taken over Trains on the Internet which was created by Greg Scott and now offline, this will be refurbished section by section, starting with Tech Data which is ready now. I will remove some section from Trains on the Internet. All sections are not updated now. I will have name lists ready next.

Railway Links Page and Railway Picture Gallery


PROtotype & Modelling Information Share - Industrial/Narrow Gauge

It's hard to have both a precise title and easy acronym ;-)

This new mailing list is intended to provide a forum for those interested in narrow gauge railways with a predominantly british leaning. It seems hard to make a division between modelling/model engineering and prototype: many people with an interest in one, have an interest in the other.

The list has now been successfully running for just over a month. More info, including details on how to subscribe, can be found at the PROtotype & Modelling Information Share - Industrial & Narrow Gauge mailing list


1980s Rail Photo Archive

The 1980s Rail Photo Archive site has recently moved (and gained a few more pics) so please update your bookmarks:


Light Rail's Home Page


Includes 100 photos from 20 Light Rail properties.

Railway Technology

More additions have been made to the Railway Technology site recently.

Our Equipment and Services Catalogue for the railway and rail transport industry features a forms-based enquiry service for those requiring industry products and services, and covers every area of the industry, from Bearings, Seals and Couplings to Workshop, Yard and Terminal Equipment.

Last month, the following contractors and suppliers' listings were updated or added to the guide:

Brakes, Couplers and Draw Gear: BBA Friction Becorit GmbH - Brake Pads and Linings Dellner Couplers AB - Automatic and Semi-Permanent Couplers SAB WABCO - Complete Brake Systems and Brake Equipment

Door Systems and Components: Pickersgill-Kaye Ltd - Rail Vehicle Door Locks

Electrification and Electric Traction: Advanced Conversion Products - Robust Power Supplies for Railway & Transit Powertron Limited - DC-DC Converters

Locomotives: Rail Group & Engineering (Railway Division) - Locomotives and Locomotive Spares SCHOMA Maschinenfabrik GmbH - Tunnel Locomotives and Railcars

Noise, Shock and Vibration Control: Getzner Werkstoffe - Vibration and Noise Protection Products

Operation Control and Information Display: Ferrograph - Electronic Displays for Railway Applications

Passenger Coaches and Interiors: Alusuisse Road & Rail AG - Passenger Vehicle Bodyshells and Equipment Compotech AG - Rolling Stock Interiors

Project Management, Design and Engineering: Helbling Technik AG - Rail Vehicle Engineering and Consultancy Richmonds - Seating and Interior Products WS Atkins Rail Limited - Rail Consultancy

Station Equipment and Fare Collection: AES Prodata - Automated Fare Collection Systems

Track Materials and Maintenance: BOMAG GmbH - Compaction Equipment and Measurement Systems COGIFER S.A. - Track Works, Turnouts, Signalling and Catenaries SCHWIHAG - Rail Anchoring Systems Tenconi SA - Insulated Rail Joints for Railways

In addition, further railway developments have been updated or added to our Current Projects section:

Metros: Izmir Metro - Turkey

A full list of the latest site additions can be found on our "What's New" page at:

URL: http://www.railway-technology.com/new.html

For further information on contractors and suppliers for all areas of the railroad transportation industry, visit our site at:

URL: http://www.railway-technology.com/

Railway Technical Web Pages

There are new pages on power supply, the wheel/rail interface, coach parts and bogie parts. There are new and expanded signalling pages. More pages will be added as time permits.


uk.railway Newsgroup

Official website


The uk.railway FAQ has been redesigned and has moved to a new address. It can now be found at:


The following topics are covered in the FAQ: - Short Questions & Answers - A to Z of excuses - Basher Speak - Becoming a train driver - British & American terminology - Coach TOPS Codes - Depot vantage points - Guard's bell codes - Railway acronyms - Railways in the Arts - Southern England headcodes - SPAD Signals - Standard signalling bell codes - Ticket codes - Trip to the UK - Trackside signs - Train Operator Codes

- Nicknames -- Locomotive, DMU & EMU + SR codes -- Steam Engine -- Line and livery -- Company & organisation

- Official documents -- Routeing Zones -- Tickets Zones -- British Rail Board Byelaws -- Railway 'telegraph' codewords

- uk.railway -- Newsgroup Charter -- Alternative newsgroups and mailing lists

- Links -- Companies -- Enthusiasts -- Preserved Railways, museums and societies.

The Rail Info website has moved to a new address. It can now be found at


As you may notice I have cut out some of the sections which used to be part of the Rail Info website because I haven't had enough time to update them recently and they were going seriously out of date. I have decided to cut down the number of pages in the hope that I will be able to keep these fairly up to date.

Semi-official IRC channel. Details are as follows:

IRC Network: DALnet Server: irc.dal.net Channel: #uk_railway Ops: Pete Hurst (Nick: Lorki) Barry Salter (Nick: barrykas)

If you haven't got an IRC client, and you're running Windows, get mIRC from:


If you're *not* running Windows, visit:


where they'll provide pointers to an IRC client for your system.

NEWSFLASH! We've now got an official channel web page using space provided (although they don't know it yet!) by my employers, Businesses On-Line Ltd, at http://www.bo-l.co.uk/ukrail/.

Transport UK

I have launched a much better site (I hope) called InfoLondon at:


This is basically the same as Transport UK except the new web site has: -Up to date Transport News -More of your views on Public Transport -More Information on London Transport -Even More photos of Buses -Suggested Transport Books sections -The Best UK Transport Links you can find -Items for Sale -A brand new Web site Directory, listing the web sites of all subjects. -The Computer Game Section has grown to include more games and downloads -You can submit a site to all the major search engines -You can search all the main search engines in one easy place. -And there is also much, much, more,

UK Railway & Canal Web Page


Railwayana Auctions

Highlights of recent railwayana auctions on my site:


Loco Hobby Store


P & R Toyfairs

It is to announce the arrival to Freeserve of the new P & R Toyfairs Web Pages. We run several Toy and Train Collectors Fairs in the Midlands and the North of the U.K., where collectors of all ages enjoy a great variety of stalls selling old and new Diecast Car, Train, Aircraft and other models from all the appropriate scales, along with Beanie Babies, Action Man, TV related items and much, much more!! Details of all our events are included, along with maps, pictures, background info on the firm and staff, links to associated sites on the Internet, and much more.

We will also try to help those looking for that special model, by searching for it, in our interactive Model database. So if you seriously want a model, let us know and we'll track it down for you! So check us out at:


or e-mail us at:


York Model Railway Show


New Books For HPMRS Library

Many thanks to Nick Robson for donating the following books to the HPMRS library:

"Model Trains - The Collector's Guide" by Chris Ellis "The Horsham-Guildford Direct Railway" by H.R. Hood

These will be put in the trunk in the Railway Room just as soon as I've read them...!

Automatic Model Railway Control

A correspondent recently asked me about this, and I forwarded their enquiry to Larry Schwartz, who knows more about it than anybody I know. (But let me know if you can add to this!) I've included Larry's reply here, but please note that these are links that Larry thinks MIGHT have stuff about automated control - he hasn't been able to check out every site for content.

http://www.wenet.net/~lwm/sw&sf/sw&sf3.htm http://www.railserve.com/ RailServe The Internet Railroad Directory

http://www.ifi.unit.no/~anderpe/engelske/railroads.html Kofods Railroad Links

http://www.signalcc.com/links.html SignalCC Railroad Links

http://www.sandiasoftware.com/linksto.htm Sandia Links to other Sites

http://www.spikesys.com/soft.html Railroad Software Links - Signal System

http://home.earthlink.net/~dpssys/mrsoftware.html DPS Systems - Model Railroad Software

From the National Model Railroad Association's Special Interest Group (SIG) page:

Digital Command Control SIG - This SIG publishes a semi-annual newsletter, the DCC SIG Newsletter. For further information consult the SIG coordinator:

John D. Balogh 3077 Williamsburg Drive State College, PA 16801-3016 JDB@psu.edu SIG-maintained web page

From Model Railroad Magazine http://www2.modelrailroader.com/mr/ (then select LINKS in the left hand margin):

Electronic Model Railroaders Association, P.O. Box 55, Hazel Park, MI 48030-0055; 248-544-0998; Gregory Messer, president, EMRA

Also try looking in the news groups.

More information on this from Ashley Sanders...

The people who will know about this are MERG (Model Electronic Railway Group) who have a web site at:


You'll probably need to join to get at all the info though.

Random Internet Search

For a random entry point into the UK & Ireland rail webring:


Fancy a new job?

Railtrack Graduate Recruitment webpage:


Interested in trying your skill at driving a steam loco? Check out this site:


Wrong Sort of Telephone!

Once it was the wrong kind of snow, now the railways blame wrong sort of telephone!

From the Electronic Telegraph:

The National Rail Inquiry Service yesterday attacked abuse of the telephone redial button after being censured by regulators for failing to answer enough calls.

John Swift, rail regulator, warned the service to expect a œ500,000 fine after it answered only 86 per cent of calls in the four weeks to Oct 17. Its target was 90 per cent. However, the Association of Train Operating Companies - which runs the service - blamed "the very large number of redial call attempts now possible from a touch-tone phone".

A spokesman said: "In the old days, a person had to wind every number which took time. On these new phones, they just press a button, which puts enormous pressure on the system." She said the regulator should "take this into account" when judging the service's performance.

The Benefits of Rail Travel

From Dr James Le Fanu's "In Sickness and Health" column in the Sunday Telegraph, November 15th 1998:

Sulphurous fumes are a well-recognised antidote for the sort of persistent cough to which children are particularly prone. In the past this entailed an afternoon walk in the vicinity of the local gas works - or more drastic measures, as described by Mrs Elizabeth Jones from Dorset, from the days when trains were still fuelled by coal. 'It necessitated a train journey through the Severn Tunnel As soon as the train entered the tunnel my father opened the window and thrust my head out facing the engine. I've often thought that had a train been passing in the opposite direction, my cough might have been silenced permanently.'

And finally...

The longest URL in the World?


NOTE: this is too long for some browsers to handle!

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