HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 07/05/99, plus anything else that's come my way.

How to Drive a Railway Locomotive


Mystery Picture


Merchant Navy Locomotive Preservation Society

The Merchant Navy Locomotive Preservation Society Limited has announced that after 11 years in residence at the former DMU depot at Southall, No 35028 is to return to Stewarts Lane as an operational engine, almost 49 years after its first allocation to Shed 73A in March 1950. MNLPS will take up residence in the former electric maintenance shed following the withdrawal of EWS from the site.

To support the regular VSOE British Pullman steam hauled services from London Victoria, Clan Line already spent much of last year at Stewarts Lane. The decision to make the move a permanent one was driven by the need to reduce complexity and the associated cost of light engine movements. The change will improve availability for VSOE with MNLPS additionally enjoying the use of this modern Central London facility.

The move to Stewarts Lane is both momentous and historic. As one of a pool of Bulleid Pacifics allocated to 73A. Clan Line operated from there in the 1950s hauling famous trains including The Night Ferry and of course The Golden Arrow. With the locomotive clocking up nearly 50,000 miles in preservation, it is apt that 1999 sees the 25th Anniversary of Clan Line's return to the main line and re-allocation to a top London shed in order to continue the sort of duties for which the locomotive was originally designed.

Princess Royal Class Loco Trust

Site has been updated with the latest news about 6233 Duchess of Sutherland, and mainline trials and tours behind 80098:


Benny Railplane



There is a picture on the first and a lead to a video on the second.

"Dieselfest" website


BR blue locos


Type 1

Type 1 Association website, featuring 1999 GCR Diesel Gala timetable:


Class 21/29


Class 37


Class 40

Mike Wright's Roaring Forties Website, for the best in Class 40 audio thrash!


Class 44/45/46

There's a feature on the Class 44 Peaks on my website, including pictures of all ten "One to Tenners" as well as a few 45s and 46s and nameplate piccys. Follow the links on this page:


For those who care to take a look, the 3rd 45/0 Group has now got a website. There a quick history of the loco, our group and our attempt to save the engine, plus a page on preserved Peaks:


A splendid piece of technical description of the finer workings of diesel locomotive traction by a former professional driver...

"I liked the 'whine' they (Class 45s) gave out just after opening up and you got past 1000amps. If you kept them open and the train did not move, the amps built up and then when you shut off, there would be an almighty bang as the amps went somewhere..."

Where's me amps gone? ...s'okay...found 'em!

Our friend has built his own website and has a photo of him at the controls of a "Peak" diesel locomotive. The photo gallery is mostly steam, but there are also heaps of diesel photos too, all taken during his employ with BR 1959/85. Well worth a look.


Class 47

I have now launched my new website, the Class 47 gallery:


Class 50

"I remember a time whene the standby 47/8 at Reading for a Class 50 tour (the last one) was very succesfully, erm, taken out of service during the night before to ensure everyone had a pleasant day out (not advocating criminal damage of course....)!

Class 55

The Deltic Preservation Society website has been updated and expanded, and now includes several photos of Royal Highland Fusilier in blue livery following repainting at Barrow Hill last week. Also on the site are a selection of Deltic sounds.


With kind permission of the DPS and VSOE, I have taken some 'inside' shots of D9009 Alycidon which show the showroom finish of this great engine. I would also like to thank for the Barrow Hill Engine Shed society for access, and wish them well in this excellent new preservation site. The atmosphere alone is worth the visit.


I've just put a recording of D9000 southbound at Smardale on the S & C on the web at:


My new picture report, A Saturday Safari with pictures and waffle about D9000 and various other classic traction, is now ready at:


I have just loaded up the first of my Deltic pages - this about Tulyar's journey back from Aylesbury to the MRC in Jun 1986. More to follow...


Class 66

For all you hundreds... dozens... any?... shed fans out there: CLASS 66 ARCHIVE website:


The main purpose of the site is to provide a detailed history of the new locos, something which has only become possible from the railfans' side of the fence due to the advent of the internet. The site is designed to be complimentary to Paul Eccles' Class 66 news pages.

The contents are: * Month-by-month history of the Class 66. * Delivery and Pool allocation history. * Workings on Passenger services. * Debuts in Devon and over the S&C. * A page all about 66080 - the SAS's pet loco. * Links.

Class 73

On Wednesday 24th February, I photographed electro-diesel 73901 at Chester on de-icing duties. The photos may be viewed on my website:


The Railcar Association


Class EM2

The EM2LS Woodhead website has been updated:


The Suburban Electric Railway Assocication


Locomotive Information Mailing List

I have launched a mailing list for loco hauled stock and loco information. Generally, any information that is normally found on my railpages (coaching stock formations, liveries etc) can be posted on this list, in the hope that everyone who is interested in set formations, power car and loco liveries etc can contribute and gain from the list. I will post amendments to the stock formations found on my website on this list at regular intervals.

I am now writing a page of explanation about this new mailing list on my railpages, but for those who can't wait to get on the list, try going to the following address:


Information will be available on my railpages soon:


Since the demise of the rail-gen mailing list there has been little or no gen being posted on the internet about loco-hauled passenger workings in the UK. Anyone who previously used rail-gen for loco-hauled passenger gen should consider joining the new loco-gen list which currently has 131 members. This list had been going approximately 4 weeks but hasn't seen many postings so I am basically trying to drum up some support for this list. If you are interested in subscribing visit:


Subscribe to LocoWatch Weekly News now by visiting:


British Loco Data Site


Rail Companies

A page which contains a link to the latest press release for 25 rail-related companies around the world. It will be updated a few times a week:


Do you know about Erik's Rail News? It has been online since March 1997 and is updated almost every day with news from around the world. It includes a searchable archive with 871 bulletins (as of March 1999), a press release page with links to the latest press releases for 35 rail-related companies and organisations around the world, as well as links to relevant maps and financials, over 30 links to other rail news sites and much more!

Current hot news: Plans for a £200m rail freight terminal near London's Heathrow airport could run into objections because it would eat into the undeveloped "green belt" around London. More at Erik's Rail News:


Apparently 1S61 06:18 Macclesfield - Glasgow Central was delayed for a few minutes at Lockerbie recently. Apparently a woman had removed all her clothes and attacked the steward! The train was delayed at Lockerbie while the police attended!

A true story! Honest! No really!

Meanwhile, a man was killed last week at Wakefield Westgate as he attempted to flag a freight train down that he wanted to stop. You couldn't write it!!

Consumer Test by Graham Mackenzie...

Over the past couple of months, I have had the dubious pleasure of sampling various TOCs as part of the University visits with my daughter, travelling to such places as Canterbury, Leeds and Hull. By far the best are the GNER electric services which are very smooth and comfortable, but a booked seat seems to be essential and my experience has been that if you book a couple of days in advance, the seat booking is done automatically and is complementary. This is OK for the outward journey when you know the time of travel, but more of a problem for the return.

Back to GNER. One problem that I have noticed on all of the trips is that the loos have either run out of water and won't flush and nothing for washing hands, or there is a surplus and the floor ends up flooded. I have also noticed many of the loos locked and out of order, so clearly there seems to be a problem probably caused by the intensive diagrams worked by the stock and hence, little time for maintenance and replenishment. Certainly their trains are well staffed.

Connex is still slow and dirty and if you like heritage stock, there is still a lot of 1950s and 1960s Mark 1 based stock banging its way around the network. If you get one of the new trains, savour it. They are good, but not enough for the longer distance services.

Northern Spirit. My experience of these has been in the four-wheel cattle stock, Pacers and I have to say that they are the pits. The ride is very lively and rough. The ambience isn't and whoever decided that non-bogie stock was good for passengers travelling up to 75mph on secondary lines, clearly never travelled on a train. They are shocking.

SWT are not bad, all things considered, if you get a Wessex electric or 159.

One thing that the TOCs must consider is how to deal with overcrowding. This week we started off with the 07.10 from Winchester. All seats taken and some standing. 09.30 from Kings X, some seats available but not many. 11.17 from Doncaster to Hull, just two coaches. The train had started from Sheffield with 4 and the train divided at Doncaster. Full with many standing all the way to Hull to arrive at 12.30. Returned on the 16.44 from Hull to Doncaster, badly overcrowded all the way. 18.15 from Doncaster to KingsX again very busy, but seats available. 20.30 from Waterloo, standing room only.

I did see a couple of the new class 66s whilst waiting at Doncaster and already the new shine is wearing off. I have it on good authority from a driver that they are not liked except for the fully reclining seats which are useful for line occupation duties and the cab heating. Otherwise they are noisy, give a lively ride over 65mph and are inferior to the 60s in most aspects. Maybe just the adjustment to change. One driver commented that he doubted if they would last as long as the 33s, 37s and 47s which they are designed to replace.



GNER website's live train-running update facility is now operational:


Great Central Railway

Some time ago, over a spare day and a half, I walked the Great Central Railway, starting at Brackley and working north to what I later found was Staverton Road. I've made the diary into a web resource, and included photographs taken along the way:


Great Western Railway

A new mail list for discussion of all matters concerned with the Great Western Railway has been set up at gwr-elist@onelist.com. - see my web site for details:


Southern Region Websites

Addiscombe: http://www.rispoli.freeserve.co.uk

Southern Electrics: http://travel.to/southern.electrics

London and the South East: http://travel.to/south.east




Area Transport Information

Local transport by town in the UK (still quite embryonic):


British & Irish Railway Stations Database


Carnforth Railway Station

History, "Brief Encounter", etc:


There is the "official" information and membership forms for the "Friends of Carnforth Station" at:



Wales & West's Tamar Valley Line leisure guide has a multilingual section inside the back cover with a paragraph each in Spanish, French, Dutch, German and Cornish. This is believed to be the first ever railway leaflet to contain any Cornish!

Have just set up a new website on 'Cornish Railways':


Derby Locomotive Works

Basically it is a bit of a tour round and includes recent views of the site just before new building started on what is now known as Pride Park. Hope it's worth a look, no frames and reasonably quick loading.


Glasgow Area

The Subterranean Glasgow website has a new URL - it's been expanded a little, with the Bridgeton section being (for now). We hope to add some major new sections this year:


Leeds Area

My web site has just updated. Now includes more Leeds Pictures plus pictures of Shipley. See a hybrid at Leeds and the former Windhill station at Shipley:


London Area

An updated version of the London connections map (including tramlink) is at:


InfoLondon has launched a brand new Transport Links directory.


I've put together a Virtual tour of Down Street Station phase 1 is a basic series of pages, in phase 2 I'll sort out an index page and a better form of navigation. Follow the link from my main railway site:


Background. : Down Street Station on the Piccadilly line of the London underground was closed in 1932, it was used as a bunker for the railway executive and the goverment during WW II and is preserved in much the same condition it was left in when they moved out. Tickets for the tour that the LT museum runs are rare as hens teeth but I managed to go a couple of weeks ago :-)

Going Underground is a new website for lots of informative yet humorous information about travelling on the London Underground:


There's Underground rules, clothes to wear for a crease free trip, sitings of the tube travelling pigeons, buskers and lots more. Definitely worth a visit.

Steam on the Met website:


Midlands RUCC

I have now updated the Midlands RUCC website with Passengers' Charter punctuality and reliablity performance information on twelve of the long distance routes in the region (each covering at least periods 1 to 6 or 7 this year), and the twelve CENTRO services (all covering periods 1 to 10). I will add new info when it becomes available. Midlands rail users - check out your official watchdog's website at:


Milton Range Halt

We are researching a railway disaster that took place on August 21st 1922 at Milton Range Halt (aka Chalk Halt), Kent. Five people died in an accident involving 5 trains. Although we have much written info we are hoping to find just what were the type of the engines involved and do any photos survive today of the accident.


North Wales Coast Line

Fans of the North Wales Coast line website should note that you will now definitely need to change your links and bookmarks to:


The old 'totalweb' address has been redirected for the last few months, but this no longer works. I have just updated the 'Notice Board' page with lots of steamy and other pictures from this very weekend.

An approximation of the diagrams on the North Wales Coast website:



I have updated the NSLTC links site and this includes the excellent unoffficial tramlink site which has 66 up to date photos of Tramlink progress and several more transport sites:


for the links, and don't forget to look at Tramlink map and news:


Settle and Carlisle

Website has been updated including a new small thumbnailed gallery of pics on the Settle & Carlisle during March with WCML diversions, D9000, coal and gypsum!


Waverley Route Reopening


Borders Transport Futures Ltd now have a website. We are dedicated to restoring rail to the central and southern Scottish Borders based on the abandoned alignment of the Waverley Route - you may have read about the projects in a recent issue of Rail Magazine - and some encouraging developments are now taking place:


Yorkshire Dales

For details of public transport in the Yorkshire Dales please visit the Dalesbus website at:


Preserved Railways

Just to remind you that if anyone wants a URL for a UK preserved line, go to:


Bluebell Railway

A full news report from the Bluebell has just been posted at:


The many recent new pages and changes and are to be found listed on the "Updates page" at :-


The Winter Steam-up last weekend was generally acknowledged as another Bluebell triumph. Lewis Nodes was at the lineside with his digital camera. Some of his photos are now on the Bluebell web site, as part of a report on the weekend, at:


A new web page has been created for this year's South Eastern & Chatham Railway Centenary:



Bodmin & Wenford Railway

Pictures of V-2 class loco, 60800, "Green Arrow" taken on the Bodmin & Wenford Railway can be seen on my website, Cornwall CAM:


Gloucestershire/Warwickshire Railway

Over a two hour lunch break on the way to Birmingham, I called in at the GWR for the first day of the gala and took a few pictures. You will also find shots of Barrow Hill and its two great deltic inhabitants from earlier in the week:


Great Central Railway

A new web-page regarding the Great Central Railway and containing the GCR Society home page should now be up and running at:


Version 4 of the GCR's diesel gala is now available at:


Isle of Man Railway


Keighley & Worth Valley Railway

The virtual shop is stocked mainly with quality videos from the extensive range available at Haworth station. Users can browse 3 sections - 'Archive', 'Modern Scene' and 'Made on the KWVR':


Did *you* get caught out on April 1st...

'Triumphant' - water tower hits the tourist trail

IT'S as high as a three-storey building, holds thousands of gallons of water and is made of iron... Welcome to Yorkshire's latest tourist attraction. Keighley Water Tower might not sound a very promising place to visit but that should change after a £36,000 facelift.

"Keighley Water Tower is like a very large bathroom cistern on top of a stone building the size of a two-storey house," says Graham Mitchell, chairman of the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway Preservation Society. "I would describe it as a triumph of Victorian architecture - it is part of a lost age of our railway heritage."

By the end of the year Platform 4, Keighley Railway Station - home of the water tower - could be buzzing with train buffs eager for a glimpse inside a proposed "visitor interpretation centre".

Built in 1885, the water tower is still used by the line's steam locomotives, but the stone-built supporting building underneath is just a storeroom. "The tank can hold tens of thousands of gallons of water. One steam locomotive alone can take 5,000 gallons in one slurp," explained Mr Mitchell.

The preservation society has so far raised £10,000 - donated by Yorkshire Water - toward the £36,000 needed to create a small theatre for slide and video shows. "We want people to visit Keighley and pop in for 15 to 20 minutes to find out what our railway is all about," said Mr Mitchell. Work converting the storerooms into a mini-theatre will begin in the summer and should be completed by the end of the year.

Langollen Railway

Branchline Weekend - Photo's of 4141,7754 & 47298 available:


Mid-Hants Railway

Site is now being run by a MHR volunteer:

http:\\ http://www.watercressline.co.uk/

Midland Railway Trust

Diesel Group (Preserved Diesel and Electric Locomotives) website:


Peak Rail


South Tynedale Railway

The South Tynedale Railway internet pages have been amended recently to include the following...

1) Details of preparations for Easter Services - see the STR News page.

2) Details of revised 1999 bus services between Alston and Carlisle, Haltwhistle, Newcastle, Penrith and Keswick. See the STR News page and Wright Bros. bus timetable pages.

3) I have joined various Webrings - UK & Ireland Railway; Trains on the Net; European Railway ... and the Railroad Web Ring. Access is available from foot of the STR home page.


Garden Railway


Rod Blakeman's Garden Railway:


Some pictures of the "White Pass & Yukon Route" railway (Totton branch) can be viewed at:


Grosvenor Park Miniature Railway, Chester


Layout News


I'm delighted to report that the control panel replacement at Hursley Park station is now underway. It's been quite a while since the new panels were built and wired up, but at last we've started installation. Brian Carter, Dave Solly, Richard Walker and I spent last Monday and Tuesday evenings taking out the old panels, labelling the wires and starting to connect the new panels. We're likely to spend next Monday evening (and possibly Tuesday as well!) completing the job.

Anyone who's looked at the mass of wiring under the baseboards (99 per cent of it insulated in the same fetching shade of yellow) will appreciate that tracing some of the wires is a nightmare. However, a test of what we did last week showed everything working... so far so good. When finished, the new panels will make a huge difference to the operation of the layout, and this is only "Phase 1" - next will come the addition of new controllers... sometime!


Another two nights' work (last Monday and Tuesday) have seen significant progress on the new control panels for Hursley Park station. By the end of Monday night, there was power to all parts of the layout, and Tuesday's efforts resulted in the points working again. The part of the layout nearest the door of the layout room has a particularly complex junction, which because of its unreliability and difficulty to set up, has never been properly used. Now, though, thanks to some impressive route-setting, the full capabilities of the layout in this area can easily be used. In addition, a couple of LEDs have been wired in with the double-slip at the junction to give an indication of which controller (Up or Down) has control through the junction. Impressive stuff!

My thanks again to the team of electrical engineers (Brian Carter, Dave Solly and Richard Walker) for their efforts again this week - and particularly to Dave, who's wiring worked correctly as soon as it was connected up - testament to some excellent design work and an impressive application of truth tables, I think! There's still a little more to do to get the signals working again, but so far the installation has been a great success.


Last Tuesday saw the final stage of the panel replacement at Hursley Park station on the HPMRS layout. Track and points having been wired-up over four previous evenings, it was now the turn of the signals, and these proved every bit as complicated as we had feared. There are only about half a dozen of them, but they are all interlocked with other signals or TOL/LC switches on the panels at Pitt Vale and Merdon. At one point the two station starters resolutely showed red - and nothing else - whatever we did to the connections, but I suppose we should be reassured that they were "failsafe". Things became clearer at around 10.00pm, when a couple of loose wires that had been lurking under the baseboards were connected up, and suddenly everything worked.

Many thanks again to Brian, Dave and Richard for their sterling efforts to get the new panels installed. Dave has now taken the "little black book" away to record all the undocumented changes to the wiring that have taken place over the last 25 years or so, and to add details of the most recent upgrade. The next step (phase 2) is the addition of new controllers on a third panel which will sit between the two new ones. Brian has taken this on, and the S&T Department await his signal that it's all ready to be fitted...


I'm delighted to report that Brian Carter has finished the installation of the new control panel by adding the new controlers and resiting the bell-keys. This is a fantastic piece of work, given that the layout goes on year after year without much attention other than necessary maintenance, and I wonder what we might tackle next...! Thanks to Brian and everyone else involved with this major piece of work.

Brighton Modelworld Exhibition - 1999

Graham Mackenzie writes...

On Friday, I attended the Brighton ModelWorld exhibition. I have to say, for the £4 entrance fee it is well worth it. The exhibition takes in 3 floors with other side halls also. There are also refreshments available at reasonable prices, and as one who used to go to the Model Engineering Exhibition at Earls Court, for me, Brighton is a better substitute.

For those that like model railways, there is everything from live steam to N gauge and the star layout was Stoke Summit which has featured in various railway mags. It is a very straightforward model of the East Coast mainline at Stoke which is double track to quadruple with working signals and the only building is the signal box. The attraction was watching the trains go by. The trains were loosely based around the late 50s early 60s and featured scale-length trains running at scale speeds. No shunting to bore the crowd, just a procession which reminds one of those days sitting on an embankment watching it all happen.

There were plenty of other layouts which took in American and Continental as well as UK and generally of a good standard. There were trade stands ranging from Blackgates Engineering for the live steam people to Gaugemaster and CGW for the ready-to-run.

Non railway models of note were the matchstick fleet which has been featured on television and various other shows. This is one person's remarkable rendering of the navies of the world created from matchsticks and matchboxes, to a very high standard. He even makes all the aircraft on the 'carriers and hand paints everything. Well worth looking at.

For the younger children, there were layouts where they could operate the trains or race on the slot car track.

Plenty to keep everyone amused. I arrived shortly after 10.00 and left just before closing at 17.30 and returned to Stoke Summit 3 times!

Peco ----

The address for PECO is now:




Model Railway Site


The site contains a brief history of model railways, buildings to download, books etc.

Update includes: Railway of the Week-The Settle and Carlisle. Planning your Layout, Larger Selection of Books, Model Building Downloads, Information etc.

We have now converted the Station Building, Signal Box and Platform Shelter to full 00 Scale and are available to download free at:


10 New Free Model Building Downloads Added - including Small Goods Shed, Small Loco Shed, School, Village Hall, Cottage, Terrace of Cottages, Detached House, Bungalow, Shop and Inn, Bookstore, Information.

New format, Railway of Week Lancaster and Carlisle, Books, Downloads, Information at:


Triang/Triang-Hornby/Hornby Railways


Lowland Locomotives


Institute of Railway Studies

The IRS is the Institute of Railway Studies (and nothing to do with income tax, if any of our American readers were wondering). It is a partnership between the National Railway Museum and the University of York and it is headed by Professor Colin Divall.

After 4 years in the job, he thought he'd better give an inaugural lecture and he spoke recently on this topic: "Going Places? Visitors, Enthusiasts and the Public History of Transport".

The text has now been posted on the Web at:


The IRS home page is:


The IRS administers two news and discussion e-mail lists, 'railway-studies' and 'transport-history'.

Railway-studies is open to anyone who is interested in the academic study of railways, past, present and future. Running since 1995, there are currently around 350 members from all over the world.

Although in the IRS we focus on those aspects of railways that can be analysed with the disciplines of the humanities and the social sciences, the use of the list is not restricted to news and discussions that draw upon these perspectives (scientific and engineering subjects are welcome, for example). Please don't use it, however, for topics of a primarily enthusiast nature - there are plenty of other lists and Web sites available.

To join, send the message:

join railway-studies Yourfirstname Yourlastname stop



You may leave the subject field blank.

The transport-history list is a more recent innovation. We hope that it will appeal to anyone who is interested in the academic study of any kind of civilian travel and transport. To join this list, follow the instructions above, substituting, of course, 'transport-history' where 'railway-studies' appears in the first line.

Railway Ancestors Family History Society

Along with George Yalden and Alan Long, I run the Railway Ancestors Family History Society, which aims to help members with their researches, and endeavours to show what life was like working on the railway.

If any of your readers are railwaymen or ex-railwaymen and would like to share their experiences of railway life with our members through the pages of our society journal by writing, or speaking on tape, about working life on the railways, whether as engine drivers, porters, signalmen, platelayers, office or clerical positions, in fact any jobs on the railways, to help give our members some idea of the sort of work their ancestors were doing, we would love to hear from them.

The society was formed in 1995 to try and encourage family historians to research their railway ancestry. We inform our members of staff records, documents, books and special collections relating to railway history, and also try to help them find previously unknown sources.

Anyone interested in joining us, whether they are an enthusiastic beginner or an experienced genealogist, should write to us at the address below.

Yours etc,

Jeremy Engert "Lundy" 31, Tennyson Road, Eastleigh, Hants

The West Sussex County Record Office

The West Sussex County Record Office site, and has information on the Ronald Shephard Railway Collection (700 books, 154 volumes of press cuttings, postcards and photos, magazines - very mouthwatering for the railway historian), railway books published by the county, and talks and a filmshow which the Record Office put on. Especially for anyone living near Chichester, and for historians, this site is well worth a visit:


American Railways

Enter your railroad picture the railroad picture of the month contest. Or just come to learn more about trains. We have an interesting page about what causes train wrecks and how they can be prevented. This site also deals with a lot of railroad history. Please come and visit the web address:


Union Pacific "Big-Boy" to be preserved - There's an interesting article about this in the March Railway Magazine. For further information see:


From Larry Schwartz who heard this on American National Public Radio:

When President Zacary Taylor was to be inaugurated, it was a Sunday. So, he decided to delay the inauguration for one day. Neither the then president nor vice-president had been re-elected, so the President of the Senate, Mr. Atchison, became the President of the US for one day. In his honor, the town in Kansas from which he came, renamed itself Atchison. And, a railroad that was created not long after, had a terminus in the town. Want to guess what the name of the railroad is? And now, "you know the rest of the story" about where the name came from.

A quicky, but nice web site is:


Though primarily a U.S. site the book that has been completed has much information on early European Train Accidents. I thought some might enjoy seeing.

1. What a Train-Despatcher Does. A 19th century look at this vocation; Illustrated. 2. Complete story of the Spuyten Duyvil, New York Railroad Wreck which killed Webster Wagner (Representitive and Designer of the famous Palace-Car). Illustrated and Coroners Jury Verdict. 3. The book Notes on Railroad Accidents complete. Written by Charles Francis Adams in 1879. Adams was of the illustrious "Quincey Massachusetts Adams' (Great-grandson of the second President of the United States and one of the framers of the Declaration of Independence).


Australian Railways

The Victorian Railways, Australia, had a small fleet of diesel shunters built by EE,similar to the class 08. All are now withdrawn, but some are preserved.


Steamrail Victoria have a new website. Check us out for steam, diesel and electric tours on the mainline (well what's left of it!) in Victoria Australia. Our tours include day and weekend tours using wooden bodied carriages, some close to 100 years old! If you are visiting Oz then check out our tours and have a relaxed day out behind perhaps a North British built Hudson!


My W. A. signalling page has been updated (01/02/1999) - the "Featured Cabin" this month is Robb Jetty - a panel in a three story tower, complete with HOLDEN (aussie car) ash trays! Last month's Featured Cabin - Cottesloe - has been expanded and archived. You'll find the SIGWA page at:


The Signalling Interest Group of W. A.'s signalling page has been updated (01/04/1999) - the "Featured Cabin" this month is North Fremantle - an example of W.A.G.R.'s later 'easily movable' cabins, similar to Narrogin, and Kwinana (Koojedda) and Perth 'A'.

Last month's Featured Cabin - Subiaco - has been expanded and archived. A metropolitan system map has been added so you'll be able to locate the various 'featured cabins'. You'll find the SIGWA page at:


Railpix has been updated again:


New additions: * Unanderra - Moss Vale. - Coal trains photographed in unusual weather * Miscellaneous Photos - some great unusual workings and everyday photos * Photo Contributions - submit your Australian photographs * Single Deck Electric sets (Thanks to Glenn Jackson-Bethell) * South Maitland Railway (NSW) - Steam operation. (Thanks to Dennis Rittson) * Miscellaneous Tasmanian photographs. (Thanks to new photographer - David Head)

Railpix has the new address of:


The latest issue of the Australian Motive Power Review Ezine is now available for viewing:


In the latest issue: A brief history on the Alco 80 class Daven Walters South Australian Photo Essay Photos of new BHP 6000hp unit on trial New livery on Newcastle Railcars New RSA livery on 4819 Full allotment list for Queensland

Dutch Railways

There are new pictures on my homepage. Click on 'Plaatjes':


European Railways

Clipart server:


French Railways

If you are now close to Paris (30 Km North) have a look at MTVS (museum of transport along the Sausseron valley). Shown 9 steam locos (4 opérative), 16 coaches, and lots of other interesing things, all in metre gauge. Open from Easter to November 1St every saturday (except July and August) and Sunday 2 to 6 pm. Train operative each first and third sunday of the month 3, 4 and 5 pm. You can also have a look at the web site (French only for the time being, the english release should be done soon):


Soutenez les associations de préservation ferroviaire et particulièrement le MTVS:


German Railways

Centenary of Harz Narrow Gauge Railway, Germany website:


Irish Railways

Photos taken at Carrick-on-Suir during the Silver Cloud railtour (Ireland) are now available at:


Japanese Railways

The wooden model of an old tender type locomotive is preserved in the Kyoto University Museum. It is supposed the model's original is a locomotive which the Beyer Peacock made first in 1882. Refer to the following URL:


The wooden model is very elaborate. For example, the screw and the nut of the six corner heads are made with wood one by one. In addition the inside is also made with precision. For example, when we open the smoke box door, we can see the smoke box tube plate with a lot of holes in the smoke box. Also, the U-type tube wasn't made by simply bending a round bar. It was cut down from a single board. This method is very time consuming and requires a lot of labour. This wooden model was made with so much precision. However, it is unclear how it was made. To learn the advanced techniques utilized by Europe and America, Japan in those days referred to an imported steam locomotive and reconstructed it using wood. This is possible.

Another possibility is the model and steam locomotive were imported from England at the same time. Unfortunately, the data which would shed some light on which theory is true is unavailable.

New Zealand Railways


Philippines Railways


Polish Railways

I know they are not diesel, but there are some Polish class Eu06 electrics built by MetroVic / EE which are virtually the same as our class 83 (I think!) I had a ride behind one a couple of years ago and they are hellfire!!! Polish Railways have windows that open properly!!! If there any electric cranks out there who want to see pics, go to



South African Railways

South Africa Garden Route News 11 Mar 99:


Railway Technology

More additions have been made to the Railway Technology site recently. Our Equipment and Services Catalogue for the railway and rail transport industry features a forms-based enquiry service for those requiring industry products and services, and covers every area of the industry, from Bearings, Seals and Couplings to Workshop, Yard and Terminal Equipment.

Last month, contractors and suppliers' listings were updated or added to the guide. In addition, further railway developments have been updated or added to our Current Projects section. A full list of the latest site additions can be found on our "What's New" page at:


For further information on contractors and suppliers for all areas of the railroad transportation industry, visit our site at:


Additional pages have been added to Railway Technical Web Pages: US/UK Terminology, Train Auxiliary Equipment, Wheel Arrangements - notation, Steam vs Diesel - a slightly edited report of the paper by Al Krug. Other pages have been updated.


Enthusiasts' Sites

The Unofficial GB Railway Enthusiast Website has moved:


Link Rail UK now has over 600 links (always like to find more):


RTN-UK is an e-mail contact list for anyone wishing to receive/submit information about railtours and specials on the national rail network. Subscribers can advertise tours, provide information about timings, last minute alterations - in fact the only requirement is that your messages should relate in some way to railtours or specials on Britain's railways. It's easy to subscribe, simply send a blank e-mail to:


or see web page


The Rail Enthusiast Web Site can be found at:


The web site contains details of rail mailing lists, a class 37/4 loco photo log, depot directory and an (almost) comprehensive list of the top rail related web sites. Still to come on the web site is a guide to TOPS reports and codes, more photo logs and details of some projects I'm still working on in the railway preservation sector.

New Rail Site:


The Link Rail UK Site has been updated:


Website updated at:


Because of space limitations on my site I have started a second site with more photos, steam, diesel, soundfiles etc:


Have added another page of more "arty" type pics to my website (but still a long way to go to use all that 15M of space available!!!):


"Hunting the Iron Horse" is a Charlie-style report of my failed mission to see 80079 on tour. But we did see 37s, 101s, an HST and a 56, read all about it and admire my photography at:


Railway Photographs

My web pages with all the photo's I have taken during my employment with BR are at:


Having done some more scanning, I have updated website modern traction, modern traction archive and steam photo galleries. All galleries use clickable thumbnails to try and optimise access speed. There are now over 60 pics in total.


Freak or Unique! A collection of train images which asks the age old question: are they freaks of nature or are they unique?


For railway pics and links - now without pop-up ads!


Photographs by Jim Blundell:


Please feel free to visit my web site and my latest album which includes pictures of 59/2's in Wales, 37/4's on Wales and West services, various freights, a 37 that looks like its on fire and one of the latest arrivals 66071 working the Calvert bins. Feel free to post me or here any feedback.


Shots of 80136 on the East Lancs Rly, a selection of photo's of scrapped loco's circa 1967, and photo of 60800 Green Arrow in snow from 6/3/99 The Master Cutler Sheffield to London Marylebone, now on:


New photos on site:


Please find my latest addition to my photo web site, the Marylebone Centenary Party and associated Steam trips from Sunday 14th March. On a very sunny day I've managed to get some good shots of 60800 Green Arrow, D6700 and a backup cast including 66057 with a cab-shot and more:


The Phantasmagoria Rail Photo Galleries are undergoing a major update. Gallery 1 is complete and available for viewing at:


Pictures taken of recent steam tours from 21 & 22/3 & 27/3/99 featuring 35028,80079,73096:


Take a look at our new website, we have the first railsearchengine and even better, your site can be added. Take a look at:


The 1980's Rail Photo Archive:


Railway Videos

I have added a new video to the video section. Take a look at World of Trains:


On behalf of BEULAH, I am pleased to announce that British Transport Films will be celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year, and a new section of the BEULAH website will be devoted to publicising it. Readers are most welcome to visit the site, at:


This month we are publishing a list of all the BTF productions currently available on PAL video.

During 1999 there will be screenings at locations around Britain of BTF titles, starting with a BTF Season at the National Film Theatre on London's South Bank in May. Full details of the programme are at:


For information about ticket prices and venues, please contact: Andrew Youdell, British Film Institute, 21 Stephen Street, London W1

Railway Video - Freightscene Vol. 1 Available Now, visit:


Titfield Tunderbolt

The whimsical Titfield Thunderbolt, a film I'm sure we all know and love has an afficionado at the equally whimsically named Brassknocker Basin on the Somerset Coal Canal. This is the name of a new and second hand bookshop that specialises in transport titles. The shop has a website with good info on the facts behind the film and well worth a visit:


Railway Sound Recordings

Steam sounds available at:


Demon, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to give me an extra 5mb of webspace. This has allowed me to reinstate my ELR Megamix II webpage. This page has sound clips of the following locos:

Class 31 5580 Class 40 D200, D345 Class 52 D1010, D1013 (these locos were carrying numbers D1041 and D1023 on the day!) Class 55 D9019

Once I've had a chance to listen to my recordings of D9000 last Saturday, I'll maybe add some clips of the run over the S&C, but I still think D9019 at the ELR Megamix was far more rateable! See what you think!

For the best in EE thrash, visit the Roaring Forties Website at:


Model Railway Enthusiast

Model Railway Enthusiast have now launched their own site:


This has been promised ever since the title changed hands, with effect from the February issue in 1998. MRE is now published by Garnett Dickinson Publishing of Rotherham.

Part of the change involved the transfer of the editorial function to Father and Son team - Pat and Tim Hammond - who have been involved in the industry for a considerable time. Hammond Publishing are also responsible for the management of the website.

The change in publisher and editorial style resulted in sales doubling in 1998 and they are still continuing to grow. This is due to the commitment to provide more pages of editorial and more articles than any of the other model railway publications.

The website features an index of all articles to have appeared in the magazine in 1998 and 1999, news of forthcoming articles and an interactive version of its popular 'Surfing the Net' article.

Mails and Chains

We have managed to obtain some more supplies of the "Mails & Chains" books. They are new copies of the the previously published editions (e.g. not new editions). The volumes available are:

London Midland Southern Scottish

Please note we do not expect to be able to obtain an more of the London Midland volume when these supplies are exhausted. For full details see.....


Tip: Search for "miles" - without quotes and all lowercase

RailStaff Select

The free monthly rail newspaper for the UK:


Eagle - the Avia Newsletter

In the first issue: - harrier progress - worthy successor to Turbo trains needed for new rail services


Books for Sale


Railway Maps

You can find a lot of maps (more transport map links wanted!) Just click the cartography button at:



To sign up for the Railwayana Collectors' Network UK emailing list, send a blank e-mail to:


or visit


Railwayana auction round-up website:


Rail-for-sale.co.uk is a new on line marketplace for buying and selling new or used model, minature and full sized rolling stock and accessories:


Black 5 "The Glasgow Highlander" set a new world record price for a nameplate at Sheffield a couple of weeks ago. The sale price? A mere GBP25,600!

National Travel

New website for information on specialized packages. Agents are always ready to help you with business or leisure travel.


Walter Alexander (Bus Builder)


Omnibus Society

For the benefit of anyone who has been trying to access our web-site at:


and has so far only get the holding page, we would like to apologise and suggest that you try:


where the pages are waiting for the proper address to be pointed to them.

"Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age"

The series might have ended but you can still visit Fred's website at:


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