HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 19/03/04, plus anything else that's come my way.

Steam Traction

The locomotives found under the sea would clearly have been express passenger locomotives since they have 6' 6" wheels. They could therefore not be anything that was being sent abroad for war service. They are apparently, unlike the rest of the shipwreck, very well preserved. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/3348789.stm

David Wardale's 5AT project for a new design of 4-6-0 steam loco developing 3500hp: http://www.5at.co.uk/SR-Article-Pt1.shtml

Roy Vandersteen's new URL: http://www.britishsteam.com

Jubilees Class


Class 31

Photo the class 31 31233 that has been completely painted in bright "Network Rail" yellow: http://alanpywell.fotopic.net/photo.php?id=2545901

Class 40

Railtour - The East Lancs Envoy - pictures and videos: http://www.magsystems.co.uk/envoy.mp4




Class 47

Fragonset class 47s stabled at Derby station: http://alanpywell.fotopic.net/show_collection.php?id=52391

Maybach Traction World


Blue Pullman



Signalling Record Society: http://www.siam.co.uk/srs/

Greenford East: http://www.greenfordbox.co.uk

Pictures of Slough IECC: http://sloughiecc.fotopic.net/

Torre Signal Box: http://www.torre-signal-box.co.uk/index.shtml

Salop Goods Junction Signal Box: http://ivansphotos.fotopic.net/

John Tilly's pictures of far north of Scotland signal boxes (all disused): http://mysite.freeserve.com/Johntilly/Gallery/gallerysig.lwp/odyframe.htm

Yarmouth Vauxhall including an unusual modern block instrument: http://mysite.freeserve.com/Johntilly/Gallery/gallerysig.lwp/odyframe.htm

Romsey Signal Box: http://www.romseysignalbox.org.uk/


The Abandoned Stations website continues to expand: http://www.abandonedstations.co.uk

Alston Branch

Lambley viaduct and Coanstone station on Haltwhistle-Alston branch: http://www.nigelsmusic.freeserve.co.uk


A report of a railtour to Buxton, featuring two Type 3s, has been compiled by Charlie Hulme. 37 419 and 37 427 were used on the SRPS special on 11th October 2003:


Churnet Valley Railway

Photographs of the Churnet Valley Railway Diesel Gala: http://www.kachuzyn.fsnet.co.uk/diesel_gala.htm

The Railway Age, Crewe



Devon and Cornwall

In the late 1960s and early 1970s: http://freepages.nostalgia.rootsweb.com/~cyberheritage/oldie.htm

East Lancashire Railway

Shots from the East Lancashire Railway's gala on 23rd September: http://55013.fotopic.net/show_collection.php?id=54520


Ecclesbourne Valley Railway

A speeded up journey taking just under 3 minutes: http://www.bbc.co.uk/derby/features/tours/railway/ecclesbourne_rail/duffiel d_wirksworth_line.shtml

Progress on the reopening of the Wirksworth branch by WyvernRail and the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway Association is available at: http://www.evra.org.uk/today/timegoesby.htm

Eden Valley Railway

Photographs of Stainmore Locomotives and the Eden Valley Railway:


Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway

The Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway's push to Stratford: http://www.andymanley.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/broadwayextension/news.htm

Great Western Railway

Photos and drawings of Brunel's Iron Bridge are on the BBC website: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/photo_gallery/3529991.stm

Kempton Great Engines Trust



One of our former colleagues at Hursley, Nick Goodall, has been editing a booklet about the railway, and this has just become available. It has 30 pages with quite a few photos, and a map of the narrow gauge route, which the Trust is selling £3.75. You can order a copy from:

Kempton Great Engines Trust Ltd c/o Thornley House Bells Lane Nether Wallop Stockbridge Hants SO20 8HA

Tel/Fax 01264 782318

The price does not include postage and packing, so you are advised to enquire beforehand.

Keswick, Cockermouth and Penrith Railway

Trackbed at Division Moor on the Penrith-Keswick line: http://www.nigelsmusic.freeserve.co.uk

A CD-ROM has just become available of the very scenic Penrith-Keswick trackbed with thousands of pictures taken over the last few years. The pictures are part of the Nigel Wright collection and the CD-ROM also includes pictrues from other Cumbrian railways. See: http://www.ckp-railways.co.uk

The Cumbrian Railways Association is pleased to announce the publication of its latest title: "The Furness Railway in and around Barrow". Written by Barrow native and Furness Railway authority, Michael Andrews, the book tells how a small farming community in an isolated part of the country turned within a few decades into a major sea port and industrial town. Michael brings this history up to the present day with a review of the current railway scene in Barrow. This book will appeal equally to the railway enthusiast, industrial historian and those interested in the local history of this part of Cumbria as well as to the curious visitor to the area.

Ordering details here: http://www.cumbrian-rail.org/

Killin Railway

The Loch Tay Steam Packet Company is close to completing the building of the steam ship "Spirit of the Tay", and it has also secured, at the western end of the loch, the track bed of part of the former Killin Railway. This includes the extension part which ran, from the station in the village of Killin, onto a pier for steamships, about a century ago.

Set in spectacular scenery, Killin is at the eastern gateway to the newly formed and first of Scotland's national parks, the Loch Lomond National Park, and one of the interested public bodies is considering the feasibility of a Scottish Heritage steam site, based around the environs of the former Killin Station. The former Calendar and Oban Railway line, which fed the Killin Railway, is breached in Glen Ogle but a few miles beyond the former Killin Junction there remains a working part of Network Rail on the former North British Railway (LNER) route at Crianlarich. What could start off as a small scale rebuilding of a mile or two of track could eventually be developed, in stages if required, into the longest operating tourist railway in the UK set amongst what is arguably the finest of all Scottish scenery and surrounded by some of the richest historical heritage of the nation.

The whole project will be greedy for volunteers and especially hands on workers in the cold, damp, dirty regions of the permanent way! If sufficient interest is shown, the first step could be the purchase of an accommodation coach or coaches.




Pictures of Skegness line boxes have been added to: http://mysite.freeserve.com/Johntilly/Gallery/gallerysig.lwp/odyframe.htm

Liverpool Overhead Railway


London Underground

History: http://www.starfury.demon.co.uk/uground/index.html

The Tubeprune - the Tube Professionals Rumour Network: http://www.trainweb.org/tubeprune/signalling.htm

Settle and Carlisle Railway

Pictures of Long Meg mine: http://www.nigelsmusic.freeserve.co.uk

Somerset and Dorset Railway

Latest developments at Midsomer Norton: http://www.gebejay.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/sdrail3.html


Pictures of Wellow Station and Wellow Signal Box can be seen here: http://www.gebejay.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/sdrail2.html

New URL for the definitive list of Somerset and Dorset books and videos: http://pubs.sdrt.org/index.htm

Summit Tunnel, Todmorden


http://www.rochdaleobserver.co.uk/features/feature8/articles/article_id=914 6



Tees Viaduct

You might like to visit this site to see what is proposed on the site of Tees Viaduct, using the remaining abutments:


West Somerset Railway

"West Somerset Express" is the unofficial online newsletter of the West Somerset Railway. Issue 20 for March 2004 can be seen at: http://www.trainsferriesbuses.co.uk/issue20.htm

West Somerset Express homepage: http://www.trainsferriesbuses.co.uk/westsomersetexpress.htm


The Royston Ghost Train: http://www.bbc.co.uk/southyorkshire/sense_of_place/ghost_stories/royston.sh tml


Tasmanian railways: http://www.discovertasmania.com.au/home/index.cfm?SiteID=767

Australian signals: http://www.irmodels.com

"The Internal Fire" Steam and Internal Combustion Museum http://www.internalfire.com

Australasia Railway As you might have been aware, RAILDATE has been following the progress of the building of the new railway line across Australia from Alice Springs to Darwin. Sincere thanks then to Niall Ferguson, who has provided RAILDATE with an "exclusive" photograph of the first train to arrive at Tennant Creek in the goldfields of Australia's Northern Territory. Niall writes: "My daughter (who is on her student elective at Tennant Creek Hospital) sent me the attached photo of the first train (a freight, passenger trains don't start for another two weeks when she will have left) on the Ghan extension from Alice Springs to Darwin. I don't have website but you might like to post it somewhere for RAildate fans" Richard Walker has kindly put the photograph here: http://tinyurl.com/22auc

More information on the first train is available here: http://www.aarc.com.au/aarc/news/first_train.htm


Lever frames from the turn of the 19th to 20th Century from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia: http://www.cdrail.cz/tudc/muzeum/galery.htm





Listen to conversations between dispatchers and engineers (drivers) in the USA: http://www.atcsmon.com

Chasing trains: http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~45~1723230,00.html





Railway Books

The Winter 2004 Paperchase sale list of railway guides and other paperwork is now available on the Paperchase website: http://www.thepaperchase.co.uk

The lastest Barry Jones Catalogue is now available at: http://www.tobaz.co.uk/barry

Totem Exchange

A monthly magazine dedicated to collecting totems: http://www.totemexchange.co.uk

Trains On-line Magazine



Buses and trains galore: http://peterskuce.fotopic.net

North Western Photos website: http://n-west-photos.fotopic.net

A revamped and much updated fotopic site of Railway Photographs is now available. There are many "new" (well old) pictures - mostly undated but probably late 1980s): http://gallery8859.fotopic.net/

David's Railway Photography - BR Since 1978: http://www.brsince78.co.uk

Lens of Sutton

Following the sudden of death of John L Smith of Lens of Sutton at the end of 1999 an Association was formed which succeeded in acquiring the celluloid railway negatives (the glass plates and the negatives of trams and buses being safe in other hands).

The Association's part of the collection comprises the great majority of the station views including John Smith's own photographs and the copies of old postcards for which he became so well known, together with large numbers of locomotive and rolling stock subjects. In addition to the photographs he himself took from the 1940s onwards, and those he copied, John acquired negatives from many different photographers.

Coverage of the South of England is substantially complete with almost every station represented by at least one and, in many cases, up to a dozen views. That of the North less strong although there are for example some 2,000 ex-LNER English station photographs. John only kept a small proportion of the negatives in print at any one time; often he would copy an old postcard, have ten prints made and then the view would never be reprinted.

An initial examination of the collection suggests that as many as half the negatives have not been printed for fifteen years. Much of the collection therefore remains unknown and unpublished. The Association intend to market the photographs at sensible prices and keep the name of Lens of Sutton going as a tribute to the remarkable man who devoted so many years to building up the collection. They have a major task on their hands. John had no list of the negatives and they were kept loose in filing cabinets. They don't even know how many there are although they estimate about 75,000. Some progress is being made with this and the first lists are now available. The one thing they ask is that people are patient; it is going to take a few years before the collection is properly catalogued and the negatives are all in envelopes.

It is stressed that prints can only be supplied to the public if they are ordered from the published lists.

For further information send an s.a.e to:

The Lens of Sutton Association 8 Smiths Farm Lane Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 7DL

Films and TV

A huge database of buses used in films and TV programmes: http://www.busstation.net/screen/screen.htm


The Edmondson Railway Collection: http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/brown/edmondlist.html

The Railway Correspondence and Travel Society


They have an archive of Working Timetables on their Library pages

Railway Ramblers


Microsoft Train Simulator

Severn Valley Railway expansion from Blue Arrow: http://www.justtrains.net/?a=JFF000357&x=JFF000357

A new Blackpool Tram Route and other downloads: http://www.uktrainsim.com

Discussion Groups

GWR modelling: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GWR4mm/

D_8_E_Multiple Unit Yahoo! Group: Subscribe: D_8_E_MultipleUnit-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

South East Buses Group Yahoo! Group: Subscribe: south_east_buses_group-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Rail Renationalisation Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/railrenationalisation

HSTs: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HSTs

British Private Owner Wagon models: http://www.topica.com/lists/powagonmodels/

Rail Enthusiast - shares information about the past and present UK railway scene: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RailEnthusiast

South Eastern Railway and Chatham Railway: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheSouthEastern/

Model Railways On-Line Magazine


Model Railway Express Online Magazine



Ambergate, Debenham and Honley: http://railnut.freehomepages.com/images/H28/

Fully customisable interlocking lever frame kit that also includes a software package to help you determine what you need to build it. http://modratec.com/

Hornby Railway Collectors' Association: http://hrca.net

The Tri-ang Society: http://www.tri-angsociety.co.uk

Pendon Museum celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2004: http://www.pendonmuseum.com

Live steam in 4mm scale from Hornby: http://www.hornbyrailways.com/pages/livestm_live.aspx

Garden Railways

John Sullivan's OO in the garden: http://www.yddraiggoch.demon.co.uk/railway/railway.html


Couriered holidays in Britain and European: http://www.railtrail.co.uk

Sixbells Junction ("Probably the largest source of railtour gen anywhere on the planet"): http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/sixbells/

Photos from the CFPS North Countryman Railtour featuring 40145 on 29th November 2003:

http://mysite.freeserve.com/nedchester/291103.htm http://www.photobox.co.uk/public/customer.html?customer=91990

And videoclips of the machine between Carlisle and Newcastle: http://www.burgess57.freeserve.co.uk/Scout Green.wmv http://www.burgess57.freeserve.co.uk/40145.WMV

Industrial Archaeology

Sussex: http://www.snowing.co.uk/sias/default.htm


British Trams Online: http://www.britishtramsonline.co.uk/

Nottingham Trams

Official NET web site: http://www.thetram.net/

Driver's eye view of the Nottingham tram system: http://www.thetram.net/about/virtual.asp

Stephen Dee's unofficial site: http://www.nettrams.net/

Radio Nottingham's site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/nottingham/features/2004/03/tram_index.shtml


The AEC society webshots album - hours of happy browsing for lovers of AEC vehicles - loads of buses: http://community.webshots.com/user/aecsociety

Loads of bus stuff... http://www.trevorcope.com

Details of London buses plus a guide to die-cast model buses. Also a steam railway section: http://www.britishsteam.com/bus/index.htm

A fully-operational model trolleybus layout in 4mm scale: http://www.walford-arches.org.uk/

Leicestershire bus website: http://home.clara.net/mpjohnson/

Chelsham Bus Garage. A very nicely done bus website: http://www.btinternet.com/~alan.c.edwards/

Open top buses, American style: http://www.opentopbus.com/

London Canal Museum


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