HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 05/01/07, plus anything else that's come my way.

LBSCR Locomotives

A now-completed-as-far-possible database of LBSCR locomotives: http://www.semg.org.uk/steam/lbscr/lbscr.html

BB/WC Class

34007 "Wadebridge" made a return to steam on 2nd October, and there are pictures of the momentous occasion taken at Boscarne Junction plus some more taken three days later at Bodmin Road. Click on the "News" link http://www.wadebridge34007.co.uk

Duke of Gloucester

Duke of Gloucester website: http://www.dukeofgloucester.co.uk/

Class 33

A website devoted to the class 33: http://www.class33crompton.co.uk/

Class 47

Andy Sollis has updated the Staffordshire Type 4 (ST4) website with new pictures of 47192 under restoration and in service at the Churnet Valley Railway http://www.st4.org

Class 159/1

The Southern Electric Group is privileged to have received a preview of 159102 at Wabtec's works in Doncaster from the legendary photographer Brian Morrison:



Goods & Not So Goods - an overview of railway freight operations for modellers: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/gansg/

Narrow Gauge

Narrow Gauge Heaven - a huge number of narrrow gauge images: http://www.narrow-gauge.co.uk/


Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Co Ltd miniature power lever frames: http://www.wbsframe.mste.co.uk/newsite/index.htm


The GWR Abingdon Branch website has recently been updated and now contains almost 300 photographs: http://www.abingdonbranch.co.uk

Ashover Light Railway

A relatively new revival scheme has sprung up - the Ashover Light Railway Society. A group of narrow gauge steam enthusiasts plans to set up a base at Butts quarry, and the Duke of Devonshire has agrees to become Patron of the society. Annual subscriptions are a reasonable £10: http://www.alrs.org.uk

Carlisle & Silloth Bay Railway

Peter Burgess's webpages on the Carlisle & Silloth Bay Railway: http://www.cumbria-railways.co.uk/carlisle_silloth_bay_railway.html

Brian Irwin's very interesting site. Amongst lots of interesting items and photographs, he also has a section on the Silloth Line: http://www.deborahirwin.plus.com

Chatham Dockyard

Chatham Dockyard had an extensive railway laid in the roads of the shipyard that was operated by various shunters (saddle-tank steam and then Barclays diesel). See here for more details: http://www.kentrail.co.uk/Chatham%20Dockyard.htm


Photo galleries and a history of railways in the Hayle area: http://www.hayleeye.co.uk/

Chris Sawle has a fotopic website that he hopes will provide a document of what has been lost in Cornwall: http://cornwallslostrailways.fotopic.net

Efforts to reopen the Helston branch: http://www.helstonrailway.co.uk/

And the model of same: http://www.rosewarnejunction.me.uk/Railway.htm


Cycle Devon's railway network! http://www.devoncyclehire.co.uk

And if you are in the Torrington area, the Tarka Trail runs past the old station now an excellent pub/restaurant called "The Puffing Billy". Good food, loads of railway atmosphere and even an old carriage in the platform.



Thanks to Geof Shepherd, who advises that if you missed the Network Rail touring exhibition of Brunel's achievements, it can be viewed on their website: http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/3366.aspx Each of the panels covers a different aspect of his work - Box Tunnel, Royal Albert Bridge, etc - and a couple of clicks on each image opens up a larger view with a description of what it is and why it is important.



The South Western Circle is a well-known source of LSWR information: http://www.lswr.org/

Lynton & Barnstaple Railway

Unfortunately the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway website server has had another failure and is currently offline. In anticipation of its return, you might like to view the L&B website of the Surrey Area Group: http://lynbarnrail.atspace.com/

Peak Rail

Peak Rail developments in Matlock: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/derbyshire/6192463.stm


Airdrie - Bathgate Rail Link Project website: http://www.airdriebathgateraillink.co.uk/plan/

Somerset & Dorset Jt Railway

"Two Tunnels" shared path on the trackbed of the Somerset & Dorset: http://www.twotunnels.org.uk/

Tom Baldwin has plotted the trackbed of the S&DJR in Windows Live Local (WLL). The first part (the Bath Extension) is here: http://maps.live.com/?v=2&cid=9A770B99E60A13E1!247

He later added the three branches: http://maps.live.com/?v=2&cid=9A770B99E60A13E1!330

The final part is the stretch from Evercreech to Wimborne and Bournemouth West: http://maps.live.com/?v=2&cid=9A770B99E60A13E1!435

Inside the pushpins for the stations you'll see a 'More info...' option that takes you to an 1890 map. (Since the Bridgwater branch did not open until that year it isn't on the maps.)

Southern Railway

The Southern Railway Group (SRG) publishes a quarterly magazine "Southern Notebook": http://www.srgroup.fsnet.co.uk/


Historic Sussex aerial photographs: http://www.geog.sussex.ac.uk/grc/info/airphotos-historic/

World War II

War service on the Southern Railway: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/55/a3700955.shtml

Bombs targetted for Wymondham railway line: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/51/a3882251.shtml

Doodlebug hits Charlton railway station: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/53/a2365553.shtml

Midnight train from Darlington to Ferryhill: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/80/a2473580.shtml

The Burma Railway: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ww2/A1057619 http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/92/a3126692.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/05/a4042405.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/62/a1946162.shtml


How on earth did that happen?! http://ken9840.fotopic.net/p34763358.html


Steve McNally's photographs of railways in the Sydney area following his recent trip down-under. Includes photos of their XPT units, the power cars of which were designed,base on and look like our HST. http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c1149119_1.html

More information on these interesting units is given here: http://www.railpage.org.au/xpt/

A website with information on industry and industrial tramways in New Zealand: http://www.koekejunction.hnpl.net/Frames/Frame.htm


A stunning portfolio of steam in China: http://whitemasksnaps.fotopic.net/c833583.html


John van der Pijl's "Trains of Europe" site: http://www.trainsofeurope.nl



The Mount Washington Cog Railway: http://www.thecog.com

News of a new light railway system in Denver Colorado: http://www.southeastlightrail.com/


Piers Connor's "Railway Technical" website: http://www.railway-technical.com/

Chronological tables of local railway acts: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/chron-tables/local/index.htm

A collection of websites featuring old station sites and disused railways http://www.subbrit.org.uk/sb-sites/stations/sites.shtml http://www.railwaywalks.co.uk/ http://www.urban75.org/railway/

Iain Logan's "Electric Soup" - loads of railway stuff: http://homepages.enterprise.net/iainlogan/

The National Rail Timetable is now available in electronic form as a set of downloadable pdf files - one file per table in the printed edition, plus the supplementary pages and maps: http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/3828.aspx Download the index which includes links to individual tables.


Useful advice for enthusiasts visiting working railway locations from British Transport Police. Hopefully the TOCs will recognise these guidelines as well, and we'll see an end to officious station staff giving photographers the order of the boot. Might be an idea to print this down and have it in your camera bag...! http://www.btp.police.uk/railenthusiasts.html http://tinyurl.com/y7dmlo

Jonathan's Railway Page: http://www.metropolitanrailway.co.uk/

Mike Morant has recently uploaded a new collection to Fotopic including the frontage of Bournemouth West in 1962: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1144161.html Mike has also set up a collection of images of German railway subjects: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1090488.html

Steve McNally has added some 1973 Barry photos to: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c1073017.html IoW emu 008: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/p35693646.html And IoW steam railway: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c915159.html Photos of 458s and other modern 444/450 stock: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c1079945_25.html

Paul Biggs' pictures of the Nene Valley Railway Diesel Gala on 6th/7th October: http://paulbiggs.fotopic.net/c1104984.html And photos of 86228 at Coalville: http://modernrailways.fotopic.net/c1113653.html Some pictures of the GCR Steam (and diesel!) Gala on 8th October: http://railshots.fotopic.net/ Pictures of Anglia 47714 working to Brush Works with Power Cars 43194, 43122 and 43126 and taking 43133 back to Gloucester on 19th October: http://modernrailways.fotopic.net/c1116356.html Pictures of Class 66 66032 and 66037 on the GCR at: http://paulbiggsgcrailway.net/c1113577.html 31459 and 314542 on Barrow Hill to Llandudno charter, 25th October: http://modernrailways.fotopic.net/c1121054.html Pictures from a wet and miserable Embsay and Bolton Abbey Diesel Gala: http://paulbiggs.fotopic.net/c1123953.html Photos of D5830 working on the GCR on 18th November: http://paulbiggsgcrailway.fotopic.net/c1128317.html

Chris Dadson visited Woody Bay on 8th October: Ten images of Hunslet 0-4-0 locomotive No.409 "Velinheli" in steam on the last day of the engine's visit to the railway: http://gallery74781.fotopic.net/c938486_21.html Four images of the pair of steam road vehicles used at the L&B Steam Gala the previous weekend: http://gallery74781.fotopic.net/c603089_62.html Photos of visiting West Country class locomotive 34028 "Eddystone" at the Bluebell Railway on 18th October. Apparently, the engine failed its test run, and was returned to the works for further attention: http://gallery74781.fotopic.net/c335746_41.html

Tony Pearce's Pictures from the Bluebell Railway including the visit of "City of Truro" Photographs taken at the Bluebell Railway's "Giants of Steam Gala" and pictures of 34007 "Wadebridge" taken on 30th October: Four collections from the recent Bluebell gala weekend: 1 Friday 10th 2 Sunday 12th 3 5 Terrier Line Up - Monday 13th 4 Photographic charter with Martello - Tuesday 14th http://tony-pearce.fotopic.net/

Roger Bailey's photographs of the 2006 West Somerset Railway Autumn Gala: http://rogersrailwayphotographs.fotopic.net/c1107457.html

Alan Padley's pictures of the Duke of Gloucester on 21st October: http://railshots.fotopic.net/c1116130.html A busy day at Acton Bridge on 27th October: http://railshots.fotopic.net/ Shot at Old Denaby on 30th October: http://railshots.fotopic.net/c1123813.html Sightings near Barrow Hill including a piece of rail being cut out and replaced on the westbound line: http://railshots.fotopic.net/c1160632.html

Paul Ferbrache has uploaded pictures of 1198 working at The Dartmoor Railway Diesel Gala: http://www.cepsandbeps.fotopic.net/c1112640.html

850 "Lord Nelson" working on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October: http://www.wsr.org.uk/locos.htm

There's a wide range of photographs here. The search facility is not very "user friendly", but does work, once you understand the way you use the different fields to refine your search: http://www.30937.co.uk/

For Southern Railway stuff, there not much that beats John Wills' website: http://www.southernrailway.net

Discussion Groups

Bygone Lines UK: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/bygone_lines_uk/

Derbyshire Railways: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/derbyshirerailways/

East Cleveland Railways: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/eastclevelandrailways/

Great Eastern Railway: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/greateastern/

Great Northern Railway: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/great_northern_railway/

Great Western Railway: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/gwr-elist/

Irish Railways: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/RAILWAYS-IRELAND/

London Midland & Scottish Railway: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lmsreg/

London & North Eastern Railway: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/lner-list/

Scottish Railways: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/firstscotrailgroup/

Sheffield & District Railways: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/sheffieldrailways/

South Eastern & Chatham Railway: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TheSouthEastern/

Southern Railway, historic - SR and its constituents (900 members!): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SEmG/

Southern Railway, modern - aimed at London to South Coast services: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/southernrailway/

Southern Railway loco-hauled carriage stock: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SRLHCS

South Yorkshire & District Railway History: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/sydistrictrailhistory/

The Woodhead Line: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/woodhead_railway/

The history of railways and canals: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/railwaycanal/

If you want to let off steam about rail services, try going here: http://trainblog.co.uk/web_index.php

A railwayana collectors' forum: http://transportbadges.proboards51.com

A group for discussing preserved locomotive sightings: http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/preserved-loco-sightings

The Lynton & Barnstaple Yahoo email group can be found at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/exmoor-ng/


London to Brighton in 2 minutes: http://www.lobsterpictures.tv/webcom/lonbri.php

A BR crew-training video - Brighton to Hove and return: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHj7C4l3mk

Maps ----

A new map website that allows you to view the UK as it was back in the 1940s. You area also encouraged to add postcode information directly to the map: http://www.npemap.org.uk/

Maps from the 1840s are available here: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/map.asp?pubid=270

Martin Tester has just launched a new West Country railway website. It is a primarily a map showing the railways of the west of England and has the following features: - it can be zoomed and panned without loss of detail - the date can be set, either by slider control or by specifying a year - the pregrouping ownership of the lines is shown (generally GWR or LSWR) - track gauge is shown, this may be broad, standard, or mixed - goods-only lines are distinguished from passenger lines - most significant features are marked, these may be stations, junctions, viaducts, tunnels, and various others - clicking on a line or feature generates a separate 'Feature Window' that gives further information extracted from the site's database. This may be information about the line or feature, references to articles and photographs, links to websites, etc. It also allows navigation to the next feature (up or down) the line or to the line itself. This facility is currently being developed and is not available for all lines and features. Where it is available there will be scope for additional data to be shown. It is all achieved by using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and Javascript. Although SVG is an official specification drawn up by the WWW Consortium it is not natively supported by Internet Explorer but requires a plug-in (ASV3) freely available from Adobe. A link to Adobe's download page is given, together with more information about SVG. Some users have reported teething troubles, but part of the exercise is to flush these out, and comments, corrections, and suggestions are welcome. http://www.railmaps.org.uk

Model Railways

For some time there has been a discussion group for users of TRAX layout planning software. However, its host (Topica) has proved to be somewhat unreliable over the years, so the group has moved to Yahoo! Groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/traxusers

TRAX layout planning software is published by Kestrel Railway Books: http://www.kestrelrailwaybooks.co.uk

Benn Pollard has a website about his N gauge Southern Region model railway project: http://www.wagon-wheels.tk

OO Works now has a website. It is purely a shop window and ordering must be done by telephone: http://sites.ecosse.net/ooworks/index.html

Apple Green Engines - handbuilt locos aimed at the LNER enthusiast: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/applegreen/

Colin Duff has posted pictures of Modelzone's new Networker model on the Southern Electric Group website home page: http://www.southernelectric.org.uk/

Plus different pictures in the modelling gallery: http://www.southernelectric.org.uk/modelling/mod4galrtremu.html

A modelshop online that we haven't featured before: http://www.tarvitmodels.com

Modratec is a company that sells kits for locking signal frames to your own design. They provide a free piece of software to build the locking. http://modratec.com/

Hornby's website has been considerably revamped: http://www.hornby.com/

A huge database of resources from the Central London Area Group: http://www.clag.org.uk/

Modelling Scottish Railways: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ScottishModellers/ http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/scottishmodellers-photoalbum/ http://www.modelrail-scotland.com/

Diesel and Electric Modellers United: http://www.demu.co.uk/forum/index.php

Diesel and Electric Modellers United members in the Scottish Lowlands: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/demuslag/

Modelling Civil Engineers Stock: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CEnet/

DCC operation: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DCCUK/

Proto87 - finescale HO gauge modelling: http//www/proto87.org

If you're looking for a station track plan, this site might help, although the plans that are (just about) visible on the website seem rather rudimentary, and at £10 a time, probably of limited value compared with the relevant 25in to a mile OS map: http://www.railwaystationtrackplans.co.uk

Industrial Archaeology

Mike Moore has an excellent website specialising in Industrial Archaeology mining and caving books: http://www.moorebooks.co.uk

There is a new website called "Bal Maidens and Women at the Mines", which can be found at: http://www.balmaiden.co.uk

Morwellam Quay: http://www.morwellham-quay.co.uk

St Just Minerals and Mining: http://www.stjustminerals.co.uk/

An index of Stoke-on-Trent and district mines: http://www.thepotteries.org/mining/allmines/index.htm

An interesting website on coalmining in north Wales http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/northeast/sites/history/coal.shtml

Coal Mining in the Afan Valley: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southwest/sites/inpictures/pages/cymmer_mines2.shtml

The Caerau Colliery: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southwest/sites/inpictures/pages/cymmer_mines.shtml

A new home for the Peak District Mines Historical Society: http://www.pdmhs.com

Road Vehicles

All you want to know about tractors... any tractors... http://www.tractordata.com/

The Independent Bus - a very interesting gallery of bus operators that were not part of any of the large groupings: http://gallery41664.fotopic.net/

The Carriage Museum of America - information on horse-drawn carriages: http://www.carriagemuseumlibrary.org/index.html


Thanks to Nick Wheat for spotting this rather unorthodox way of moving a retired RAF Lightning. I'm surprised they didn't just fire her up and let her taxi... http://gyle-lightning.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_gyle-lightning_archive.html

A homage to the English Electric Lightning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xcb29P_zuY&NR

An amazing landing by what became known as the "Gimli Glider": http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/gimli.html


Some pictures of the paddle steamer "Medway Queen": http://home.freeuk.com/lenknight/trialsite2/dismantling.htm


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