HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 31/09/07, plus anything else that's come my way.


In 1972, Terry Heeley set about photographing signal boxes which, at that time, were disappearing fast. He has started to convert the colour transparencies to JPEGs and is putting them on his website: http://www.terryheeley.co.uk

Peter Smith is compliing a website as a database of colour schemes used on railway buildings: http://www.stationcolours.info


BR locoshed allocations: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~luigin/Locoshed/Locoshed.htm

Thanks to Richard Buckby who spotted this accident report. Evidently, wrongly connected wiring resulted in a SPAD - power was turned off, but the train kept going: http://www.raib.gov.uk/cms_resources/070430_R102007_Camden_Road.pdf

Battle of Britain Class

92 Squadron is back! The protracted repairs are now finished and she is resplendent in a new coat of paint: http://www.92squadron.co.uk/pics/lge/p021.html

Lord Nelson Class

Ian Coster's video of Lord Nelson at Barnes Station on 9th May: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reC47vvPIas

Ron Strutt has posted pictures of "The Dorset Coast Express" which ran on 19th May 2007, hauled by Lord Nelson: http://ronstruttsrailwaypics.fotopic.net/c1272124.html (and scroll down)

Also "an appallingly poor quality video (but with good sound effects)" Lord Nelson on Upwey bank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoEHpncXD0

BR Standards

A discussion group for the 82045 Locomotive Fund: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/llms8f48773svr/

Class 20

Paul Biggs's pictures of the recent "Chopperfest Gala" at Butterley: http://paulbiggsmrcentre.fotopic.net/c1283625.html

Class 442

An interesting website on these units. In the Forum section there is often what appears to be "inside" information about forthcoming moves for these units: http://www.class442.co.uk


An enterprising wagon owner has a Web presence. His site also includes a useful list of TOPS and wagon codes in the "Railway Info" section: http://www.btinternet.com/~second_engineering/index.htm

"Wagons on the web" - descriptions and photos of British and North American wagons: http://www.wagons.wordpress.com

Barrow Hill

Barrow Hill, 9th June 2007 - Photographs recently uploaded by Paul Biggs: http://barrowhill.fotopic.net/c1299641.html

Paul Biggs's pictures from a damp day at Barrow Hill on 15th July 2007: http://barrowhill.fotopic.net/c1328040.html


Basingstoke's railway history in maps: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/cj.tolley/cjt-brhm.htm

Clapham Junction

All about Clapham Junction: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A13073744


The Axminster & Lyme Regis Railway Association website: http://lymebilly.port5.com/index.htm


And the collision at Epsom on 12th September 2006: http://tinyurl.com/38p86c


A fold-up model of the Euston Arch: http://home.clara.net/rogerpattenden/eustonarch.html


All about the Fairford branch: http://www.martin.loader.btinternet.co.uk/Fairford_Branch.htm


Despite the complete removal of the remains of Gravesend West station, the pier has been restored. A good write-up and recent photos of the pier are on the Kent Rail website: http://www.kentrail.co.uk/gravesend%20town%20pier.htm

Demolition of Gravesend West station (which only took place last year) are also featured. This all survived long after the station ceased to be used, It closed to passengers in 1953, while Allhallows went on until December 1961. http://www.kentrail.co.uk/gravesend_west%20(3).htm

More about Gravesend piers here: http://www.simplonpc.co.uk/TilburyGravesend3.html

Great Central Railway

There is now an official website for the Great Central Railway Society: http://www.gcrsociety.co.uk

Gorton Locomotive Works: http://gorton-tank.com/

Dukinfield Carriage & Wagon Works: http://www.greatcentraldukinfield.co.uk/

Lots of information about the Great Central Railway here: http://www.railwayarchive.org.uk/

Details of this new limited edition book on the Great Central Railway covering the period 1960-1964: http://steamcentral.tripod.com/

Annesley MPD: http://www.annesleyfireman.com/index.html

D8154 at Ruddington undergoing a fitness to run exam: http://paulbiggs.fotopic.net/1299574.html

GCR London Extension a short clip of the 1880 trial bore at Dover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSXxO5w6Oa0

The Buckley Society, publishers of "The Buckley Railway Album": http://www.buckleysociety.org.uk/Buckley.htm

A threat to the 1954 Woodhead Tunnel? Maybe not: http://tinyurl.com/2ozs8a

The railways of Poynton - shows photos of the locos and wagons of the colliery railways: http://www.brocross.com/poynton/book/book9.htm

Gallery of photos of the Fallowfield Loop after closure: http://gallery31903.fotopic.net/c82571.html

Great Western Railway

A fascinating site that concentrates mainly on the GWR, but includes (amongst other things) an engine photograph database covering most railway companies: http://www.grindham.co.uk


Steve McNally recently paid a visit to Hamworthy goods, where two platforms remain together with a building believed to have been added in the 1950/60s. Access is restricted as it is part of the port, and the area is heavily built up around the old station. One photo was taken, unfortunately through wire, but there are links to earlier views: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/p43282145.html


Ralph Rawlinson reports that the Helston Railway Company, in the presence of local dignitaries, laid the first pieces of track at Truthall Halt on 7th May 2007. http://www.helstonrailway.co.uk/index.html


History of the Great Northern Railway Newark-Bottesford line and the closely associated GN & LNW joint line to the south: http://www.avoe05.dsl.pipex.com/GN%20LNW%20Jt%20text.htm

Lincoln area photos http://www.andyknowles.co.uk/

London, Brighton & South Coast Railway


London & South Western Railway

An interesting site about the LSWR, which includes a particularly useful colour chart, that cvers RGB, CMYK, BS colours: http://website.lineone.net/~earlygen/index.html

London Transport

Underground trains being tested in deepest Derbyshire: http://tinyurl.com/yqm5e2


Colliery lines east of Mansfield: http://www.avoe05.dsl.pipex.com/East%20of%20Mansfield.htm

Midland Railway

The Midland Railway Study Centre, and its website, have both had a significant face-lift recently: http://www.midlandrailwaystudycentre.org.uk/

Webcam views of the work going on at Peak Rail's Matlock site, where Sainsbury's are building a new store: http://www.sainsburysmatlock.co.uk


Nottingham's lost railway heritage: http://www.leverton.org/tunnels/nottingham/index.html

North Staffordshire Railway

Photographs of Alton (Staffordshire) station master's house owned by the Landmark Trust: http://www.astbury.org/landmt/alton/altonstn.htm


Northumbrian Railways: http://www.northumbrian-railways.co.uk/index.html

The Amble Branch: http://www.kestrelrailwaybooks.co.uk

North Yorkshire Moors Railway

An interesting RAIB report on the accident at Pickering (NYMR) in May: http://www.raib.gov.uk/cms_resources/070808_R292007_Pickering.pdf


Petworth Railway Station: http://www.old-station.co.uk/main.htm


Railways on Portland Bill: http://www.portlandbill.co.uk/railways1.htm

Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway

The Rail Accident Investigation Branch has released its report into a passenger train derailment on the Ravenglass & Eskdale narrow gauge railway on 12th May 2007 (thanks to Richard Buckby): http://tinyurl.com/2gazez


The Three Rivers Rail Partnership brings together local authorities, local people and the rail industry to work to promote train and rail-link bus services in the Romsey area: http://www.threeriversrail.com/index.htm


Thanks to Neil Kearns for this link to the unofficial website of Salisbury Area Signalling Centre: http://www.salisburyasc.co.uk/


A very nice tea room based in an old station on the Scarborough-Whitby line if you're in North Yorkshire. They do B&B too: http://www.cloughtonstation.co.uk/


The "Friends of the Barton line" (Barton-upon-Humber, North Lincs): http://beehive.thisisscunthorpe.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=SiteHome&ID=1264


The Soham explosion of 1944: http://www.soham.org.uk/history/trainexplosion.htm

Southern Railway

After a 3-4 year absence due to many factors, the website formerly called southernrailwayuk.com has been relaunched. It can now be found at: http://www.rayngeyard.co.uk/ At circa 1000 pages and approaching 9000 individual images and other files after 3 years worth of updates, there should be something there to interest pretty much everyone.

Waterloo signalbox, among many featured on a site dedicated to Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Co Ltd miniature power lever frames: http://www.wbsframe.mste.co.uk/newsite/Waterloo.html

Excellent Southern Railway images here: http://www.southern-images.co.uk

and here: http://www.southernrailway.net

A series of links posted by David Cockle to the SEmG Yahoo! group celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the end of Southern steam: http://tinyurl.com/2zonat http://www.winchester.gov.uk/Events/Event.asp?id=SX9452-A7815116 http://www.outeverywhere.com/events/40thanniversaryof-300108.html http://www3.hants.gov.uk/events/searcheventslisting/eventsdetail.htm?id=2026

http://www.purbeck.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=9758&-menupage=166 http://tinyurl.com/yug22n http://www.swanagerailway.co.uk/0740thann.htm http://www.watercressonline.co.uk/section.php?xSec=136 http://tinyurl.com/24y5dh http://www.heritagerailway.co.uk/next.html http://www.steamrecreations.co.uk/news.php

Photographs of 35030, from southern-images, on 9th July 1967 (plus some other relevant ones): http://tinyurl.com/2ss6oz http://tinyurl.com/2tko8n http://tinyurl.com/2rdq24 http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/p4931799.html http://www.photographersdirect.com/buyers/stockphoto.asp?imageid=979331 http://www.locoperformance.co.uk/edition03/southwest.htm

Bill Richards' videos taken during the Swanage Railway's 40th Anniversary of the End of Southern Steam: http://steamvideo.chelters.me.uk/

Some clips, a photo gallery and anecdotes are on the BBC South Today website. The video clip shows some interesting archive film part of which is at Chichester: http://www.bbc.co.uk/southtoday/news_this_week/mp_090707_pick_week.shtml

BBC South Today has a feature on its website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/southtoday/content/articles/2007/06/22/steam_40_feature.shtml

Mike Morant has put those that he took during the last three months of steam operation are here: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1320917.html

Ian Coster's photographs of some of the special workings last weekend: http://swt.fotopic.net/c1298691.html His video of Lord Nelson leaving Waterloo: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bDhI5hme5-s The class 37 following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUe-ubugSms

Steve McNally's photos of commemorations on the Watercress Line and at Swanage: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c1321471.html

Due to the late running of Lord Nelson, Pete Thorpe caught it and Clan Line on consecutive trains at Basingstoke: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v419/B9-200/Railway/07080017Edit.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v419/B9-200/Railway/07080023Edit.jpg

Ron Strutt's photographs: http://ronstruttsrailwaypics.fotopic.net/c1320759.html

Tony Pearce's pictures of 34028 "Eddystone", running as classmate 34021 "Dartmoor" on 10th July at the Bluebell Railway: http://tony-pearce.fotopic.net/

The Maunsell Society has had to move its website to a new URL (the old URL now no longer works): http://www.maunsell.org


RAIB reports on the collision at Swanage station on 16th November 2006: http://tinyurl.com/367bu5

Welsh Highland Railway

A series of superb aerial photographs covering the route of the Welsh Highland Railway has just been made available on the WHR website: http://whr.bangor.ac.uk/ The aerial photos are at: http://whr.bangor.ac.uk/aerial.htm


Andrew Stopford's Lost Railways of West Yorkshire site: http://www.lostrailwayswestyorkshire.co.uk/

The uncompleted Cleveland Extension Mineral Railway, or Paddy Waddell's Railway as it became known: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/redcar.rotary/PaddyWaddell.htm


American and Danish railroads on this site (in English and Danish): http://www.lundsten.dk/


A clip of the TGV's recent record-breaking test run spotted by Nick Wheat: http://video.google.fr/videoplay?docid=-105886402269456381&q=tgv

On Friday 8th June a little bit of transport history was made ? a moment that seems not to have been much noticed by the media. There are few travel experiences that have been so heavily branded, hyped, celebrated or subverted as the Orient Express. On 8th June, at 5.17pm the regular direct night train to Vienna left Paris for the last time. This train has run from Paris for over 120 years (barring times of war and strife). At times, of course it went beyond Vienna into the Balkans, but in recent years, just between Paris and the Austrian capital. http://www.hiddeneurope.co.uk/barticles.php?tPath=1 (click on e-news 2007/15 ? Paris and the Orient Express.)


Friburg webcam: http://www.sitepoint.ch/webcam/


The Railway Museum, at Haifa East station: http://www.israrail.org.il/english/general/museum.html


Barry Emmott has launched another of his Majorca Railways newsletters, containing many of the photos he took at the end of January and beginning of February: http://mysite.freeserve.com/MajorcaRailways/Newsletter.htm

Barry is also working on a page of clippings taken from digital newspapers and translated from the original Mallorquin: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/bazzastuff/VEU_Compilation.htm

If you are interested in Majorcan railways, you can join the Majorca Railways group on Yahoo. To subscribe, send a message to: MajorcaTrains-subscribe@yahoogroups.com



American and Danish railroads on this site (in English and Danish): http://www.lundsten.dk/

The Johnstone Inclined Plane, Pennsylvania: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/20/travel/escapes/20incline.html

Miniature Railways

Thanks to Andy Sollis for a link to the auction site for the stock from Dobwalls Adventure Park. A fantastic collection - such a shame the place is closing down. The site includes some great clips of the last day of operation. http://www.locomotiveauction.com

More from Brian Hall the Dobwalls Adventure Park miniature railway: http://tinyurl.com/ynn6qf http://www.benjy14.org.uk/rpg/videos/videos.asp (other railways featured)


Railways at War: http://www.mixedtraffic.net/war/war.htm

A very interesting site that campaigns for more investment and a greater use of Britain's railways: http://www.railwatch.org.uk/

An example of its contents is this article about Devon's lost railways: http://www.railwatch.org.uk/backtrack/rw79/lasw.html

A useful set of links for those with an interest in Cornwall: http://www.institutes.ex.ac.uk/ics/usefulcornishlinks.htm

Jack Gordon has two websites - one about railways and one about trams: http://www.railwaycentre.co.uk http://www.tramcentre.com

On the House of Lords library website, you can not only search the catalogue for parliamentary plans and minutes of committees of particular railways but also view a special page devoted to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Telford (born 7th August 1757). The page shows the original plans for the suspension bridge over the Menai Straits and his various canal projects.

Archives home page: http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_publications_and_archives/parliamentary_archives.cfm

Thomas Telford page: http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_publications_and_archives/parliamentary_archives/thomas_telford.cfm


If you can't afford the real thing, a firm in Derby called Trackside makes replica railway signs: http://www.tracksideltd.co.uk/


An online précis of each issue of British Railway Journal: http://www.steamindex.com/brj/brj1.htm

A downloadable list of contents of Model Railway Journal in Excel format, updated every issue: http://www.users.waitrose.com/~chazharrison/contact%20page.htm

Rail Professional magazine: http://www.railpro.co.uk/contents.html

Railnews is now on the Web at: http://www.railnews.co.uk


The "virtual" version of the new National Rail Timetable is now on the Internet at: http://www.networkrail.co.uk/browse%20documents/TimetablesMay07/Table%20No.%20Route.pdf

British Railways publicity material (mainly SR): http://www.srpublicity.co.uk/brs/

"The Amble Branch" - new from Kestrel Railway Books: http://www.kestrelrailwaybooks.co.uk

Discussion Groups

A Yahoo group for BR coaching stock: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/BRCoachingStock/

The Midland Mainline Yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Midland_Mainline/

When the new Stagecoach franchise begins in November, the old group will remain as an archive for Midland Mainline topics, but for items relating to the new Stagecoach Midland Rail franchise there is a new group: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/stagecoach_midland_rail/

Some rail related Yahoo Groups have been changed...

http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/Slam_Door_EMU_Memories is what was the slam door emu page, which meant it and SlamdoorPreservation often covered the same topics. To set this right, it now deals purely with past events, etc of EMUs of all types.

http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/SlamdoorPreservation is one of the older groups, and remains largely unchanged to cover the present and future of slam-door EMU preservation.

http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/SlidingDoorPreservation is basically the same as SlamdoorPreservation except it covers sliding door EMU preservation.

Finally, looking ahead very long tem is http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/HeritageElectricRailwayOrganisation which has been set up to discuss all aspects surrounding a possible electrification of one or maybe two preserved lines at some stage way in the future.

An LSWR email group: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/LSWRR


Rail Simulator demo: http://www.railsimulator.com


Mike Morant has been developing his Fotopic site for 3 years, and by its third anniversary, it had received 250,000 "hits". To commemorate this event, Mike has assembled a collection of 51 images that are almost purely Southern related: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1245519.html

Mike Morant has come by some slides and negatives featuring diesels, and has uploaded them to his railway gallery. Classes included are 03, 16 (very poor shot), 22, 25, 26, 31, 33, 35, 40, 42, 47,50, 52, 55 and 56. http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1369464.html

Steve McNally has just returned from a few days in Scotland, and has posted pictures here: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c1370940.html

Chris Dadson has uploaded 18 photos taken over the Bluebell's Goods Train Weekend: http://gallery74781.fotopic.net/c1219767_6.html

Loads of photographs of trains and trams together with a bit of history here. A slight southern bias, maybe, but some interesting stuff from elsewhere as well: http://www.transport-of-delight.com/

Paul Biggs's pictures of 37227 working at the Battlefield Line's Diesel Gala: http://paulbiggs.fotopic.net/c1262462.html

Paul Biggs's pictures from last weekend's GCR Diesel Gala: http://paulbiggsgcrailway.fotopic.net/c1370336.html

Simon Jeffs' photos taken on at the Amberley Chalk Pits Museum and the Spa Valley railway: http://simon-jeffs.fotopic.net/c1272693.html http://simon-jeffs.fotopic.net/c1265796.html http://simon-jeffs.fotopic.net/c1332399.html

Chris Osment's RailWest site continues to go from strength: http://www.trainweb.org/railwest/ And now he has added a separate pictorial archive at: http://railwest.fotopic.net

28 years ago, Neil Dimmer had a Western Region Railrover, and his photos are now online http://www.west-coast.photos.gb.net/c1330110.html

Also: http://digital-rail-images.photos.gb.net

Excellent photographs on a site I don't think I've featured before: http://steamgalore.fotopic.net/p43426320.html

Richard Buckby sends details of a Virgin Media gallery of famous trains and locos commemorating the opening of the Surrey Iron Railway in 1803: http://www.virginmedia.com/digital/galleries/trains.php

Russell Saxton has started a fotopic site for "progressive" (or as he puts it, "arty farty") photography: http://russell-saxton.fotopic.net/

A site with true archive shots, many in black and white going back to 1963: http://daverowland.fotopic.net/

Video and Film

Reviews of feature films that include railway scenes: http://www.worldrailfans.org/Articles/General/RailwayMovies.shtml

Medway Archive Films: http://cityark.medway.gov.uk/

The first "race" sequence from the enigmatic BTF film, "The Finishing Line", has become available for download from Screenonline. Now many of us can get a glimpse of what the fuss was about (the film was banned - Ed) with this controversial film by John Krish: http://creative.bfi.org.uk/titles/7239.html

Beulah has put a lot of ex-BTF stock footage online for view - and some of it is quite good. Example from "Modernisation Report": http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7776971004410288608 Index of travelogue footage (Peak District, West Country Journey, etc): http://www.eavb.co.uk/library/f6.html

Ian Coster has uploaded a couple of short videos of Clan Line passing through Barnes & Mortlake recently. He adds the rider, "Please excuse the parental comments!!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WOOV0rXTY8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYTNMVIIq-s

Bill Richards' videos: http://steamvideo.chelters.me.uk/

Nick Wheat recommends a new podcast from MovieMail, which features the latest BTF DVD collection, "Not Just About Trains": http://tinyurl.com/3x5mxc

Video 125 has released the 3rd in their series of modern traction footage shot on 35mm: http://www.video125.co.uk/acatalog/Diesel_&_Electric_.html

Volume 3 of a series of DVDs produced by West Sussex County Council is now available at £16.50 including postage. It includes: Coastal Line 1937 (Worthing Area) with electrification of the 1930s Local Line - A day in the life of Redhill Station 1960 London Steam 1962-1967 Isle of Wight - Last day of steam in 1966 Oxted Line Hayling Island Branch 1963 Cuckoo Line (Polegate- Eridge) Brighton-Plymouth Train in the Brighton area during 1965/66 All three Southern Steam DVDs can be ordered for the total price of £35 for 185 minutes of archival footage. This includes the revised volume 1 and the new volume 3.

West Sussex Record Office, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RN Cheques payable to West Sussex County Council. Also available online from the WSCC eshop: http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/ccm/content/libraries-and-archives/record-office/record-office-/record-office-shop.en

Sweden's answer to British Transport Films. This fascinating film covers the electrification of Swedish railways before World War 2. Health and safety? What health and safety...?! http://tinyurl.com/2jz2ol

The BBC's Birmingham to London video (not the Blue Pullman one) on YouTube: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GaBfb5ec2wo

Chris Dadson recommends the following by amateur film maker, Dumpman Films as a satisfied customer: - Ardingly Branch Line Explored - Three Bridges to East Grinstead tour DVD 2007 - East Grinstead to Groombridge tour DVD 2007 - Devil's Dyke Railway Tour 2007 - Doomed Ouse Valley Railway Explored 2006 - Hayling Island Branch Line Tour 2006 - Brighton's Kemp Town Branch Line Explored 2006 - Offham Chalkpit Tunnels and Steep Grade Railway 2006 - Selsey Tramway Tour 2006 - The Disused Railway Tunnels of Sussex Explored 2006 - Abandoned Railways of Sussex Explored 2006 (8 x DVD set) - Rye & Camber Tramway and Rye Harbour Branch Line Explored 2007 DVD - Heathfield to Polegate tour DVD 2007 - Guildford to Christ's Hospital tour DVD 2007 - Christ's Hospital to Shoreham tour DVD 2007 The amateur filmmaker has set out to film the routes of the now closed railway lines in Sussex and any remaining railway remnants found along their routes. There are one or two blunders in the sound commentary (including, for example, the extent of the Ardingly trackbed owned by the Bluebell Railway, and references to some former 'Goods' Sheds as 'Engine' Sheds) but they are recommended nevertheless. http://www.dumpman.co.uk/index.htm

Maps ----

Digital Archives now produce a CD of Ordnance Survey 1st-edition maps for 1869-75 for Flintshire and Denbighshire. It contains all the six-inch maps of the counties, supplemented by the 25-inch maps for the towns and other built-up areas. The latter are reproduced in colour. Access is via an index map, and you can zoom in to any magnification and print out any selection. Maps of Cheshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Manchester and London are also available: http://www.digitalarchives.co.uk/

90-95% coverage of out-of-copyright 1-in OS maps: http://www.npemap.org.uk/

The number of mapping applications available on the Web seems to increase every week. This one uses tiles in Google maps to display scanned old OS maps (1925 to 1945). You need to navigate to the area first, and then you have a number of options to combione new maps with old ones and satellite images: http://www.ponies.me.uk/maps/osmap.html

Inland Waterways

The Shropshire Union Fly-boat Restoration Society Ltd: http://www.saturnrestoration.org.uk/

Industrial Archaeology

Crofton Beam Engines: http://www.croftonbeamengines.org/openingtimes.html

A forum for people who have been involved in the mining industry as well as interested parties in all types of mining topics: http://coalmine.proboards23.com/

The Trevithick Society: http://www.trevithick-society.org.uk/

Museum of Internal Fire Power, Tanygroes: http://www.internalfire.com

Discover how Swansea became 'Copperopolis' and why Morfa workers were forbidden to speak to Hafod workers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southwest/sites/swansea/pages/hafod_copperworks.shtml

Slide show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southwest/sites/swansea/pages/copperopolis.shtml

The latest BBC South West Wales newsletter has a good section on coal. Click on Coal House to find the many links to both coal and metal mines: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southwest/sites/local_history/coal.shtml

Combe Martin Silver Mine Research & Preservation Society: http://www.cmsmrps.org.uk/

Hamstead Miners Memorial Trust: http://www.hamsteadminers.co.uk

Model Railways

Bill Bedford has updated his website: http://www.mousa.uk.com

A small company in Melbourne, Australia that will produce transfers to order - Brunel Models (John and Mary de la Lande). Mary does the transfers and John the 'mechanical' items. Mary will use artwork provided or produce it if required. They make and supply lots of other items for modelling and have a computer laser cutting service. Worth browsing their online catalogue particularly as the A$ is so cheap: http://www.bdsonline.net/brunelmodels

Oxford Diecast are launching a 1/76 range of commercial vehicles of the 1950s/60s - 12 types, 36 liveries: http://www.oxforddiecast.co.uk

Genesis Kits - largely modern image as far as I can tell: http://www.waveneycottage.co.uk/page8.htm

David Cooke's professional custom painting and model building (USA): http://www.classictrainsplus.com

Adam Warr has set up a new Yahoogroup, "Electranews". When it's fully up and running, he will be using it to keep members informed of... - Forthcoming Products from Electra Railway Graphics - Exclusive "Work in Progress" Pictures - Kit Building hints and tips - Exclusive Offers If you are modelling N Gauge post-nationalisation or OO Modern-Image, you can join by clicking on the link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/electranews/

A forum for general modelling questions: http://www.modelrailforum.com/forums/index.php?

A couple of Yahoo groups if you're interested in DCC or DCC Sound: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DCCUK/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ukdccsound/

North Star Models: http://www.northstarmodels.co.uk/

A list of celebrity railway modellers. It seems to be rather US-oriented, but even so, I was surprised to see Pete Waterman missing. Strangely though, Jon Pertwee is mentioned, although it's Bill Pertwee who has written a couple of railwy books. To the list you could also add Alan Titchmarsh, Jools Holland and (I think) Queen drummer, Roger Taylor: http://www.boldts.net/TrainsCelebs.shtml#Celebs

Alan Parsons has opened a new model shop in Chulmleigh Devon: Taw Valley Trains, The Lower Shop, The Old Dairy, Chulmleigh, Devon, EX18 7BR http://www.tawvalleytrains.co.uk sales@tawvalleytrains.co.uk

I wonder if Alan sells these figures (not for the prudish): http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0%2C1518%2C464338%2C00.html

For those interested in Southern steam layouts in the 1960s, especially the "Withered Arm", Chris Tooth has created a new fotopic site for the Treneglos layout: http://treneglos.fotopic.net/

Road Vehicles

Isle of Wight Bus Museum: http://www.iowbusmuseum.org.uk/

The West Country Historic Omnibus & Transport Trust: http://www.busmuseum.org.uk/

A celebration of Scammells: http://freespace.virgin.net/scammell.man/

London tramways: http://www.londontramways.net

Lawnmower racing: http://www.blmra.co.uk/

For information on fonts used on road signs: http://www.cbrd.co.uk/roadsfaq/#36

Everything about urban light railway, trams, etc: http://www.cityrailtransit.com

The West of England Transport Collection: http://www.winkleigh.net/


You may have heard about the bird-strike at Manchester. It involved ThomsonFly B757 G-BYAW, and two herons were taken through its starboard engine on takeoff. Some shaky footage here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGIzNJZOw-c

Garry Hillard has a website at on Cambrian Airways where he worked in the 1960s: http://www.unforgettable.org.uk/cambrian

Thanks to Richard Buckby for snippets on YouTube showing various tests of the Airbus A380 - he suggests you start here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1dv_y_3EK0&mode=related&search=

Also - interesting wheels-up landing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9zXweJ4O3s&mode=related&search=

Want to listen in to Air Traffic Control? http://www.openatc.com/

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