HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 8th February 2008, plus anything else that's come my way.

Locomotive Performance



Build Bulleid's locomotives in miniature: http://www.bulleidlocos.org.uk/


Interesting article about George Jackson Churchward: http://tinyurl.com/28vwtt


A recently-launched a Yahoo! Discussion Group about all things "Wickham". The Group is for all Owners and all those interested in all aspects of railway vehicles manufactured by D Wickham & Co Ltd of Ware (Hertfordshire, UK), Wickham Rail Ltd of Suckley (Worcestershire, UK) and Wickham Rail Cars of Goodyear (Arizona, USA): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WickhamofWare

More Wickham links: http://www.wickham-railbus.org.uk http://www.LlangollenRailcars.com http://roy-hennefer.fotopic.net/

Class 33

Ian Jenkins has compiled a list of sites featuriong class 33s: http://www.biglowe.freeserve.co.uk/Crompton/CromptonFrames.htm http://class33.fotopic.net/ http://33064xehg.fotopic.net/ http://www.martinbray-ukloco.com/locomotivepicturegallery.htm http://www.therailwaycentre.com/ http://tony-watson.fotopic.net/list_collections.php http://stevekempsbritishtransportphotos.fotopic.net/c809927.html http://jdsrailway-photos.fotopic.net/

Class 37

A 37 'thrash' on the Preston Docks branch http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4XZsTaq2EEw&feature=related

LMS Diesels

There is a nice piece on the building and launch of pioneer LMS main-line diesel 10000 by Derby Loco works just 60 years and 1 month ago in the Derby Evening Telegraph: http://tinyurl.com/26y6r9

Not much on the following website yet, but it suggests there is a plan afoot to recreate it: http://www.lms10000.org.uk


Trevor Stone has posted some shots of Eurostars during their last week on "the juice rail" on YouTube. Included are some shots at Wandsworth Road on the morning of the last day: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lp2k6jL5TR4


Stephen Middleton describes his collection of railway carriages: http://www.statelytrains.com


The Aln Valley Railway Society is campaigning to reconnect Alnwick with the East Coast Main Line at Alnmouth: http://www.avrs.co.uk/

They are gathering rolling stock at their Longhoughton site: http://daveshell.fotopic.net/


Chris Ward's Annesley Fireman website: http://www.annesleyfireman.com

Bennerley Viaduct

A video of Bennerley Viaduct is on Paul Whydall's excellent Railway Walks website: http://www.railwaywalks.co.uk


Rails Around Birmingham: http://www.railaroundbirmingham.co.uk/index.php

Bisley Camp

Some details of Bisley Camp branch are on these sites: http://www.basingstoke-canal.org.uk/brbis.htm http://www.army.mod.uk/rlc/units/25_regt/regimental_hq/blackdown_history.htm

Bluebell Railway

Tony Pearce has updated his site with some photographs from the Bluebell's 2007 Giants of Steam weekend, featuring visiting engines 34007 & 34081: http://tony-pearce.fotopic.net/

More here: http://www.bluebell-railway.co.uk/bluebell/events/giants2007.html


Peter Burgess of Cumbrian Railways has added a new section for the CK&P by Maurice Burns. Wonderful photos and a great story as well at the bottom of the page: http://www.cumbria-railways.co.uk/maurice-burns-cockermouth-keswick-penrith-railway.html

East Lancashire Railway

Part 1: - Bury to Stubbins http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EwwRwXBvci0

Part 2: - Stubbins to Rawtenstall http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rBC_n78ea48

Part 3: Rawtenstall to Stacksteads http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZbxxQkj6Jg

Part 4: Stacksteads to Bacup http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RBWep9A41pw

East Midlands Trains

Some pictures of the official launch of East Midlands Trains are on Paul Bigland's site: http://paulbigland.fotopic.net/c1406870.html

Ecclesbourne Valley Railway

The Ecclesbourne Valley Railway's refreshed website has been launched: http://www.e-v-r.com/

John Stokes has posted a couple of videos on Youtube of parallel arrivals and departures of DMUs at Wirksworth recently - almost surreal...! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8NT-v4b4g4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj9MY3VZiNY

Not that multiple arrivals are very new - this one was in 2004: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO3Fm9U-Eo0


Edinburgh's Forgotten Treasures: http://www.grant-thomson-histories.fotopic.net/


Goole Steam: http://www.goole-steam.com/

Grand Central

Grand Central as seen on TV last Wednesday: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7081484.stm

The programme was a little "light-hearted", playing on the implausibility of a couple of railway enthusiasts who were trying to set up a new railway company against the odds, but I found it quite endearing, and I wish them well. Grand Central still hope to start operating "imminently" - they're website will keep you up to speed with developments: http://www.grandcentralrail.co.uk/


Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) progress report on the Grayrigg accident: http://tinyurl.com/ywxamx

Great Eastern Railway

The Great Eastern Railway Society: http://www.gersociety.org.uk

Great Northern Railway

The last train on the old GNR line through Derby Friargate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D8rRkL8nBQ


Hampshire County Council have a web page on the railways of the county: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/museum/railways-of-hampshire.htm

Hockley Viaduct

On the old DN&S at Winchester: http://www.cityofwinchester.co.uk/history/html/viaduct.html.

South Today item: http://www.bbc.co.uk/southtoday/content/articles/2007/11/12/tell_tom_hockley_feature.shtml

Leek & Manifold Light Railway

A delightful short film of the Leek & Manifold Light Railway in 1934, with a train including a Chatterley-Whitfield wagon on a transporter: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mbycPAEOTbs

Leighton Buzzard

Rail Accident Investigation Branch reports into train/vehicle collision on Leighton Buzzard Narrow Gauge Railway on 25th March 2007: http://tinyurl.com/3ylm7n


50th Anniversary of Lewisham Disaster... There are some interesting recollections of the disaster on the Staplehurst village forum website: http://www.staplehurstvillage.org.uk/forum.aspx For example: http://www.staplehurstvillage.org.uk/post.aspx?id=4553



The LNER Encyclopedia: http://www.lner.info

London St Pancras

This week saw the Royal opening of the new St Pancras after £800m worth of renovation work: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7081809.stm

But they're not all happy north of the border! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7080719.stm

The station has its own website, where you'll discover you can enjoy a wide range of shopping, eating, drinking and... er... yes there it is in 4th place... travelling! http://www.stpancras.com/index.asp

A look around the new station: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7079915.stm

How St Pancras was nearly demolished: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7070724.stm (Built by "Midland Railways" you know...!)

A series of pictures of St Pancras, past and present, in the Guardian starts here: http://tinyurl.com/2o7l9z Main article begins here: http://arts.guardian.co.uk/art/architecture/story/0,,2188570,00.html

More official St. Pancras pictures at: http://tinyurl.com/2a8pdn

Eurostar promotional video of the new arrangements: http://stpancras.eurostar.com/en-gb/story-so-far

Guy Gorton has posted a few photographs of St Pancras, taken before Christmas: http://www.meadwaypark.co.uk/StPancras

London Underground

RAIB reports on the derailment of London Underground Central Line train near Mile End station: http://tinyurl.com/33hz8q

London Waterloo

A driver's eye view of the end of Eurostars at Waterloo by Steve McNally

The last passanger arrivals will be well documented else where but what happened then? The last train out of Waterloo was formed by 373009/10 as 9Z24 2209 Waterloo to Temple Mills via Bromley, Single well loops and St Pancras and an era came to an end. I had driven the 9Z20 an hour earlier and there were still photographers at Vauxhall and Swanley to record the events, hopefully some photos of the last workings will appear.

The previous night I had driven the 2109 empty stock sevice to find out this was the last working from Waterloo to North Pole depot. There were six sets at North Pole that night with the 1650 departure on the 13th being the last. 37601/3 were at North Pole leaving under their own power the on the 13th. On loan 08892 plus three match wagons were at North Pole awaiting to leave by road as was 73130.

I worked in the next morning with the 0702 from North Pole and there were many passengers taking photos including some retired Eurostar drivers who were going out to come in on the last arrivals, two of whom had been involved in the first Waterloo sunset 40 years ago as drivers at Guildford.

Steve has posted a few photos at: http://steve-mcnally.fotopic.net/c1408334.html

Rail Accident Investigation Branch report into two derailments at London Waterloo: http://tinyurl.com/2rm53z

Meldon Viaduct


Melton Mowbray

A website devoted to the GNR/LNWR Joint Line around Melton Mowbray: http://www.meltonmowbray.steamrailways.com/index.php

The Nottingham-Melton Railway (including Old Dalby test track): http://www.nottm-melton-railway.co.uk/


RAIB reports on the derailment of freight train at King Edward Bridge in Newcastle-on-Tyne: http://tinyurl.com/35yn74

Nine Elms

A website dedicated to Nine Elms shed: http://www.svsfilm.com/nineelms

North Norfolk Railway

Video of the 2007 World War 2 day: http://tinyurl.com/2vskkp


Pictures of Nottingham including the Great Central Railway and Nottingham Canal: http://www.gwoodward.clara.co.uk/nottm/

Somerset & Dorset Railway

Ron Strutt has gathered together in one place his pictures from the last three years' Railway Ramblers visits to the S&D. They include last week's trip covering Bath Road viaduct, Shepton Mallet to Ham Woods Viaduct via Winsor Hill tunnels, Midford to Radstock, and Midsomer Norton station. The 2005 trip was from Bath Green Park to Midford via Combe Down tunnel, and 2006 covered sections south of Templecombe. You can find the pictures at: http://ronstruttsrailwaypics.fotopic.net/c1390714.html

A three-part journey from Bath Green Park to Templecombe - on Train Simulator: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz9oRKFKdj8 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kPh8X-Y4NOY http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=F-By-2nV8Js

Southern Railway

The Southern Railways Group was formed over 40 years ago to study and disseminate information about the Southern Railway, British Railways (Southern Region), its successors and minor railways in southern England. Publications include data sheets, a bi-monthly newsletter, and a quarterly magazine. The Group also produces the 'Phoenix' range of coaching stock kits for modellers working in 4mm scale, and has an active sales operation, which whilst catering for the Southern modeller also includes many kits and components for the GW, LMS, LNER and BR modeller. For details of SRG information services and membership visit: http://www.srgroup.fsnet.co.uk/Default.htm

The Southern Email Group recently welcomed its 1000th member. A small biography of its founder, David Lawrence, is here: http://www.virtualportmeirion.com/david/

Besides founding SEmG, David also designed the diagram-style maps for the BR(S) network, and the way this came about is documented here: http://www.virtualportmeirion.com/network/

The group itself is here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SEmG/


Aerial photographs of Sussex in the 1940s - zoom in on the map then click on the green aircraft for that sector: http://www.geog.sussex.ac.uk/grc/info/airphotos-historic/1940/index.html

The Amberley Working Museum Railway website has just been updated: http://www.amberleynarrowgauge.co.uk


Tettenhall station on the former GWR line between Kingswinford Jn and Wolverhampton is being revamped: http://www.expressandstar.com/2008/01/08/full-steam-ahead-on-station-revamp/

Washwood Heath

The RAIB has released its report into a derailment of a freight train at Washwood Heath on 09 June 2006: http://tinyurl.com/2cff3m


Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway, New South Wales: http://www.ozsite.com.au/oberonrailway/default.htm


Smith Falls Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario: http://www.sfrmeo.ca/ http://public.fotki.com/elliottd/sfrmeo/


Gert van der Pijl's additions to Trains of Europe include 75 pictures of American trains, stations, metro and railway museums, trains in art, trains on paintings by Monet, new railway music, trams of Innsbruck, trains in Innsbruck, site navigation by means of Google Maps: http://www.trainsofeurope.nl

Museumstoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik (English text available): http://www.museumstoomtram.nl/

Peru ----

The (recently) late Miles Kington's epic South American journey in 1980 for the BBC from Lima to La Paz is currently on Youtube in 8 parts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zg-Loaicag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxlM1Vnh5LI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D6dN3lb6ig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7NRJid9Ho4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoFzsGE5zvU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4AjASZ6ze0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HFf3iX7A18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMWvMEbg6B0


This is how the railway and markets interact in Thailand - stay with it to the end: http://tinyurl.com/3ddxej



Former HPMRS member, Rod Blakeman is currently touring Colorado chasing and riding trains :) Some still pictures of his trip are here: http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/wpandyr

(Rod tells me there is also loads of video, but that will have to wait until he gets home. He is using the hotel free wireless internet from his laptop to upload the stills - so far all hotels have had this facility.)

Rather worrying video of numbskull drivers being non-tram-aware. Believed to be in Houston, Texas: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=01d_1190287711

Mostly USA-based but some interesting preservation-related stuff here: http://www.rypn.org/RyPN/main_pages/home.asp

An eclectic website with interesting links: http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/

Includes this gem amongst other things: http://www.catskillarchive.com/rrextra/odveloc1.Html

What happenes when a hot axlebox on a coal train on a wooden bridge goes wrong! http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/CoalTrain.html

A cab ride on a US freight train. It goes on a bit and nothing exciting happens, but if you have 10 minutes to spare it is quite relaxing. Note the length of the passing freights and the umpteen level crossings: http://media.putfile.com/STJOE


A list of online signalling documents. In addition to Google Books, the Open Library has made a number of texts available online at: http://www.openlibrary.org.

A search of the Internet Archive for railway signalling gives these titles that are available for viewing directly or for download:

1. Railway Signalling by Everett Edgar King http://www.archive.org/details/railwaysignaling00kingrich

2. Railway Signalling in Theory and Practice by James Brandt Latimer http://www.archive.org/details/railwaysignaling00latirich

3. Railway Signalling; A Comprehensive Treatise on Modern Methods of Railway Signaling, Covering Principles of Operation and Types of Apparatus http://www.archive.org/details/railwaysignaling00pittrich

4. Power Railway Signalling by H Raynar Wilson http://www.archive.org/details/powerrailwaysign00wilsrich

5. American Telegraphy and Encyclopedia of the Telegraph: systems, apparatus, operation. Embracing electrical testing; primary and storage batteries; dynamo machines; Morse, duplex, quadruplex, multiplex, submarine, automatic, and wireless telegraphy; burglar-alarm, fire-alarm, and police-alarm telegraphy; printing telegraphy; military and naval signalling; railway block systems; telegraph wire, cables, and conduits; etc by William Maver, Jr http://www.archive.org/details/americantelegrap00maverich

6. The Invention of the Track Circuit: the history of Dr William Robinson's invention of the track circuit, the fundamental unit which made possible our present automatic block signaling and interlocking systems http://www.archive.org/details/inventionoftrack00newyrich

7. Railway Block Signalling: the principles of train signalling and apparatus for ensuring safety by James Pigg http://www.archive.org/details/railwayblocksign00piggrich

8. The Railway Signal Dictionary: an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railway signals, their parts, attachments and details of construction, with descriptions of methods of operation and some illustrations of British signals and practice by the Railway Signal Association http://www.archive.org/details/railwaysignaldic00railrich

9. The First Principles of Railway Signalling Including an Account of the Legislation in the United Kingdom Affecting the Working of Railways and the Provision of Signalling and Safety Appliances CB Byles http://www.archive.org/details/firstprincipleso00bylerich

10. Railway-signalling - Automatic: an introductory treatment of the purposes, equipment, and methods of automatic signalling and track- circuits for steam and electric railways, for railwaymen, students, and others by Francis Raynar Wilson http://www.archive.org/details/railwaysignallin00wilsrich

11. Electric Interlocking Handbook by the General Railway Signal Company http://www.archive.org/details/electricinterloc00generich

An explanation of signals with many overseas links: http://www.railsigns.co.uk/home.html


The Daily Telegraph obituary for Roger Kidner: http://tinyurl.com/2k5vwn

Thanks also to Ian Kennedy of The Oakwood Press, who pointed me to The Guardian's obituary of the firm's founder: http:?? http://www.guardian.co.uk/otherlives/story/0,,2184886,00.html

Ralph Rawlinson points out that Barry Doe's website Directory of Bus and Rail Timetables, Web Sites & Enquiry Officesis a mine of information for bus and rail travel: http://www.barrydoe.plus.com/

Hidden away under Rail Operators in the British Isles is his National Rail Passenger Operators' map. The seventh edition, showing the November and December changes, is now available for downloading. It shows routes operators will use from December 2007, but not what some will eventually use from December 2008. Grand Central is included whilst an eighth edition in a few months will add, for example, Ebbw Vale once the route opens. The direct link is: http://www.barrydoe.co.uk/railmap7.pdf

Railway-related novels (from the Boston Globe): http://tinyurl.com/2yadyg

The new Railway Herald website was launched last week, and brings a fresh look and a range of new features. By becoming a member, you can also now manage your subscription to the two Railway Herald magazines online: http://www.railwayherald.co.uk or http://www.railwayherald.com

Maps ----

West Country track layouts, a unique one-place guide to what went where: http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/1029452/an/0/page/0


A huge collection of images and information: http://www.railblue.com/index.htm

Among the interesting items are a number of network maps. This one is from about the 1920s, and there are links to others from this page: http://tinyurl.com/2sbsko

Another interesting collection: http://alanpywell.fotopic.net/

Mike Morant's latest selection of uploaded photos is entirely of either on-shed or awaiting-scrapping shots all around mainland UK: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1400105.html

Mike Morant has added responses to his request for help with "mystery pictures" and has added a further 23: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1446992.html

A superb collection of photographs: http://www.davidheyscollection.com/

And another: http://flickr.com/photos/loose_grip_99/collections/72157603269832299/

And another: http://www.flickr.com/photos/barkingbill/

Chris Ward's steam railway photographs: http://christopher8062.fotopic.net/

Chris Ward's diesel gallery: http://chriswarddiesels.fotopic.net/

The Neville Stead collection: http://steamingback.fotopic.net/

Diesel photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7600438@N08/

Images of England - a "point in time" photographic library of England?s listed buildings, recorded at the turn of the 21st century: http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk

Derek Poole has put a railroad photography site on myspace. By default there is some pretty ghastly background music, but this can be turned off with a control on the left: http://www.myspace.com/derekpoolerails

The Prorail Photographic Archive, which includes images by AE "Dusty" Durrant: http://www.prorail.co.uk/index.php


Film clips of the 1947 snows are here: http://tinyurl.com/4v6yb

Starting a two-mile long freight train with over 15,000 tonnes trailing weight on a 1 in 50 uphill gradient: http://youtube.com/watch?v=BZvV3QucW6M

Paul Colbeck's interest in the Southern started with family holidays in the 1970s to the South coast, and in 1994 he decided that he wanted to visit every 3rd rail station (with a regular service) on the British mainland. Late last year, he completed this task after visiting Longcross one lunchtime, and this year he decided to put his adventures onto a DVD, the first of which is available from Anbrico-Felixjaz on eBay. For further details, see: http://anbrico.com/AV411_Victoria.htm

Discussion Groups

A new group for East Midlands trains: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/east-midlands-trains


Brilliant - Ipswich Underground Railway - tell me it's all true...! http://www.ipswich-underground.co.uk/


A very interesting document in the online catalogue of the Tennessee Library's Virtual Archive. It is a sketchbook belonging to an American architect named William Strickland (1787-1854) recording a tour of Europe he made in 1838. Much of the subject matter is architectural, but Strickland was also an engineer and in February 1837 (later corrected to 1838) made several sketches of the Great Western Railway, then still under construction (the first stage, to Maidenhead opened in June of that year). The whole sketchbook is at: http://tinyurl.com/2bonku

Possibly the most interesting picture is of a 2-2-2 locomotive made in London on 6th February 1838. However, it has been pointed out that the dimensions shown on the drawing do not correspond to any known early GWR broad gauge engine: http://tinyurl.com/ywqqpx

Paul Whydall's excellent Railway Walks website: http://www.railwaywalks.co.uk

Island Publishing railways section: http://www.island-publishing.co.uk/railways.htm

The first 'train spotter'? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7179030.stm

Everything you want to know about track gauges: http://parovoz.com/spravka/gauges-e.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rail_gauges

The 2008 edition of Passenger Trains Over Unusual Lines (PSUL) is at: http://www.avoe05.dsl.pipex.com/2008.htm

Prosser's Patent Guide Wheel System was an alternative to flanged wheels for railways, and used guide wheels at 45 degrees to the track to prevent the engine and train falling off the rails. Amongst many proposals was one for the Guilford and Woking Railway, an artist's impression of which is shown here: http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10419778&wwwflag=2&imag

Contarary to the caption, though, the system was never actually used on this line. It was, however, used in New Zealand: http://www.prov.vic.gov.au/images/12800/12800-00001-000043-100.asp.

The Office of Public Sector Information site contains chronological tables of Local Acts of the Parliaments of the United Kingdom: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/chron-tables/local/chron068.htm

A really 'cool' loco - a superconducting maglev model: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=TeS_U9qFg7Y

Confessions of an ageing trainspotter: http://www.trainspottingtales.org.uk/

Model Railways

Hornby have introduced a couple of new locos: http://static.hornby.com/files/25thsept-336.pdf

One is a very nice M7 in LSWR livery and the other is an unusual GWR "Terrier", which was inherited from the Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway. This was part of the Colonel Stephens empire before being taken over and is described here: http://www.portishead.f2s.com/wcpr/index.html

This online magazine caters for 4mm scale modellers: http://www.trainsonlinemagazine.co.uk/

And this site is aimed at railway modellers in general: http://www.simplytrains.com/

And there's another... Similar in concept to Wikipedia, ModelWikiRail is aimed purely at railway modellers and just like Wikipedia you can add to, and edit, it yourself. At the moment it seems to be very much underused, possibly because it's relatively new and word about it hasn't got round much yet. http://modelwikirail.pbwiki.com/

However - a warning - because this site is written "by the people", there is some suspect information - in the Signals sections there is a reference to a "distance" signal, for example.

Is this the future of home modelling? This is a prototype of a 3D printer for home use: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/industry/4224759.html

Obituary for one of the very finest railway modellers, Guy Williams, in the Times: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article2871447.ece

Paul Goldsmith has prepared (with help from others) a document called "East Anglian model railways in 4mm scale" which tries to list all kits and RTR items relevant to the East Anglian modeller, together with information on the prototype (eg, a list of loco classes that have worked in East Anglia, books etc). The document is 40 A4 pages and is updated quarterly. It can be found on the Great Eastern Railway Society website: http://www.gersociety.org.uk (Look under the "Modelling" file)

Apparently, Mike Bootman has also produced similar info for the 7mm modeller.

Abingdon & District Model Railway Club has a new website: http://www.abrail.org.uk/

County Gate a Lynton & Barnstaple 009 exhibition model railway - super layout, super website: http://www.009.cd2.com/index.htm

Gem model railways: http://www.gemmodelrailways.co.uk/

A good supplier for 3mm scale model railways: http://www.3smr.co.uk

Roxey Mouldings: http://www.roxeymouldings.co.uk/pricelist_4mmscaleaccessories.htm

Perseverance and Westward kits: http://www.cparrish.dircon.co.uk/Loco.htm

Station signs for model railways: http://www.stationsigns.co.uk/


A new map of the Croydon Tramlink can be found at: http://www.cityrailtransit.com/maps/london_map.htm

RAIB report into fire on prototype tram 611 at Blackpool on 24th January 2007: http://tinyurl.com/3ex776

A new concept - the "tramtrain" (link from here): http://tinyurl.com/36kbv4

Industrial Archaeology

The Ecton Mine Educational Trust owns the property of the Ecton copper mine in Staffordshire: http://www.ectonmine.org

An American organisation - the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills: http://www.spoom.org/

The Miners' Advice website - an interesting collection of stuff, clearly aimed at those still in the industry. ("What industry?", I hear you say.) The links page is potentially useful. http://www.minersadvice.co.uk/index.htm

And for research into those abandonded coal mines: http://www.undergroundminers.com/


Incredible video of the Evora Air Show in Portugal. Check some of the links on the right of the page for more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYfhC9ft_hk&feature=bz301

Nick Wheat asks, "Travelling to Honduras Any Time Soon?" http://www.airlinefan.com/view_video.php?photoid=8685669

Have a look around an Airbus A380 cockpit: http://www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm


Good photographs and captions of the later years on the ferry service out of Portsmouth: http://daverowland.fotopic.net/c1356561.html

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