HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 18/08/08, plus anything else that's come my way.

Steam Locomotives

All about Whyte notation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whyte_notation

The Garratts homepage: http://users.powernet.co.uk/hamilton/source.html

British Railways Locomotive Allocations, "as reported" 1948-1968. A selection of six volumes covering reported movements and withdrawal dates of all ex-BR steam, diesel and electric locomotives between 1948-1968. Not cheap if you want the full set, but a goldmine if you're interesteed in knowing what was where and when: http://www.ultimate-allocations.co.uk/

A couple of amateur videos of 71000: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyo7ss4bRS0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAbcPgVyYi4

How "Blue Peter" destroyed itself at Durham: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_Y4Wkc1nIM# http://www.lner.info/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1535

A look back at August 1968: http://www.worcesternews.co.uk/display.var.2296534.0.0.php

Oliver Cromwell's final run on the "15-guinea Special" in 1968: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTY0YPsLePg&feature=related

And under restoration at Loughborough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKjIP7-smgY&feature=related http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicestershire/7383752.stm

Rob Speare's Bulleid Locomotives website: http://www.bulleidlocos.org.uk

A website detailing UK headcodes (currently) between 1980 and 2006: http://www.zen39087.zen.co.uk/railway/

A website that contains interactive animated downloads of many different types of locomotive valvegear, including Bulleid: http://www.tcsn.net/charlied/

Colonel Stephens

The Colonel Stephens Railway Museum, includes details about his lines: http://www.hfstephens-museum.org.uk/

Diesel Locomotives

English Electric preservation: http://www.englishelectricpreservation.fotopic.netre

D212 Aureol Bogie Repair Fund: http://www.trainweb.org/cfa/bogiefund/bogies.html

A Ruston shunter for 99 pence (starting price): http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160247110256

Traction and Rolling Stock Advertiser: http://www.tractionads.co.uk/html/current.html

Class 40 headcode website: http://www.zen39087.zen.co.uk/railway

Cross Country HST diagrams (a lot of ECS mileage...!) http://www.thejunction.org.uk/diag_xc_hst.html

LEV 2 Railbus

Various Links: http://www.traintesting.com/LEVs.htm http://k666blog.blogspot.com/2007/09/weird-to-look-at-part-2.html http://tinyurl.com/2pl353 http://www.sinfin.net/railways/world/usa/touristus/wvc/railbus.html http://nepa.railfan.net/rail/pnertl.htm http://www.old-dalby.com/LEV.htm



Innovation on the Rails Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJWAc0WOGzQ Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC2NdsKJEE4 Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NDcXRXHWLE

A short APT documentary on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDGi2bI8GIA


The Bulleid Double Decker Society is based at the Northampton Ironstone Railway. They are restoring DMBS 13004 from set 4002: http://members.tripod.com/~dart75/bdds.htm

The "leading website for enthusiasts of departmental coaching stock and internal-users across the UK railway network": http://www.departmentals.com

Southern Regions Slam Door stock preservation developments: http://tinyurl.com/66watp

EMU "preserved" at Deptford project, complete with arty-farty video: http://www.thedeptfordproject.com/

Wickham Trolleys

Old footage from a documentary that shows a couple of Wickham type 40s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0msjH0KLAk

More info about them here: http://nicdoncaster.com/sectioncars/wickham/wickhamsaloons.htm


RAIB report into collision at Armathwaite January 2007: http://www.raib.gov.uk/cms_resources/070424_R082007_Armathwaite.pdf


RAIB report on two trains in section incident at Aylesbury: http://tinyurl.com/4frxx6


RAIB initial investigation into derailment at Birmingham Moor St on 25th March: http://www.raib.gov.uk/publications/current_investigations_register/080325_m oor_street_station.cfm

Moseley Railway Trust: http://www.mrt.org.uk


Railways in the Blisworth area: http://www.blisworth.org.uk/images/Rails.htm

And canals too: http://www.blisworth.org.uk/images/canalpage.htm http://www.blisworth.org.uk/images/Blistunnel.htm


Bridlington Station Buffet website: http://www.stationbuffet.co.uk/index.html


North Cornwall line website: http://www.northcornwallrailway.co.uk/oper.html


North Road Museum, together with the Ken Hoole Study Centre, will reopen for business this Saturday, the 5th April. http://www.drcm.org.uk/


The Royal Deeside Railway: http://www.deeside-railway.co.uk/


An article on Droxford station dating from when it was up for sale in 2005: http://www.findaproperty.com/displaystory.aspx?edid=00&salerent=0&storyid=7201


A discussion group for the Dunstable Railway Project: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dunstable_Railway_Centre/

Furness Railway Trust


Gerards Cross

Guy Gorton has updated his web site, now that another chapter in the Tesco Tunnel sag has begun: http://www.meadwaypark.co.uk/TescoTunnel/

Gilfach Goch

Photographs of Gilfach Goch including the branch railway: http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/43603334UaVGpW


Glasgow's railway past: http://www.hiddenglasgow.com/rail/BuchananTunnel.htm http://urbanglasgow.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=414&start=0 http://urbanglasgow.co.uk/Saint_Enoch_Station_about399.html

Glyn Valley Tramway



Long abandoned tunnel in Harrogate: http://www.bbc.co.uk/northyorkshire/content/articles/2008/02/07/harrogate_tunnel_feature.shtml

Healey Mills Goods Yard

A website dedicated to Healey Mills goods yard: http://www.healeymills.com/


Railways of Huddersfield: http://www.huddersfieldsrailways.photos.gb.com/


Railways of Jersey: http://www.jeron.je/Local/Railways.htm


RAIB report on the derailment of a train at Kemble, Gloucestershire: http://tinyurl.com/2qt2t7


The Keswick-Penrith Railway has a new website: http://www.keswickrailway.com

Leek ----

Leek's railway services: http://tinyurl.com/6nwedo


The night a train landed in the back garden: http://www.bbc.co.uk/leicester/content/articles/2008/03/05/northgate_tra in_accident_feature.shtml

Limavady Junction

RAIB report into fatal level crossing accident Limavady Jn: http://www.raib.gov.uk/publications/investigation_reports/reports_2008/repor t102008.cfm


Pictures of Bardney, Lincs, by the late Pat Loftis: http://johnmusselwhite3881.fotopic.net/c1460038.html

The North Lindsey Light Railway: http://www.winteringham.info/Local_History/Railways/railways.html

Lincoln area photos http://andyknowles.co.uk/

Some interesting (and sad!) pictures of Lincoln re-signalling: http://gregsmordernrailwaypics.fotopic.net/


RAIB report: Tube train driven in the wrong direction, Camden Town, Northern Line: http://tinyurl.com/yo7elk

RAIB accident report - runaway of two wagons from Camden Road Tunnel: http://tinyurl.com/3gvwx6

RAIB preliminary report onto derailment at Deptford Bridge on DLR: http://www.raib.gov.uk/publications/current_investigations_register/080404_d eptford.cfm

Footage of the old Waterloo & City Line trains introduced by the Southern Railway in 1940: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=AzcrAnf-bwE http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=PN7pd76YeCA

District Dave's Underground Site: http://www.trainweb.org/districtdave/

A blog showing a recent bridge installation at New Cross Gate: http://londonconnections.blogspot.com/2008/05/new-cross-gate-bridge-move.html

North Woolwich Old Station Museum: http://www.newham.gov.uk/Services/MuseumsAndGalleries/AboutUs/HeritageMuseums.htm The current Branch Line News states that the building is being cleared of exhibits and Newham Council is seeking a new user for the listed station. Reference is made to an associated heritage railway proposal and a sponsoring youth training scheme but it appears that these have also faded


London Transport Museum site: http://www.ltmuseum.co.uk/


RAIB report on the collision with the gates at Lydney Town level crossing: http://tinyurl.com/53ddck

Lynton & Barnstaple Railway

The Lynton & Barnstaple Railway: http://www.lynton-rail.co.uk

Exmoor Associates is a separate boddy that exists to buy up and safeguard the various sections of L&BR trackbed that have been sold off since the line closed. They welcome new shareholders: http://exmoor-associates.co.uk

"Lyd", the Lynton & Barnstaple replica: http://whr.bangor.ac.uk/lyd.htm


RAIB report on tram derailment in Manchester January 2007: http://www.raib.gov.uk/cms_resources/080424_R092008_Pomona.pdf

Marks Tey

RAIB report into derailment at Marks Tey: http://tinyurl.com/5jotxv

Midland Railway

A mix of information and photos on the Settle and Carlisle, Chesterfield and (general) rolling stock here: http://www.railwayphotos.net/

Nene Valley Railway

RAIB report on child falling off a Nene Valley train: http://www.raib.gov.uk/cms_resources/080717_R152008_Orton.pdf


1946 RAF aerial photographs of Norfolk put online by Norfolk County Council. You can only get down to about 250ft, but still it shows a great

deal. The whole of Norfolk is covered: http://www.historic-maps.norfolk.gov.uk/Emap/EmapExplorer.asp


North Tyneside Council has produced a series of leaflets on waggonways in its area. "North Tyneside Waggonways" is a large free pack containing eight leaflets covering Tynemouth, Backworth, Biodiversity Park, Burradon, Holywell Dene, Rising Sun, Royal Quays, Seaton Burn.


Alternatively you can view or download pdf files from: http://www.waggonways.co.uk

Whittingham station for sale - a snip at 900,000 pounds...! http://tinyurl.com/6lparb

Blythe & Tyne charter pictures: http://btdg.co.uk/gallery/

North Yorkshire

An excellent webpage on Loftus, North Yorkshire. http://www.communigate.co.uk/ne/loftushistory/page8.phtml


The Penlee Quarry Narrow Gauge at Newlyn, near Penzance was a 2ft gauge line that was replaced by a conveyor belt in 1972. The quarry is now subject to a locally-contested plan to open the lake area out to seaward and build a yachting marina. In doing so, it would destroy part of the line of the railway which is now a permissive cycleway and forms part of the Cornwall Coast Path - it has even been surfaced in the past 5 years. http://www.stopthemarina.co.uk/

Poulton and Wyre Railway


St Albans

St Albans Signal Box: http://www.sigbox.co.uk

Stratford upon Avon & Midland Junction Railway


Somerset & Dorset Railway

A set of 80 or so images of the countryside at the northern end of the S&D has been donated to the "Bath in Time" website: http://www.bathintime.co.uk

Several from the collection feature the railway itself around the time it was abandoned. A couple of have also been used in the Two Tunnels gallery page: http://www.twotunnels.org.uk/gallery.html


The Guildford-Cranleigh-Horsham line: http://www.waverley.gov.uk/education/factsheets/factsheet2.asp http://www.cranleighrailway.info/history.htm http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/leisureandtourism/prow/pdfs/DownsLinkRouteGuide .pdf

Wealdenline is a lobby group campaigning for the reopening of the Lewes- Uckfield line: http://home.clara.net/wealdenline/st_set.html

They have now started a new "Wealdenlink" site, which links to a presentation outlining the merits of a renewed link and some other peripheral proposals to relieve the Brighton Line: http://www.wealdenlink.org.uk/


RAIB preliminary report on level crossing fatality at Tackley: http://www.raib.gov.uk/publications/current_investigations_register/080331_t ackley.cfm


Lots of information about trains in the Taunton area, including the new Cross Country HST power car new livery: http://www.tauntontrains.co.uk/


Self-catering at Tavistock North railway station: http://www.oldtavistockrailwaystation.co.uk


RAIB report on level crossing derailment at Croxton (Near Thetford) September 2006: http://www.raib.gov.uk/publications/investigation_reports/reports_2008/repor t112008.cfm

West Yorkshire

"Lost Railways of West Yorkshire": http://www.lostrailwayswestyorkshire.co.uk/

A Photographic Archive of Leeds (includes railway-related photographs) http://www.leodis.net


The Delhi Train Museum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzBprvV868k


RAIB investigation into a derailment at Scarva on the Belfast-Dublin main line: http://www.raib.gov.uk/publications/current_investigations_register/080309_s carva.cfm

South African

Friends of the Rail - South African enthusiast group: http://www.friendsoftherail.com/


One way of getting to work: http://www.brightcove.tv/title.jsp?title=1438490562%20 More info at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caminito_del_Rey


How a pantograph destroys itself and the overhead in Switzerland: http://fr.youtube.com:80/watch?v=hxTNle8DEC8&feature=related



North East Rails photographic site - 15,000 images of the North East (of the USA): http://www.northeast.railfan.net/home.html

Don's depot - an amazing compendium of mainly US railroad "stuff" http://donsdepot.donrossgroup.net/

Abandoned railroads in the USA: http://www.abandonedrails.com/default.asp


An embryonic site showing signal boxes that the owner has worked in: http://www.ttad.me.uk

RAIB report into user worked crossings: http://tinyurl.com/3vokka

Model Railways

Following the death of John Edgson, his Isinglass drawings are now available again: http://www.edgson.net/isinglass/

Richard Shaw is keeping a blog about his Wickersley layout, which he updates every couple of weeks with news and pictures: http://wickersleylayout.blogspot.com

Alnwick Model Railway Society re-forms http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/alnwickmrs/

County Gate, a Lynton & Barnstaple 00n gauge exhibition layout: http://www.009.cd2.com/

Footplate Models: http://www.footplatemodels.com/

An American modelling site: http://carendt.com/articles/index.html

...with an interesting animation: http://carendt.com/articles/artists/constable/index.html

Model Railways On-Line website: http://www.mrol.com.au/

An online source for ABS kits, Wrightlines, IKB and others: http://www.keykits.net

If you need something in 5-inch gauge: http://www.pollymodelengineering.co.uk/

A 7.25-inch gauge Blue Pullman: http://www.bluepullman.org/

Books and Magazines

Great Western Railway Journal index: http://www.gwr.org.uk/nogwrj.html

Discussion Groups

A new model railway discussion group on Yahoo: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BritishModelRailways

A new discussion group for anyone interested in timetables: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/Transport_Timetables/

A forum for owners and all those interested in all aspects of the 21 NG15 2-8-2 2ft gauge locomotives built between 1931 and 1958: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/NG15-GROUP/

There is a Yahoo group for those involved with steam engines called Steam_Tech. It was formed in Switzerland by people involved in what has become DLM, a company that's building advanced steam today. Current topics are Australian practice/history and the corrosion of unused roller bearings. Bulleid is also a firm favourite. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/steam_tech/

WessexRail-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - for the discussion of railway matters, questions, etc, for the Wessex/South Central region of the UK. The list is run in conjunction with WRGEN, which is the regions Rail-Gen list. The boundaries for the list are based on the following counties: Berkshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Isle Of Wight, and Wiltshire.

WiltshireAvonGen-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - mailing list for all news and workings in the counties of Wiltshire and Avon. Members can post news of workings and news related to the Wiltshire and Avon area. TOPS reports, Railtour timings, freight timings and details of forthcoming workings are very welcome. If any member lives outside the Wiltshire and Avon area, you may post details of workings, providing the working is due to pass through the Wiltshire and/or Avon area. All members are very welcome to make contributions to the group and you may post your own photos, post files and create links. Discussions are also welcome on this group providing they don't get out of hand.

SWRG-subscribe@yahoogroups.com - the group for whats happening on the railways of South West England. SWRG is for: 'Real time' gen, co/unit allocations, Sightings, General news, Advance timings of railtours/special workings etc...

SWRGD-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk - A discusion group for anywhere in the south-west, railway related.

SWRGF-subscribe@yahoogroups.com: The Group Covers South Wales, Devon, Cornwall and Somerset for news, gen and discussions.


John Woolley's gallery - some nice modern traction stuff in there: http://pics-by-john.photoblog.org.uk

Robert Carroll has posted most of his small collection to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robertcwp/sets/72157603648747922/

Loads of images from the "Mystery Singer": http://www.flickr.com/photos/cookephotography/

Steve Roffey has uploaded 14 scans of box brownie snaps taken around Ashford works by his uncle, probably in the late 1950s: http://steveroffey.fotopic.net/c1461413.html

Peter Kazmierczak's fotopic collection: http://derby.fotopic.net/

Mike Morant has added a selection of heritage photographs (not all taken by him): http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1467496.html Preserved UK steam over a more than fifty year period: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1477975.html Cincinnati trolleys (trams to most readers): http://psvarchive.photos.gb.net/c1479420.html 51 rear end, going away and from the window shots: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1492922.html 48 images of Bulleid locos 1940s until July 1967 including Leader but no diesels: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1499681.html 58 images starting including SR liveried O2s and all the E1s as well as two Terriers: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1496564.html American archive: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1488408.html 72 images of electric locos and units from the Southern (mostly pre-war), the Eastern and Midland, plus LT and Waterloo & City 1940 stock (both above and below ground). A bonus is a single shot of a Glasgow subway vehicle which is pretty unusual: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1539086.html

Graeme Bickerdike's excellent "Forgotten Relics of an Enterprising Age" goes from strength to strength: http://www.forgottenrelics.co.uk/index.html

Some interesting pictures: http://gricing.fotopic.net/

Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics briefing on Transport Photography: http://www.ciltuk.org.uk/download/transportphotography.pdf

David Flitcroft's photo site is highly recommended: http://www.dflitcroft.co.uk

Derek's Railway Pictures: http://www.heavyhorses.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/trains/

Film and Video

The Railway Children: http://pete-coleman.com/trc/

Chris Dumpman's films: http://www.dumpman.co.uk

A wonderful period piece fimed by Encyclopaedia Britannica in the late 1940s. It follows the daily life of a family in York (father an engine driver) and their holiday trip to Whitby: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v2150028gJpmFZe9

Classic old BR advert: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iN7naLLeB0A

You won't believe your eyes: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=E_hci9vrvfw

Save the environment - go by train: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LH6TgfseK_4

A novel take on the BTF film, "Elizabethan Express": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaNSkBAZXy4 (Spotter: Nick Wheat)

Rush Hour - Commuters at Waterloo during the 1960s: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0TOnKde2POQ

Railway Nationalisation - includes footage to describe the political process to Nationalise the railways from 1945: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rfSBU7pPnms http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5SYhCIsfVVM http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=edy8B3_VgOk

The Beeching Railway Closures - includes considerable footage from the 1950s and 1960s: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DAndrvN7Z9I http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1CoVb9Oz410 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vc3Gn9sB7TA

Railway Modernisation - more railway and road transport nostalgia from the 1950s: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EyP0U9ER7Q8 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KZTWD23VRHI http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Gj-zFklXI

BR Southern Steam in 1967: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=v78zOnbgbho http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RLvzrjCQGB4 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ool5wbHg_iY

Weymouth Tramway, 1984: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=w0PoYUIilVw

"The Diesel Story", a Shell film from 1952: http://www.archive.org/details/diesel_story


The Patent Office: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/patent.htm

The Black Sheep Index is one way of finding names of people involved in railway accidents. You can also order the full accident report from this site but it is not cheap - better to read the original printed version in the various public collections: http://www.blacksheepindex.co.uk/

The Office of Public Sector Information site for chronological tables of Local Acts of Parliament: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/chron-tables/local/index.htm

The Railway Studies Association: http://www.railwaystudyassociation.org/

Rail Chronology website: http://www.railchronology.free-online.co.uk/

An interesting website with lots of different sections: http://www.hurstmereclose.freeserve.co.uk/html/steam_-_br_and_beyond-.html

A 1960s design classic: http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/art/2006/12/every_design_the_british_rail.html

The Steam Index site has been updated: http://www.steamindex.com/ It includes a useful index to Peter Handford's railway recordings: http://www.steamindex.com/library/handford.htm

I've featured the Forgotten Relics site before, and it continues to go from strength to strength. Typical of its content is this excellent article about Reedsmouth: http://www.forgottenrelics.co.uk/stations/reedsmouth.html

Railway Sleeper Carrying Championships: http://www.horwichcarnivalraces.co.uk/latestnews.htm

Railway sleepers even have their own website...! http://www.railwaysleeper.com/

Spoof railway announcements: http://www.emmaclarke.com/fun/mind-the-gap/spoof-london-underground-announcements/

Some railway gossip: http://railwayeye.blogspot.com/

Russ Elliott's 3rd and 4th rails page: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/russelliott/3rd-4th.html

This is one big diesel engine: http://people.bath.ac.uk/ccsshb/12cyl/

The Permanent Way Institution: http://www.permanentwayinstitution.com/

Britain's Engine Sheds Today: http://www.flickr.com/groups/est/

A very absorbing series started on BBC1 is "Britain from Above". There is a Web tie-in, and here's a good starting point: http://www.bbc.co.uk/britainfromabove/stories/roughcuts/claphamjunction.shtml

Industrial Archaeology

A website with a full index to mining sites and lots of information about them: http://www.aditnow.co.uk

Various links for those with an interest in old mines and show caves: http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/~arb/speleo/guides.html http://www.showcaves.com http://www.mike.munro.cwc.net/mining/tony_o/tonyo_hp.htm

Great Rock Mine, Dartmoor: http://www.geocities.com/teammanley/

BBC Devon has visited the Mine Tenement Site Excavation in Combe Martin and included it on its website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/devon/content/articles/2008/06/13/combe_martin_mining_feature.shtml

Hard Rock, the new museum of Cornish mining is the centrepiece of a restoration project that has taken over a year to complete: http://www.geevor.com

Tim Kirsch's Opacity - a very atmospheric online museum of abandoned buildings: http://www.opacity.us

An article together with photos and a movie clip of the aerial ropeway that connected Tilmanstone Colliery with Dover Harbour: http://www.sheppeywebsite.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=295.0

There is also a fair amount of information on the ropeway on the website, and a Google on "Claughton Manor Brickworks" also turns up references to a ropeway (possibly still be in use) in Lancashire.

Road Transport

Have a passion for road traffic signals in the north-west of England? Then here's the site for you... http://northwesttrafficsignals.fotopic.net/

Half bus, half train: http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/05/half-bus-half-t.html


The Derby Canal: http://www.derbycanal.org.uk/

The Melton Mowbray Navigation: http://beehive.thisisleicestershire.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=SiteHome&ID=6595

The Canalmaps archive: http://www.canalmaps.net/

A website about movable bridges across waterways all over the UK: http://www.movablebridges.org.uk


Accident report on the BA 777 Heathrow undershoot: http://www.aaib.gov.uk/cms_resources/S1-2008%20G-YMMM.pdf

Own and fly your own Spitfire: http://www.supermarineaircraft.com/

As part of the celebrations marking ***'s 50 years at Hursley, Spitfire MkIX MH434 performed an aerobatic display at Hursley on 5th July. Details of the "Spit" and its owners are here: http://www.ofmc.co.uk/

Wonderful archive TV with a flying theme here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/aerialjourneys/5347.shtml?all=1&id=5347


Everything you wanted to know about the Titanic: http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/index.php

Hythe ferry and pier tram: http://www.hytheferry.co.uk

Unless stated otherwise above: *** United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598. Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

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