HPMRS Raildate Roundabout

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More things culled from RAILDATE up to 31/12/08, plus anything else that's come my way.

Steam Locomotives

Moving homage to age of steam: http://www.thepress.co.uk/news/3621550.Moving_homage_to_age_of_steam/

Steam - BR and Beyond: http://www.hurstmereclose.freeserve.co.uk/html/steam_-_br_and_beyond-.html

Electric Trains

On 9th December, the refurbished Wessex Electrics re-entered passenger service on a "shake down", off-peak Gatwick Airport-Victoria diagram: http://www.southernelectric.org.uk/tocnews/snn442a.html http://trevor-stone.fotopic.net/p55314039.html

Road-rail Vehicles

An interesting collection of pictures of road-rail vehicles (in Russian!): http://fishki.net/comment.php?id=27434

And if you want an explanation of the Bristol LH road-railer, see here: http://www.wsr.org.uk/roadrail.htm


Where the editor spent part of his holiday: http://www.alderneyrailway.com/




Some interesting pictures of abandoned railway infrastructure in the Bradford area: http://www.revival.stormshadow.com/railways/bradford-bridges-2008/

Shots of Queensbury tunnel taken between May 2007 and November 2008: http://www.flickr.com/photos/phill_dvsn/sets/72157600232087942/detail/


Due to redevelopment, the Pullman sheds at Brighton have had to be cleared of several items of rolling stock awaiting restoration. A fascinating set of pictures of the "Brighton exodus" has been posted: http://bens-railway.fotopic.net/c1577125.html

Brighton area railway photos in the James Gray Collection of the Regency Society of Brighton: http://www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com

Channel Tunnel

How to change a set of points in the Channel Tunnel: http://www.bahntv-online.de/btvo/site/index.php?s=3500&ids=141945

Cheddar Valley Railway

The Cheddar Valley Railway Walk Society has long maintained the trackbed from Yatton to Cheddar and is slowly realising its ambition to extend the route to Wells. A section of the Cheddar-Wells line has been opened between Rodney Stoke and Draycott, and attention has now turned to improving an existing length of path between Wells Leisure Centre and Wookey Hole Road and at Haybridge. It is hoped that, in the future, this section can be extended from Haybridge to Easton. http://www.cheddarvalleywalk.org.uk/

The Strawberry Line aims to convert the line from Clevedon to Cranmore into a network of safe paths for both walkers and cyclists. The spine of the network is not actually one old line but two: Clevedon-Yatton and Yatton-Wells-Witham. http://www.thestrawberryline.co.uk/


The PR brochure from the main contractor working on Bradway Tunnel: http://www.weldgrip.co.uk/2006_pdf/CS5BRADWAY.pdf


Feature on the GNR line through Derby: http://tinyurl.com/5rv2a2


Peter Gray's westcountry railway photos: http://www.bbc.co.uk/devon/content/image_galleries/historic_railways_gallery.shtml

Friends of the Dartmoor Railway: http://www.friendsofdartmoorrailway.org/news.php

Bridge Cam - Royal Albert Bridge: http://www.royalalbertbridge.co.uk/html/bridgecam.html


Earlestown Wagon Works 1853-1953 http://tinyurl.com/5urb5d

East Sussex

Disused railways of East Sussex: http://disusedrailwaysofeastsussex.fotopic.net/


http://www.kentrail.co.uk/folkestone_harbour.htm http://www.ruthparkinson.co.uk/fhs.html http://www.theremembranceline.org.uk/ http://tinyurl.com/4dfyae

GNR & LNWR Jt Railway

The GNR & LNWR Jt Railway: http://www.meltonmowbray.steamrailways.com/


Ron Strutt photographs of the former Bisley Camp branch: http://ronstruttsrailwaypics.fotopic.net/

There are also some interesting photos of the Bisley Camp line in its earlier days and of the bridge across the Basingstoke Canal at: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~engsurry/bisley/photos/bullet.htm and http://www.basingstoke-canal.org.uk/brbis.htm


Gloucester - Ross-on-Wye - Hereford in the 1960s. Part 1: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=M4sc1yLFykw Part 2: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ylrrkj2GCY


This picvid of Liverpool includes shots of work on the canal link taken earlier in 2008: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zeL8CgQ4mLQ

London Underground

New Perspectives - the London Underground: http://www.tubephotos.com/

London abandoned lines and railways: Aldwych tube station: http://gianlucamoschini.blogspot.com/2008/11/london-abandoned-lines-and-railways.html


Marlow & District Railway Society: http://www.mdrs.org.uk/

Meldon Viaduct


North Eastern Railway

Fancy a reproduction NER tile map...? http://www.northeasterntilecompany.co.uk/


The Catcleugh Reservoir Light Railway, Northumberland: http://www.strps.org.uk/railhistory/catcleughngrlwy.htm

A memorial to those who died during its construction: http://www.genuki.bpears.org.uk/NBL/Byrness/plaquepics.html


Saltash and Tamar Valley history, including much about the railways in the area: http://www.brucehunt.co.uk/index.html




Railways in the Scottish Highlands, 1975-1989: http://highland.rail.fpic.co.uk/


BBC site about railways in the Stoke area: http://www.bbc.co.uk/stoke/history/railways/

The North Staffordshire Railway Study Group: http://www.lnw1.demon.co.uk/nsrsg.htm

A series of articles that have been appearing in "The Sentinel" about the Potteries Loop Line: http://tinyurl.com/5bnve3 http://tinyurl.com/6zdalj http://tinyurl.com/5s24vh http://tinyurl.com/6o8xwh http://tinyurl.com/6hokb9 http://tinyurl.com/595o7d


North Wales Coast Railway: http://www.nwrail.org.uk/

Wolverhampton Low Level

http://gricing.fotopic.net/c907304.html http://gricing.fotopic.net/c1006767.html http://gricing.fotopic.net/c1271795.html http://gricing.fotopic.net/c1579949.html


Lost Railways of West Yorkshire... http://www.lostrailwayswestyorkshire.co.uk/

And a BBC feature on the website's owner, David Webdale: http://tinyurl.com/5n5gcz

Narrow Gauge

The Steeple Grange Railway http://www.steeplegrange.co.uk


A slight 'SPAD' in Argentina (and worth viewing for the English translation): http://www.fotolog.com/ccoronel/40821843


The French Railway Historical Society (AHICF): http://www.ahicf.com/

French Railway Societies: http://www.trains-fr.org/


Check train running information: http://indiarailinfo.com/

or the current geographical location of any Indian Railways train: http://www.bloglines.com/preview?siteid=12736707&itemid=1199


Website about the history and other aspects of Indonesian railways... http://tjahjonorailway.blogspot.com/

Iraq ----

Short video on Iraqi Railways... http://ccgi.ajg41.plus.com/2008/11/26/iraqi-railways-video/


Ewan Duffy has started putting his entire collection of Irish railway photos (built heritage rather than trains) online: http://www.industrialheritageireland.info/coppermine/index.php


Italian steam, including Crosti-boilered locos in action: http://picasaweb.google.com/valeriogabbani/LocomotiveAVapore?feat=featured#


Colourful gallery of the trams in Kumamoto city: http://snowowl-annex.blogspot.com/search/label/9202

Russian train pictures: http://englishrussia.com/?p=2081#more-2081 http://parovoz.com/newgallery/?LNG=EN

On the other hand... Paddington is safe! It seems the US Transportation Security Administration, in association with the US Department of Homeland Security, even offer their protection to High Speed Trains at Paddington...! http://www.tsa.gov/what_we_do/tsnm/mass_transit/index.shtm

(Spotters: Several!)


http://englishrussia.com/?p=2081#more-2081 http://parovoz.com/newgallery/?LNG=EN

South Africa

Steam in Action: http://www.steam-in-action.com/


Turkish Republic State Railways (TCDD) is the state corporation that operates the public railway system in Turkey. http://www.turkeylive.net/turkish-state-railways/turkish-state-railways.html



Long Island Rail Road: http://mta.info/lirr/ (Spotter: Neil Kearns)


Mike Morant galleries... British railways infrastructure - signal boxes, running-in boards, general shed views and a couple of stations: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1568461.html A few digital images taken recently at Dorchester and Corfe Castle: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1566475.html The last of his American tram archive with plenty of variety: http://psvarchive.photos.gb.net/c1569488.html A selection of archive images: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1584559.html The railway gallery: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1584559_1.html Buses: http://psvarchive.photos.gb.net/c1586127.html http://psvarchive.photos.gb.net/c1593690.html http://psvarchive.photos.gb.net/c1596053.html LNER material: http://gallery62603.fotopic.net/c1623064.html Half-cab era London double-decker buses: http://psvarchive.photos.gb.net/c1621872.html

Dave's Railpics of Lincolnshire and Heritage Railways: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/david.enefer/index.html

The DJ Norton website of steam-age pictures around the Birmingham area: http://www.photobydjnorton.com/

Everything on Rails: http://johnlawontherails.fotopic.net/

British Transport Police guidance on railway photography: http://www.btp.police.uk/railenthusiasts.html

ATOC's advice: http://tinyurl.com/6hoyvl

The Trainspots website has details of over 1000 good trainspotting locations: http://www.trainspots.co.uk/index.php

Lyle Barwick's albums of bygone lines: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25795659@N02/

Brunel's achievements revisited: http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_7753000/7753202.stm


The Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC) - The Great Train Show: http://www.abc.net.au/local/features/greattrainshow/


The Railway Channel has recently been updated: http://www.therailwaychannel.com/

There's a nice surprise at the end of this video uploaded by Raildater Nico Spilt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HArFz1A6FOs

Great Central Railway videos: http://uk.youtube.com/results?search_query=bigkris21 (Spotter: Alan Peachey via Ted Millward)

Various videos: http://uk.youtube.com/user/RUSSANDTILLY

Ivor the Engine web site http://www.smallfilms.co.uk/ivor/

Peer recalls railway days: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7697878.stm

Lost lines in the East Midlands: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/7698108.stm CU Ted.

There is a German equivalent of British Transport Films: http://www.bahntv-online.de/btvo/site/index.php?s=5600&ids=139779

Road-going "Deltic": http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tf9dkfIj0ug

London to Glasgow in 5 minutes: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7784179.stm (Spotters: Several!)

Discussion Groups

The Beer & Train lovers group: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/thumpersandbeer/

A discussion group for people who get fed up with people plugging their photographic sites on other discussion groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/railplugmoan/

And another regarding the two surviving ex-LMS/WD 0-6-0DE locomotives in Italy and whether it is possible that one could be repatriated to the UK. The details of the locomotives are: LMS Class 0F, BR Class D3/7 later D3/8, built Derby 1941 LMS Numbers: 7103 & 7106, WD Numbers: 52-70052 & 55-70055 FS Numbers: 700.001 & 700.003 http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/LMSShunters/


The Rail Chronology website: http://www.railchronology.free-online.co.uk/

Always interesting to see what's for sale: http://www.tractionads.co.uk/html/current.html

Train travel around the world: http://www.seat61.com

The German one is said to be better for the continent including the UK: http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/query.exe/en?newrequest=yes&protocol=http:&

Community Rail - Network Rail notes: http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/983.aspx

Southern Railway publicity: http://www.srpublicity.co.uk/index.htm

British Railways publicity: http://www.srpublicity.co.uk/brs/index.htm

Network South East publicity: http://www.srpublicity.co.uk/nse/index.htm

National Preservation - a meeting place for staff and volunteers on heritage railways: http://www.national-preservation.com/

Who is the Fact Compiler? No-one knows, but his funny and sometimes irreverent thoughts are captured in his blog, "Railway Eye": http://railwayeye.blogspot.com

The Sectional Appendix: http://www.thesectionalappendix.co.uk/introduction.html

Roger Lloyd-Pack ("Trigger") on trains: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/the_daily_politics/7461507.stm

The BBC is tracking the movements of a shipping container around the world: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/business/2008/the_box/default.stm

Now every model railway layout can have its own version: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/16_09_08_bbc_box_d_hathaway.pdf

All you ever want to know about lathes... and then some... http://www.lathes.co.uk/index.html

An interesting page regarding the opening of some old lines: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/leopold/mark/shadow_crosscountry/index.html

Wikipedia discussion on Parliamentary Trains: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_Trains

A useful travel planner that not only gives train times but also gives the train head code and scheduled platforms to be used: http://jplanner.travelinenortheast.info/jpclient.exe?newQuery=newQuery

Model Railways

Upside-down model railway: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/puffbox/hyperpuff/audiovideo/england/7693464.stm

The Locomotive Ministry, suppliers of British built 7mm ready-to-run engines: http://www.locomotiveministry.co.uk

Genesis Kits: http://www.genesiskits.co.uk

A wonderful evocation of the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway: http://www.009.cd2.com/

Build a paper model of a US electric loco... incredible...! http://cp.c-ij.com/en/contents/2027/gg1/index.html

Road Transport

Tally Ho coaches: http://www.tallyhocoaches.com/

Video discussing a new, simple and clean power plant technology for vehicles http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/489.html

Industrial Archaeology

There seems to be quite an growing interest in dereliction (or "Urban Exploration" to give it its proper title). "Sub-Brit" (Subterranea Britannica) has been doing it for some time, but it is being taken to new heights as the inspiration for some excellent digital photography. Here's one such interesting site (if you find this sort of thing interesting) - it has a good page of links to similar sites: http://www.derelicte.co.uk/

The British Brick Society http://www.britishbricksoc.free-online.co.uk/

Brickmakers Index http://www.davidrcufley.btinternet.co.uk/brkindx.htm

Some nice old industrial footage: http://www.ptvideo.com/videos/Archive/excavation.html

Interesting Victorian engineering: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/7606909.stm (Spotter: Nigel Callaghan)


World's best ever landing? You won't believe this... http://elrellano.com/videos_online/2596/el-mejor-piloto.html

Another aeroplane flying on one wing - this time an F-15: http://videos.komando.com/2008/11/16/f-15-flies-on-one-wing/

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